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Everything posted by Lindsey

  1. I'd have been perfectly happy if the writers had kept things between Peter and Olivia platonic and, like Tara, I thought they would for the first two seasons. Olivia's line about Peter belonging with her is still my least favorite moment of the entire series because I felt like it came out of almost nowhere. It was awfully melodramatic for two people who (I thought) had barely even flirted with one another. That said, I agree with the other commenters that once the writers did get them together I didn't mind it nearly as much as I thought I would (how's that for enthusiastic praise?).
  2. I read the first book way, way back when I was in college (and had more time on my hands) and I've made it through the first four books, so I am duly excited. That said these books are actually longer than the Game of Thrones books and there are already eight of them. If you are looking to get into them, I recommend the audiobooks. The narrator, Davina Porter is great and you can listen while you do the laundry or whatever. I don't know how else anyone would have time to get through them. Otherwise, just let show read the book to you. It sounds like it's going to be pretty faithful.
  3. That's because "Under the Boardwalk" is too good a song for this dumb show. I'm really only still watching out of curiosity at this point. How dumb can it get? How enraged at its stupidity will Tara get in the recaps? Will the actors finally become so unable to speak their lines with straight faces that the production team is forced to use action figures to play out scenes?
  4. One more thing to add to the long, long list of things that make this show dumb (I'm not even going to deal with instantly ending a major dust storm with a big humidifier): Implying that the only reason someone might want to teach is that she "screwed up [her] life." Hey show, some of us teach because we want to, not because we couldn't find anything better to do.
  5. Jean-Marc's back! I'd have been even more happy to see him if I could have looked directly at my TV screen during the paso doble, but I was afraid the strobe lights would give me a seizure. I always suspect the show's production team is trying to hide weak dancing when they use really busy lighting and too many quick cuts. Does that make me paranoid? Travis should do more group numbers. He's had the best dances of the night for two weeks running and it's great to see that he can do more interesting work than yet another "guy and girl in love and OMG they might kiss" routine.
  6. Did anyone else get the feeling that the writers for WoEE binge watched Game of Thrones and thought, "Hey this show is very casual with rape and incestuous twins and people love it! We could totally do that, too!"
  7. Oh, Mandy Moore and your music choices. Thank you for throwing a bone to those of us who are actually old enough to buy beer. @susannot, I totally agree that it was great to hear Nina Simone. I love it when the choreographers choose classics (not that Jewel is a classic, but hey, I like some cheesy nostalgia, too). No problem with contemporary pop and hip hop, it's just nice to get some variety. The judges really need to stop telegraphing their eliminations. It strips the show of whatever credibility it might have when they don't even try to pretend that they haven't decided who's out ahead of time.
  8. I thought the tentacle scene seemed pretty rapey last week, too. Ingrid didn't exactly appear to be in full possession of her faculties and thus not able to give consent.
  9. Does Lohan count as a character? Because if so: yikes. At least she's an "a-y" instead of an "e-y."
  10. Marie also gets points for not giving one single damn about anything, ever. She'll parent Liv if and when it suits her, marry a guy just to get the inside line on America's power players, let her ex shoot her longtime lover in the head, and you know, chew her own wrist off. Mrs. S might be perfectly happy to deploy the occasional car bomb and sell her kid's twin to the military, but she's always going to prioritize Kira, Felix, and maybe Sarah (in that order).
  11. I can't decide if I loved the opening number so much because it was genuinely good or if I was just so relieved that it was a non-Tyce Broadway routine. Either way, I really want to see On the Town now. Travis is one of my favorite choreographers, but I have to agree with the other comments that he's gotten kind of same-y. His routines are starting to feel like the dance equivalent Nicholas Sparks movies: super intense emoting with a sad ending. I'd like to see him branch out a little. I think he has it in him.
  12. Badass Nerd: Sherlock (Cumberbatch edition) In case there was any need to further prove that Hieroglyph would have been the worst, most lazily produced piece of crap ever (including Under the Dome): Fox.com's promo photo for the lead Max Brown is labeled "Max Green." Because hey, they're both colors right? It's totally the same thing.
  13. I had to do the same thing and then the feed showed up as two different subscriptions, so I just removed the old one that wasn't updating. It worked fine after that.
  14. I'm sure I'm going to feel like a dummy next week, but I kind of wonder if Emma isn't Boris's kid. They spent so much of the episode making a big deal about the progression of Boris's fake-itis and fathers passing down genetic diseases, I thought they were leading to a whole storyline where Boris has another kid he might have passed the gene to. Does Boris's illness only show up in male family members? I couldn't tell if Emma was looking for the Lawsons (which would make her Eddie's) or if she was looking for whoever lives at Shadow Pond. She doesn't really seem to know much about the man she's looking for. Then again, they had Evan mention his father and use the word "brother" about 90 times when he was talking to her, so that's probably supposed to be another clue that she's Eddie's kid. I am thinking way to hard about this show.
  15. I have to say, the marathon diary has made me very happy with my decision to drop the show after season three. I've never been one to watch a show after the entire original cast is gone. It's not the premise that makes a show like this work (although it is an effective hook), it's well drawn characters. Once it's obvious that the production team is just scrambling to fill out the requisite number of cast members with any available warm body, I'm out. Leigh-Ann, have you watched the original Being Human? It's British, it's readily available on a bunch of streaming services, and it may not have supernatural teenagers, but it's got plenty of supernatural young adults. And angst. So much angst.
  16. Yep, that's what he was doing before he made the show. I assumed they already knew each other, but I couldn't decide if it seemed like he knew she was going to be there and dancing together was planned or not.
  17. It makes complete sense. Those girls were eight or nine years old when this show premiered. Every time Nigel starts dirty-old-man-ing at one of them I desperately hope she'll say something like, "... and I've been watching this show since I was in second grade!" just to remind him (and us) that he's basically leering at a fetus.
  18. I think they're sticking with it. TV Line had an interview with Mike Schur up today and he mentions not being interested in telling another pregnancy story right after Ann's.
  19. I haven't decided yet if that was a genius reboot or a flying leap over every shark ever. But let's focus on the really important question: What do we think of Leslie's new hair?
  20. I was thinking the same thing. Not so much, "Ooh, the drama!" as, "I wonder what the logistics of shooting that scene when she's so far along in her pregnancy are." This show isn't exactly a hate-watch for me; it's more that I'm curious how dumb the characters can get before they all fall off literal cliffs.
  21. Yeah, I got curious and checked my facts (you know, after posting, like a genius) and saw how old they are now. (Man, they are old. I now feel really, really old.) That actually makes it worse, though. Somehow it would bother me less if I thought the decision to kill off the mother was made at a later, less creatively successful phase of the show's production. Knowing that it's pretty much always been their endgame is even more frustrating. I still enjoyed the show when it was good though, so I can't say I hate having watched it in the first place. Besides, if we dismiss every show that has a less than satisfying finale there wouldn't be many shows left to remember fondly. At least they weren't all in purgatory.
  22. Oh! I thought they brought Lyndsy Fonseca and David Henrie back for some new material this year. But yeah, it's not like they couldn't have sprayed some gray in Josh Radnor's hair at any point in the last decade and had all of them in a room together. That just seems weird to me.
  23. I think I just heard half the internet scream in rage. Was anyone actually hoping for that outcome? I know they probably shot the material with the kids months ago, but they couldn't have gotten all three of the actors in one place just once so it might actually seem like they were having a conversation instead of just talking to the camera?
  24. I think the Weevil stuff would work if this were another season with space to continue that story, instead of a stand alone movie. That said, I'll never be mad about more screen time for Weevil. I was actually in a training seminar when the digital download for the movie and the shooting script came in and I may or may not have tuned out the meeting to read some of the script. Like Veronica, I have no ability to resist my addictions. I think the Navy would give Logan not only the structure he needs but also a sense of community that he probably wouldn't ever have in Neptune, where everyone is shallow and his deepest and most meaningful relationship is with Dick. Somber Logan worked for me since he is older (as several people have pointed out) and he clearly cared about Carrie, so I wouldn't expect him to be at his best only a few days after her murder. Actually, high school Logan would have had a meltdown and demanded everyone Wang Chung.
  25. It doesn't bother me that she seems unhappy, it bothers me that she's spiteful towards characters who have less power than she does, like Ivy. I agree that it would suck to be in service in that world, but for the last couple of years her entire story has been that she's into a guy who isn't into her and she takes that out on everyone around her. Her problem doesn't seem to be with her work, it's with her social life. I actually miss the first couple of seasons, when her story was about her finding some status and satisfaction in her job. If Daisy didn't like her work (which I would totally buy, because you're right, she's basically stuck in a hot basement all day chopping onions) or the others treated her badly (which Mrs. Patmore used to do, but now she's on Team Daisy) I'd agree with you. But she seems to like what she does, and if she didn't she could go live with Mr. Mason. Plus she's going to inherit the Mason farm, so she's actually better off than some of the other characters, including Ivy. If Daisy were cast as a villain, like Thomas, she might be more interesting but the impression I've always gotten is that we're supposed to see Daisy as sympathetic and I just don't.
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