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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 14 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    Janelle makes perfect sense to me. I think she loved Kody, was physically attracted to him and believed in plural marriage. Kody’s motives are more confusing to me but also less interesting because I dislike him so intensely. I think he liked Janelle, loved that she made so few demands on him and contributed financially to the family and gave him sons. I think his ego was fed by Janelle’s attraction to him and her belief in polygamy. 

    This is why Kody's arguments with Janelle make no sense to anyone not named Kody.  I also think he loved the fact that Janelle put fewer demands on him but that's because she was off living her own life and doing her own thing, knowing full well she'd only have him around a couple of times a week, if that.  But now he has this huge problem with her doing her own thing without him.  I can see why she's so frustrated and angry - she did what she thought he wanted and needed from her for decades - he never said anything to indicate that he wanted anything else from her except a friend with benefits - and only now is he getting on her for living the life that worked for both of them until their sons grew up and decided that their dad was a moron.   


    2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    I found it fascinating that Kody really seems to want Janelle back and has some kind of emotional connection to her (or seems to). I got the vibe that he genuinely misses her. I think at one point they had a real friendship and connection. 

    I got that vibe as well, but I wonder how the Dark Queen fills about Kody actually having true fillings for another woman?  Maybe they have a dill where once every three months Kody goes over for a lil' Kody time with Janelle and while he's gone, Robyn can watch QVC and buy whatever she wants until he gets home?  That would be a win for all of them, because I have the filling that once Janelle is done with him, she'd prefer he just left and went back home.

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  2. 14 hours ago, kellog010 said:

    Cory told about America his convo: Basically, he asked Cameron about America, Cameron said that there is nothing there and Cory let him know he doesn't care and that he wants America and Cam to be close and trust each other so they can work together, and it doesn't bother Cory and he's cool. I think Cam in his mind interpreted that to mean he was cool to make moves. 


    This is all so gross.

    I follow the live feeds here - can I ask what America's response was?  Is Cory truly unaware of Cam's ick factor when it comes to America?  Because Cam saying there's "nothing there" followed by Cory saying "I don't care" suggests that even if there were something there, Cory would be willing to put America in uncomfortable situations with a creeper just to cement an alliance with him, and that makes me ragey.

    It's giving Survivor 39 vibes.  I foolishly thought CBS would've learned something from that.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Lurk said:

    Perhaps he was still physical with Janelle as a way of making her feel secure in the fambly so she would continue to hand over all her money to him and Sobbyn? Like still helping and contributing to the fambly cause.

    This would not surprise me at all, as well as Janelle doing her "oh rwarrrr!" thing when the man sported a ponytail.  He may have been using her physically for her money but also to retain at least one aspect of being an actual plyg man in his warped head.  Meanwhile, Janelle may have been using him equally in that way to get him to spend time at her house, since she likely knew that Kody had zero attraction to Christine and Meri in that way.  She may have thought, if this is all I have, I might as well use it.

    I really need a tell-all book from Janelle because of all the relationships in this family, hers and Kody's remains the most mystifying to me.  

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  4. 40 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

    I didn’t get Jenn’s joke about murder for hire until half an hour later. Yes, she was hired to murder bugs.  

    And I didn't get it until I just read your post.  Oh, that wacky Meri and JustJenn.  What crazy stories will they think of next to keep us all LOL-ing?

    3 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

    I thought the most interesting lil nugget dropped this episode was Kody mentioning that the current Robyn mansion was one that they planned to raise the tenderettes in for the next 15 years. In other words, he has no plans to pay off, build on or move to Coyote Pass for the forseeable future.  

    I did some quick math when he said that - in 15 years Airabellibloa will be 21 years old.  Hahahaha, as if she's moving out at 21.  41, maybe.  And hopefully still swinging from the chandeliers and keeping Kody up all night.

    Heck, Aurora, Brianna and Sol will probably still be there, too  (I have modest hopes that Day'un will someday live in peace and quiet somewhere in the middle of nowhere with no forwarding address).


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  5. 9 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

    Or no heat in his body. By the time it reached his gut, it would be body temperature...unless be happens to be cold blooded like a reptile...

    Honestly, he should just order a glass of lemonade and ask the waiter to microwave it until it boils.  It would save the lives of thousands of lemons.

    Also, when Janelle informed Kody that he hadn't spoken to Savanah in six weeks, he sat there and mumbled "everyone....." and then abruptly trailed off.  It's like the Robyn-controlled portion of his brain misfired.  As someone above astutely pointed out, it's clear that he never gave Savanah a second thought, otherwise he and Robyn would've rehearsed his excuses and he wouldn't have sat there trying to remember which one was Savanah.

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  6. 34 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

    I get irrationally angry whenever Meri’s friend shows up. I am sure she’s a very nice lady and a supportive friend, but Christ, she grated onscreen. 

    Anyone else disgusted by Kody eating and those two curls falling over his face? 

    Janelle looked beautiful this episode. We can all agree that much of their connection was an intensely physical one, right? In so many words, that’s what I thought was implied. 

    Yes to all of this.

    JustJenn has that same smugness that Meri has - that of two 13-year old girls whispering to each other and giggling, and when people ask what's funny they both squeal, "it's an inside joke!!!"  Their Fridays With Friends are nothing more than that as well (at least for the 45-60 seconds I am able to watch before I get bored).  It was JustWeird for Jenn to play-act her deadpan "murder for hire" stuff during her first talking head on the show - it didn't land, except for Meri cackling in the background.

    Kody's stupid curls were looking about as springy as we've ever seen them.  He probably still smelled like Toni Home Perm fumes.

    As for the physical part of Kody and Janelle's relationship, she has said things in the past that indicate they had it going on, but I used to wonder if it greatly decreased or disappeared once Robyn came into the picture like it probably did with Christine and Meri.  Hearing Janelle talk, maybe not? - but that kind of makes it even weirder to me that he was sleeping with just Janelle and Robyn, excluding the other two.  And if Janelle was living mostly independently, then it wasn't like Kody was going over there to placate her with some Kody lovin'.  I've always been weirdly interested in their dynamic, but now I kind of don't want to know, lol.

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  7. Perhaps David's citation will help to keep the Rods away from other various national monuments, parks, forts, etc.  Because what else are they supposed to do when visiting those places - actually learn something?  That's for heathens. 

    I'm still salty that they didn't get fined for climbing the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine (that we know of, anyway).

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  8. 15 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    My snark mind was thinking earlier that Carlin must be beside herself at all the attention Lydia and Ferret are getting, and maybe she'd try to deport herself (somewhere) so she could get some, too. 

    She's probably Googling "countries that have Starbucks" right now.

    • LOL 14
  9. 10 hours ago, mertensia said:

    Julie: Blah blah zombies.

    Cameron internally : Sounds super lame to me.

    I liked the reaction from the audience - a few awkward chuckles along the lines of, "WTF - did she just say zombie??"  Even Cam was like, "okaaaaaay....whut?"

    I wonder if Julie ever looks at herself in the mirror and questions the life choices that have brought the former serious news anchor into a reality where she has to tell a grown man that he's going to turn into a zombie.

    Just label this season the "Stupidverse" and be done with it.  If the comps are supposed to align with the various 'verses, it's lost on me.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

    If Kody had an "office" at Robyn's house, he could still have a laptop and work from the other homes.

    I think "office" translated into "mancave."  I think Robyn set him up with his own little hidey-hole where he could squirrel away from all those other pesky wives and their time-sucking kids.  She probably made sure he had plenty of fresh celery, LIV water, a mirror, and in return, when he awoke from his nappy, he would stay for some of Robyn's home cookin'.

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  11. I hated seeing Blue all curled up, head down and crying in the DR over how Jared treats her.  That's hard to watch and call it "entertainment," but I feel like we get a version of this same dynamic every season.  I would love to see Jared go out on a Blue HOH - or any HOH, I don't care.

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  12. 20 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    Its a Fundy thing. Fundy parents don't want their kids to align with each other, they want them to align with the parents. Its another way of ensuring obedience and keeping the numbers in their favor.

    Like what is unfolding in Jill Dillard's thread - imagine if the kids grew up liking each other. JB&M would be very lonely.

    So a Fundy's legacy is a quiverfull of siblings that don't like or trust each other.  How sweet.

    It's mind-blowing what these parents will do in the name of producing a bunch of blind followers.  What does Gothard have to say about what happens when the parents are gone?

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  13. 26 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Jill is also the one who encourages her brood to tape "kick me" signs to the backs of their siblings and document the ensuing wackiness.

    I don't think Jill has any problem pitting her kids against one another in a way that she thinks is funny teasing, but it's actually cruel.  Those kids have enough of a burden to carry just living in that house and trying to sufficiently please Mahmo on a daily basis.

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  14. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    This is from a group picture. It’s from one of the days of the college’s tent revival meeting.

    Guess if anyone else is doing this in the picture.


    That's super funny when you're in second grade.

    I realize he's been brought up to be socially stunted and awkward, but perhaps noting that no one else is giving bunny ears might be a cue that it's not appropriate in every situation.

    As always, excellent parenting, Jill. 

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  15. Great insight, @General Days.  My impression was always that Meri wanted the wet bar for entertaining the family, which was an eye-roller, since no one usually stepped foot in Meri's house unless they absolutely had to.  I forgot that she hosted the MLM parties, which is where "Sam" first met her, if I'm not mistaken.

    I guess in a family of shillers, someone has to have a large and clean space for snagging in more down-liners.  It would also explain why we never saw her actually doing anything with the wet bar, since no one could talk about their MLMs on tv.

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  16. I will always remember Meri blubbering about NEEDING! THAT! WETBAR! which for architectural reasons that escape me meant that a 5th (?) bedroom would also need to go into her house, and her mumbling that it would be her hobby room or some such nonsense.  I recall also her wanting to be last when it came to going to the real estate office and choosing her flooring, cabinets, etc.  I wonder if that's because she figured Kody would be so worn down by then, he'd agree to her selecting the cabinets made of pure gold and the marble flooring hand-delivered piece by piece from an abandoned castle in France or whatever the hell she chose.  I just recall her being extremely whiny and pouty about the entire process until she got exactly what she wanted.  That might have been savvy future planning on her part, or - more likely - she knew she'd get her way if she pushed Kody hard enough.  In any event, it was gross behavior on her part from start to finish.

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  17. 12 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

    Laura  is still annoying. Cory is still an A class asshole. Stella still can’t act. Bradley is still sanctimonious.  Alex is still a self important egomaniac.  I still actively hate the primary and secondary characters. But I am still watching because I still love Jon Hamm.

    I actively binged season two over a weekend (I had lost interest early on) when I found out that Jon Hamm was going to be back on my tv.  And I'm glad to know I am not the only one who finds the Stella character odd...it's like the actress is angrily reading her lines from a cue card (ironic).

    But now, I do need to find out what the heck is going on between Bradley and Cory, who is indeed an asshole but I love how Billy Crudup chews the scenery with such glee.

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