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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 2 hours ago, MamaMax said:

    so there's chatter on other sites that Kody's been somewhat "indoctrinated" in the "manosphere" and that's what has caused this alleged change in his personality. 

    It really makes me wonder if Robyn genuinely doesn't want to be left alone with him?  I can see her thinking she can NOT have a 2nd divorce but that she cant hack Kody 24/7 and with no one else to direct his anger at.

    I am starting to come around to this way of thinking, just a little bit.

    I still think she is the Dark Queen, and I think she had a multi-step plan to get exactly what she thought she wanted - sole control of Kody, with the OG3 on the sidelines wishing they had what Robyn had (besides cold sores).  She wanted to be HBIC and needed Kody to dismiss his other wives to make it happen, but she may have played her cards too well.  I wonder if she counted on Kody becoming the massive douchecanoe that he has turned into.  Her plan only works if the other wives want Kody too.  Turns out, there's actually a limit on how much they can take from him and they're starting to bail, leaving Robyn with a manosphere-influenced rage monster.

    I mean, bravo for Robyn for setting her sites on Kody Brown and winning him away from his other wives and children.  She accomplished her goal.  But in doing so, she helped completely destroy the entire family to the point where everyone seems happier outside of Kody's reach.  And since we know that man lives to be worshipped and admired, he's no longer getting that from his family, except that Robyn still has to play that part.  I'm wondering if she's actually starting to become scared of him.  And now, there's no one else to take some of the crazy off of her hands.  They're all gone.

    This is actually rather fascinating.  Marry a sociopath with a narcissist and watch what plays out.

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  2. 13 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

    It looks like he’s wearing swim trunks and she might be in modest swim clothing. I have a similar swim top. If she is, I want to know why her children can’t also have pretty, modest swim dresses.

    Because she wants to use her inappropriately modestly dressed children as a spectacle to the heathens so she can scream "persecution!!" if anyone suggests that it might not be safe or sanitary to swim in layers of street clothes?

    Or she's just cheap.  Or both.

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  3. I sometimes imagine what the other unknowing hotel guests think when they come out to relax by the pool or hot tub and are encountered by these two.  It must be a bit jarring to come upon two fully-dressed adults squished up against each other while the woman holds her phone out to narrate her surroundings and then pans around to capture anyone and everyone who happens to be nearby.

    Given how these two travel, someone in this thread is bound to run into them somewhere, sometime.........😬

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  4. On 10/5/2023 at 2:09 PM, mythoughtis said:

    Robyn made a point of saying in this episode that she had begged Janelle not to tell Kody to come get his stuff. 

    Kody could go to Janelle's to pick up his box of hair gel and all his "books", dump them in the middle of Robyn's living room and leave them for years before she even knew they were there amongst the plethora of figurines, pill bottles and Amazon boxes.

    Did Janelle comment on this supposed phone call?  Sometimes I doze off or organize my sock drawer when SW is on.  Eventually one of the OG club is going to call Robyn face to face on her complete BS.  Meri came close this last episode when Robyn dry-sobbed while asking Meri if she'd be around, and Meri was all - "yeah, but you have to CALL ME."  I cheered just a wee bit for ol' Mere that night.

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  5. 1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

    FFS, life is one big vacation for these two. And while they stuff their faces, their kids probably barely had enough to eat. 

    I'm hoping KayJon or maybe Teidi stopped by with some KFC or Panera for the kids, promising them not to tell.

    Or maybe, now that I'm thinking of it, Jill actually expects her older kids to pay for and feed the younger ones while she and Dave are off exploring history so the littles don't end up wandering over to one of their Amish neighbors asking them if they have anything to eat.

    I mean, we know Jill doesn't prepare and freeze dinners for her kids while she and Dave are away - we'd have seen it on Instagram.

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  6. 7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Oh my. Jill thought this hotel room was something special? Or was this her subtle way of saying they vacation of the cheap?

    I think she thought it was pretty special.  Watching her pan around a perfectly ordinary motel room narrating like it's the most awesome place she's ever seen makes me laugh.  She even had to ask Dave if the chair was "so pretty"...his response was "yeah."  

    But I also hate that she's in Maine, that's on my list of places to visit.  It irks me whenever these traveling fools get to go somewhere I really want to go.

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  7. Semi-serious question...what is the reason that pre-married Fundies are only allowed the occasional side-hug with their betrothed, with everything else being off the table in the name of Modesty.  But after marriage, we are treated to various horrors like Jim Bob and Michelle's mini-golf sideshow, this picture of Dave and Jill violating a poor innocent tree, and constant close-up kissing selfies (thinking of Jill and Derrick).  Does post-marriage modesty suddenly take a back seat to making sure anyone and everyone understands that this married couple is boinking as fast as they can to start producing babies?  What is behind their constant PDA's, and how is this considered modest?  Jill can dress in 14 layers of hoodie blouses and leggings down past her feet, but she can grab Dave by the head for a make-out anniversary photo?  It doesn't really make sense.

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  8. On 10/3/2023 at 4:15 PM, General Days said:

    The farm-to-table restaurant dream had me in stitches. She doesn't even cook. Okay, Janelle does very basic cooking.

    Aw, but we used to have so much fun when Janelle would post a picture of that night's dinner and we would take turns guessing what it was!  Are those potatoes?  Brussel sprouts?  Bagged salad marinated in nutmeg and ghee?  Meat?  If so, what kind?  Good times, y'all.


    On 10/4/2023 at 10:10 AM, 65mickey said:

    Why these idiots thought that this land was a good investment is beyond me.

    Well, there were all those angels singingk...and the huge draw of watching Kody strip to his skivvies for a dive into a potentially hazardous plague-ridden drainage ditch pond - which ironically is now all dried up and being used by Brianna to do donuts on her new minibike.

    • LOL 17
  9. 13 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

    Jill—Thanks for warning me about Kenny Rogers. I SERIOUSLY was about to start wearing pants and smoking crack after hearing “You Decorated My Life”. 

    So this is Jill and Dave's "song" event though Kaylee made the disclaimer that Big Daddy grew up in an "unsaved" home, hence being familiar with this song.  But if the song is so unholy, why is it their song, and why is it being played over the creepy black and white picture of Dave and Jill making out?

    Are we modest or are we not?  If we are modest, don't play that heathen song and show us a picture of two adults grinding against a tree.  Nothing about any of this makes any sense, including newlywed Kaylee Girl writing a missive on what marriage is all about.  She must've drawn the short straw from BME and it was her turn to pen the slobbering post to her wonderful parents.

    Next anniversary I expect to hear Blue Oyster Cult's "Burning for You" played against a picture of Jill and Dave in bed, for crying out loud.  

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  10. 13 hours ago, oliviabenson said:














    Screenshot #1 had me LOL-ing...Jill's sausage finger pointing at what, exactly?  An empty restaurant?  The "Water" sign?  Did she spot a hussy with blue hair enjoying a coffee?  

    Screenshot #2...what do we have going on here?  A flowy polyester blouse circa 1990 and a chunky necklace from the 2003 bargain section of Claire's.  A shockingly short and tight black skirt, made modest by the addition of a dust ruffle sewn to the bottom - never mind that she can't bend over.  And what fresh hell are we wearing on our feet?  Black orthopedic sneakers?  Stunning.

    Screenshot #3 - hahahaha, no way is Dave having a cup of soup for dinner.

    Poor Hannah.  Hopefully she and Tessie whisper long into the night planning their eventual escapes.


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  11. 1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

    Princess Mullet and King Sol sound like 4 yr olds.

    I do not understand what it is exactly about my profound discomfort watching those two particular kids doing couch interviews.  Maybe it's because they are the products of two raging narcissists and I feel bad for them for many reasons - having to live in what appears to be a hoarder house, having had cameras in their faces since exiting Robyn's womb, being asked to comment on things they don't understand, etc.  I also think the dynamic between them is odd - Sol seems like a deeply thoughtful boy and Ari is always right up in his face and talks over him.  And while they are sometimes hard to understand, I think they both speak in ways that make them seem older than they are.  Some of the things Ari says make me wonder - how is this child running around with a pacifier, yet can explain in detail the reasons why she should be allowed to ride one of those stupid minibikes or what goes into making a crepe?  Part of it is that I don't expect her to be able to form complete sentences, yet she sits there and spars with Sol like a pro.

    Does anyone else feel this way?  As much as I snark on these people, I don't blame Sol and Ari for how they act - Sol was born to be the family's savior (an impossible burden), and Ari is clearly being infantilized by Robyn, maybe in an effort to shut down her baby factory.  Their half-siblings are expected to rearrange their entire lives for their benefit - also not their fault.  They are being used as the excuses for their dumbass dad to ignore the rest of his kids, so there's probably resentment there that they have no concept of.

    Long way of saying, I feel bad for the Tenders.™

    Also, why Robyn cannot style Ari's hair into something not resembling Billy Ray Cyrus circa 1992 is beyond me.


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  12. On 10/2/2023 at 4:00 AM, Yeah No said:

    I also think she realizes that it was HIM that sold her the bill of goods about the "happy family" to get her to want to marry him, but she hasn't admitted that publicly.  When she says she feels "tricked", who is tricking her?  She is quick to blame the other wives for that, but it's really HIM that tricked her.  Either she is in denial about that or unwilling to admit it and shifting the blame to the other wives.

    Loved your entire post but this is a very interesting take.  I have zero tolerance for Robyn and her constant sob-stories about how she's the real victim in all of this family drama, but if your thought is true, this puts her in a bizarre situation.  If she's of the mind that Kody tricked her, and he was her ticket out of single motherhood, then she might feel like she absolutely cannot blame him for it - she HAS to blame the other wives.  If she confronted him about it, she potentially ends up just like the OG3, with a very part-time husband and a father who takes out his anger on the kids of whatever wife he's currently the most pissed-off with - she's watched it happen over and over again.

    She might just be well and truly f****** being married to Kody Brown, but wow, are they two peas in a pod.  She's certainly not helping in any way to heal this family, and now she gets Mr. Ragey-Eyes all to herself.


    21 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

    Christine was a leeetle too gleeful about Janelle’s separation. 

    I love her glee.  I always thought she was the least likely OG wife to leave.  The fact that she clearly got some therapy to deal with her husband's raging narcissism and left him first is quite the surprise.  Watching the show where it is (early '22, maybe?), she's extricated herself from most of the tangled Brown family web and feeling fine.  Now, she gets to watch as the other wives take a look at their own lives and find out for themselves if they'd be better off with Kody.  It's like Christine did the really hard thing first and came out spectacularly on the other side - now she can watch Janelle do the same.


    9 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    Meanwhile, Janelle wants a sign from God to know that leaving Kody is the right thing to do, and that He would be alright with it.  God has been giving you signs for a long time Janelle, in the form of Kody. You just have been ignoring them.



    I would also prefer keeping Sol and Ari off my screen.  Sol seems very well-spoken and smart for his age, but I can't help feeling like he isn't comfortable being interviewed - maybe I just feel bad for him.  I had to rewind Ari's portion three times and I still don't know what she was saying, but I gave up.  Leave the Tenders out of it, I'm sure they have plenty to deal with just living in that house with all that drama and dysfunction.  They don't need to sit there recounting past events and trying to make sense out of it.

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  13. 20 hours ago, Roslyn said:

    After the Christmas story of Kody showering Christine with Christmas presents while Meri sits quietly with nothing...I am more convinced that Kody brought Christine in to 1.) Stick it to Meri and 2.) take Meri's focus off of Janelle. He is only angry that she left him because she had always sucked it up for the family before and she played him financially and won.

    So, let's tally this up, shall we?

    Kody married Meri because she was a blank slate wallflower who was rilly into him, and that fed his ego.

    He married Janelle because she had a "vision" or something that she belonged with him and that further fed his ego.

    He married Christine because she was plyg royalty even though he couldn't stand the sight of her, but needed someone - ANYONE - to get in there and keep Meri and Janelle from ripping each other's throats out.  Also Christine rilly had the hots for the Kodester and an ego, once fed, demands more.

    He married Robyn on Meri's suggestion, and was like - whoa.  Skinny.  Cute.  Adores me.  A damsel in distress.  A place I can escape to when the Big Three are driving me insane.  Cool!  Also, a free wedding and honeymoon from TLC!

    I will always think that Kody married the first three because they wanted him, proving to those high school doubters what a desirable manly-man he was, not necessarily because he was called to practice polygamy or was actually in love with them as much as he was with himself.  It just so happened that his parents joined a faith that feeds the kind of ego Kody has.

    Then he had a bunch of littles who also adored him.  But it's clear that once any member of his family gets past that adoration stage and starts to see who he rilly is, he's got no more use for those people.  In the end, he will be stuck with Robyn, Aurora and Ariabelliobla.


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