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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 14 hours ago, Future Cat Lady said:

    I feel like a few of Jill posts can seem sexual (the poses, bare feet...). Maybe she's just extremely naive or she knows exaclty what she's doing.

    I think she knows exactly what she's doing - she posts and then sits back and waits for anyone to dare suggest that what she's doing is provocative so she can cry about the heathens who are persecuting her for just trying to make a living and take care of her family!!

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  2. 2 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    I bet Jill buys TP in bulk for herself 🤣

    Charmin Extra Soft and Fluffy for herself, and Dollar Tree sandpaper brand for her kids.

    50 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

    Tim’s wedding:

    Jill is going to  be wheeled down the aisle in a wheelchair because of her SEVERELY injured leg while wearing a white dress…

    Hahahahaha.....oh wait, this might actually happen... 😳

    • LOL 8
  3. Meant to add to my above thesis on Things I Don't Really Know About....

    Paedon too was born smack in the middle of a group of sisters, and he probably watched Kody hanging out with his half-brothers far more than he ever bothered to stop at Paedon's house (as evidenced by Christine allowing her garage to be turned into Testosterone Central in exchange for Kody promising to remember that she and her kids exist).  Paedon mentioned on a podcast that growing up he spent a lot of time at Janelle's - and her boys weren't always well-behaved either.  Negative attention is still attention, so who knows...like Gwen, he was probably desperate to garner some of his dad's time any way he could just like the rest of the kids Kody sired and emotionally abandoned.  

    I think every single one of these kids have suffered at the hands of Kody Brown, in the form of lack of attention, uprooting them constantly, abandoning them over Robyn and her kids, being asked to become a pseudo parent to their younger siblings, etc.  I'm actually sometimes shocked that more of them don't have a Paedon/Gwen type relationship (that we know of), given how they were pitted against each other to get some scraps of affection from their stupid father.

    TL;DR - Kody sucks and his kids paid the price.  /RANT

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  4. On 10/16/2023 at 11:49 PM, Elizzikra said:

    Whatever it was, it was sufficient enough that Paedon and Gwen were not allowed to be left together without adult supervision going forward. I think it was more than just siblings bickering and an occasional slap thrown in.

    I recall when the family was going to march the picket line in Utah and there was debate about who was going and who was staying home - Christine had what I thought then was a throwaway line in that episode, something about if Paedon was staying home, then Gwen would need to stay with Robyn.  I didn't think anything of it at the time but now it makes perfect sense.  It also highlights that whatever was going on between Gwen and Paedon back then was bad enough that Christine knew she couldn't leave them home together without her.

    Paedon was a huge kid and is an imposing adult.  Gwen has told us that she is on the spectrum.  If she was Paedon's target for years and nothing was done about it, it paints Gwen's upbringing in a heartbreaking way because she was surrounded by siblings who didn't/couldn't/wouldn't help her (just me theorizing, of course).  Could be that her sisters were just happy that Paedon wasn't picking on them.  Christine was likely overwhelmed and too damn busy tap-dancing for Kody to get him over to her house once in awhile to know exactly what was going on, or she just hoped that the kids would work out their issues on their own.  Kody was clearly out of the picture, and Gwen maybe sensed at a young age that he would not come to her rescue either.  If any of this is even close, then she was stuck in the middle of a huge family with no one to turn to for help.  Hell, even Mykelti bailed to cling onto Robyn as a way out.

    I get the feeling that Christine, for all her pluses and minuses, ran a chaotic household - she was expected to be the mother to all the kids, feed them, take care of them, and do it with a smile on her face in order to get Kody to love her.  I can sympathize with Christine - she herself was likely completely overwhelmed but knew that complaining would only alienate her asshat husband even more.  But that leaves poor Gwen, and probably other kids, to fend for themselves.  So if Gwen wants to never speak to her brother ever again as a result, then good for her.  Seems like she's earned that the hard way.  

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  5. Honestly, if these people wanted to get together for Christmas in neutral territory, just rent out the back room of a restaurant or a community room, or something.  We know they can't go to Kody's because that's his sacred bow-chicka-wow space with Robyn but they can't go to, say, Garrison's because that puts Kody at a disadvantage - Garrison could ask Kody to GTFO of his house and Kody knows it.

    So spare me the tears made of air, Robyn.  You're not getting together because YOU don't want to get together, and we all know it - heck, even MERI knows it at this point so your goose has been cooked, lady.

    Also, I heard a snippet from the last episode on a podcast, where Robyn was supposedly telling Kody to go pick up his other kids for school...she said, "that's going to be a problem" in this sing-songy voice that I didn't catch at first.  I'm no expert, but the way she spoke those words made it clear that she NEVER actually said those words, she was just doing what she always does - rewrites history in a pathetic attempt to make herself not look like the family-wrecker she is.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Shelbie said:

    Kim has spent the last twenty odd years trying desperately to control every aspect of her children’s lives. She believes she is right in every situation and has produced so much tension and heartache as her children grew up and now has just decided that she doesn’t want to be mom anymore. She is behaving like a giddy fourteen year old about her new boyfriend. 🙄.

    With the unfortunate death of their baby, I wonder if Kim doubled-down on how she was going to raise the rest of her kids as a way to cope and Barry, numb from grief himself, went along with it because he thought he was doing the right thing for his wife.  When they got their show and the older kids started leaving and living life, Kim decided that what she was doing was too much work, Barry had exited stage left to work in order to support their large family, and Kim took that as "Barry doesn't care, this is hard, so I'm out."  The problem is, she left behind several emotionally stunted adult children and a posse of younger kids that still really needed her but hey, a gal's gotta live life too, right?

    Barry could have gone the way of Kody Brown and peaced out himself, but it's nice to see that those kids have at least one parent they can reasonably count on while Kim overlines her lipstick, dances alone in her apartment and goes on dates with Pilot Guy to get wet calamari.

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  7. That closeup of Kody only makes me wonder what he's doing to his hair to get those bouncy ringlets.  Do we all remember his insane Sammy Hager/Geico Caveman rat's nest of unconditioned hair from a few seasons ago - during the One Big House presentation on Christmas Eve?  Robyn is clearly shopping for much better products for him now that he's at her house 24/7 and she has to look at him all the time.

    • LOL 7
  8. 6 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    On regular FB, Jill posted a close up of Sammer's nose. It wasn't that bad, really. 

    I loathe when people do this...I am just trying to enjoy my coffee and see what's going on with my FB friends - I do not need to see an up close photo of someone's injury.

    I am surprised Jill didn't video the entire trip in the car to the ER and narrate to us what a tough young man her son is.

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  9. One thing I have noticed, because I follow Hunter on IG, is that he "hearts" Meri's IG posts.  To me that indicates that Hunter, at least, either wants to remain Switzerland within his family, or he actually does have a decent relationship with Meri, which I find to be a good thing.  Despite all of the things Meri has supposedly done (if we are to believe Kody), I don't think she deserves to be shunned by everyone in that family who isn't just after her paycheck.  She's just as damaged as anyone else related to Kody Brown.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Pingaponga said:

    Kody is going to be in for a massive shock when Ari becomes a teenager and no longer thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Girl already has a strong personality.

    I LOL'd when Robyn told us that Ari is more like Kody, like that's a good thing.

    Don't worry, Eyebrows, we see it.  Ari is annoying, bossy, gets in people's personal space and has no filter.  We see Kody in her, plain as day.  Give Kody a mullet and they'd be twins.

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  11. Meri said something in one of her couch interviews along the lines of, Kody has already been through one divorce, does he want another?  I feel like she was talking about Janelle at that point, but does she really not consider her divorce from Kody an actual divorce?  Because he surely does.  It was the only "real" divorce so far, but it boggles my mind how Meri still seems to think she can get back with Kody after he not only gleefully divorced her, but has stated outright that she can pack her bags and head for Parowan and he wouldn't care at all.

    I just find it unsettling that Meri doesn't seem to see herself as divorced, just because she still has the hots for Curly Sue.  It doesn't work that way, Mere.  

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  12. 19 hours ago, auntieminem said:

    The guy who knew the Duggars and was friends with Josh and JD when they were younger did a few podcast and on one he talked about Michelle scolding him and his brother for taking off their shirts when they were running around outside with JD.    

    That was one of the best podcasts I have ever listened to.  I went to look for it not too long ago because I thought I would give it another listen, but I can't seem to find it and have forgotten the name - I was wondering if the host took it down.  I recall how emotionally raw he was as he told his stories about growing up Fundy and knowing the Duggars.

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  13. On 10/22/2023 at 9:06 AM, BradandJanet said:

    I don't get the photo of the "magazine." Did the printer send uncut, unbound pages? Do the printshop Rodlets have to assemble this thing? How thick is it? 

    Based on that picture, it's one page.  So, not a magazine at all.  A leaflet, if we're being generous. 

    Also, I prefer a hot cup of coffee when I curl up with my "Fall" blanket to read a "magazine," as opposed to a "warm" cup.  

    Did Jill mention how she's distributing these?  Is this a yearly subscription for a one-page magazine that probably won't even see another edition, due to too many vacations or Hunk losing interest?

    • Like 15
  14. On 10/20/2023 at 8:38 PM, Elizzikra said:

    Agreed. I just disagree with Kody's argument that it's not possible to celebrate things with his kids because of their moms.

    It's a vicious circle, where Kody beats his chest and says that he's going to shun his kids because he thinks their moms "trash talk" him to their kids.  The kids vent to their moms about the treatment from their dad.  The moms side with their kids, which they wouldn't have to do if only Kody would deflate his monstrous ego and spend time with his kids, but he won't, lather rinse repeat.  And the kids are stuck in the middle.  If their dad showed them a modicum of affection, it would likely be enough for them to change their opinion about him, since many of them are used to so little.  But Kody won't even do that because he thinks that all they do is sit around belittling him.  We did see them at Salad Bar Night doing exactly that, but my guess is they don't do that nearly as often as Kody thinks they do.  They are learning to live without him, which is the healthiest thing they can do.  Meanwhile, Kody thinks he still has the power over them of relinquishing his affection.  It's really disgusting and emotionally abusive.

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  15. 14 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    May Tim and Heidi be the first of many independent-Rod moves to come. I just hope that Spiteful Mama doesn't ruin their wedding. 

    Pastor: If anyone here has a reason why Tim!  And Heidi should not be joined in holy wedlock, speak now or - 

    Jill: (clears throat, stands up, and motions to her offspring to join her at the front of the church for a holy rendition of "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover."

    • LOL 22
  16. 4 hours ago, Shelbie said:

    Kody’s love for himself and belief that he is the smartest best man that ever lived is bottomless. Nothing will ever change this belief.

    Don't forget his rock hard abs and that smokin' booty.  

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