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Everything posted by ExplainItAgain

  1. Lea's voice is just stunning. Every time I hear her sing I'm just amazed at how natural and beautiful her voice is. I hope one good thing to come from all-NYC glee is new pairings and singing partners.
  2. That was the best episode in a LONG time.
  3. Very excited for this episode. I think Darren will do great with improv. I really enjoyed Kevin McHale last season so I hope the good glee successes continue. Greg Proops has always been a fave as well.
  4. Zero interest in seeing Karofsky again, nightmare or not. I'm very curious about the episode that Chris is going to write. The episode right before the finale seems an odd choice.
  5. I do wonder if they will keep Kim on. She made a lot of references to the show being good for her, encouraging her (and fans encouraging her) to keep her sobriety, how the show "saved her" and such. I wonder if Bravo is reluctant to let her go...she seems to be in a vulnerable place right now with her youngest having left for college. She probably feels she's missed out on a lot of Kimberly's life when she was drinking and just as she gets sober, it's off to college for Kimberly. I hope she has something going on in her life besides her dog.
  6. The extended summary is out for 5x17, Opening Night too. From here, source is FoxFast I believe.
  7. Following episode titles: 5x14 - New New York 5x15 - Bash 5x16 - Tested 5x17 - Opening Night 5x18 - The Back-Up Plan 5x19 - TBD (the episode that Chris Colfer has written) 5x20 - TBD (season finale)
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