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Posts posted by nobodyyoucare

  1. They were doing one round at a time due to a variety of factors. One was manually inserting the data each time when for the majority of names they could do presets. Another was the machine was set up to do one at a time and they had to contact the manufacturer if it was possible to set it up to do multiple.


    Laser engraving usually for what ever item is still usually one at a time.  

    • Love 1
  2. If you listented you got the whole background. World had wars including thermonuclear. Modern civilization is gone. Its a Post apoc world. Furiosa never switched. She always wanted to escape and had the opportunity to take something that belonged to Immortan Joe.


    but it didn't strike them to ask the engravers if they could engrave more than one bullet at a time?

    Because usually engravers that do it by hand which is the most time consuming (some engraving projects take years for a single item and the item cost over a million dollars) only work on single items. Engraving is a dying art form. There are not that many engravers around.You can do laser engraving but it is not as good looking and once again the company that does the engraving only does one at a time usually.

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    It's weird, but the Wicked Good segment made me think that Kevin's royalty deals aren't as bad as they look on the surface.

    Well he provides everything in an equity deal he doesn't just hand over the money then take a royalty like some other investors would. So he is involved to make the most money. Royalty can over time be less then say what the equity would cost the business owner. 


    Some of them are openly taking both sides, like the Banking Clan giving out loans to both the Republic and Separatists.  It’s hard to explain…it’s like their military forces went rogue but the governments that represented them stayed (officially) with the Republic

    Simple Banking Clan was officially neutral but several leaders were not neutral and sided with the Sept. Look up human history and you see that often happening where a country was neutral but a portion of the leadership openly supported a side and even had their military fight while still being neutral. 

  6. He was upset because while a new Jedi-counsel title was made, Chancellor's representative, Anakin was denied the rank of Jedi Master, which all Jedi-counsel members were.  I just thought it odd because Anakin hadn't even finished his training, he was still a Padawan, not even a Jedi knight yet, so how could he be a 'master?'


    Was there ever any explanation for the 3 (at least) inconsistencies between the first and second trilogy?


    1. how Leia 'remembered' her mother, 'as a feeling' even though Padme died the day she was born.  Or is Leia supposed to be talking about Mrs. Organa?  but Luke sure seems to think she's talking about their birth mother.


    2.  How in the first trilogy, Yoda says "there is another" because Obi Wan apparently forgot Luke had a twin sister even though he was there are their birth.  Maybe we're supposed to think Obi Wan didn't know Leia had force powers?


    3.  Why Luke had the last night Skywalker, when he was supposed to be a secret from Darth Vadar.  Leia got a new last name, why not Luke?  Why not just really adopt Luke as a son, instead of keeping him as a 'nephew?'


    Frankly, part of me still believes that Anakin can never really be redeemed because those that murder children should always go to  a special hell.  Depending on what exactly Kylo Ren did, he may be in the same boat, imo.

    In regards to number 1 Jedi can see glimpses of the past or future. So Leia was just having flashes of the past.


    2. Leia was untrained. Also there were several other people including Jedis who had survived along with other force sensitives. Yoda was stating that Luke was not only the force user.


    3. Skywalker could be a common name. Anakin hated that planet. Why would he think he had a child there on an outer rim planet not in Imperial space? Now after the destruction of the Death Star and the time till the Battle of Hoth, Vader would have learned the name of the rebel credited, done some digging, then had spies etc confirm say by DNA that Luke was his son. When you look at this his actions at the Battle of Hoth make sense he wanted Skywalker to escape that way he could take Luke and not hand him over to the Emperor right away. Learning that the Emperor had lied Vader was planning to kill the Emperor and have Luke at his side. 

  7. Mexico allowed Americans to begin colonization in 1821.

    Americans were there a lot earlier. Gutiérrez–Magee Expedition was one many such movements of Americans into Spanish Texas. 

  8. Then it would have been impossible for Fitzgerald to grow up in Texas.

    Actually there were a lot of Americans in the Province of Tejas.which is pronounced as we English spell it Texas. The area was known as French Texas then Spanish Texas then Mexican Texas.


    If you go off and sell shares by yourself don't you have to sell only your own shares? Don't you need approval to sell a percentage of something that is owned by someone else?

    Yes legally you have to either give consent or written approval to sell someone elses shares. Usually someone who goes for investment gets approval beforehand to give away equity usually an agreed upon amount from the other shareholders or has to clarify it is their own shares. Sometimes deals get canceled because the approval was not written down in a legally binding agreement. 

    • Love 1

    In fact, all of Hollywood needs a nice, refresher course

    A lot of the elite just needs to retire and stay away from filmmaking or voting on films. Wish I could find the article that was done by some major publication that l read years ago, that showed the attitude towards animated or certain film categories from the judges of the oscars and other awards. The quotes showed a lot of the voters of these awards refuse to watch certain films that are sent to them because they view then as kids films. Hence the films never get nominated or win if they are nominated because the majority of the voters refused to do their job and watch the films. 

  11. I Haven't met anyone who doesn't like Rey. I'm a 25 year-old guy and she's my favorite character (followed by Finn and yes, Kylo).


    As for Finn, I'd prefer that he NOT be Force Sensitive.  1. It'd be boring if all of our major characters were FS, 2. I like the idea of the "bad*** normal" in this world full of superpowered beings (Han and Lando being two prominent examples), and 3. You don't need to be FS in order to be a worthwhile character, as Finn in TFA already proved.

    Well to be fair not full of superpowered beings. There is something like one force sensitive per millions to billions of beings. In the Old Republic Jedi were rare to the point most beings never encountered one and thought their powers were hyperbole. 


    Han was a Bad Boy

    Loveable rogue I think is the correct term.


    Han did have a code of ethics and wasn't a killer unless he had to kill. He shot Greedo first because Greedo was A trying to rob him at blaster point, B kept ignoring Han's attempt to defuse the situation and walk away. C threatening to kidnap Han. Any self defense scholar would tell you in every which way Han was justified in shooting first. 

    • Love 3

    Garak is one a total Star Trek fan favorite (He has beaten several main character from other series in polls) and definitely not a nice guy. Gul Dukat was fascist dictator but also one of DS9's favorite characters. The writers even wanted to redeem him and set him up with KIra at one point.

    Garak while a spy/assassain actually if you read his novel that serves as his bio he is actually a decent guy. Every person he killed was pretty nasty or while appearing to be decent was responsible for a lot of evil things and he refused to torture certain people because they were either innocent or not evil. He is very ambiguous but he isn't evil and he will do what is in his best interests or the interest of his people. 


    Actually it wasn't Gul Dukat who got redeemed it was Legate Damar. Gul Dukat was interested in Kira because he had her mother as his concubine. 


    Twilight was just the latest, and particularly inarticulate, version of a longtime trend.  Hell, the whole "sexy vampire" trend is based on it (and vampires pretty much always represented the erotic, whether coded or not).

    Actually vampires as being erotic is fairly recent. Prior to Anne Rice vampires were thought to be disgusting, ugly, deformed. In fact most vampire fiction prior to Anne Rice that I can recall had male vampires being incapable of sex. Female vampires could fake it. 


    (I wouldn't travel somewhere just to play with heavy construction equipment).

    Actually there is a theme park based on driving heavy construction equipment. 




    There is also a diggerland in the UK but I don't know if there is any connection besides the name.


    There is also Dig This! in Las Vegas. http://digthisvegas.com/




    So there is a trend in this type of thing. 


    Teen girls finding the heroine's torturer/kidnapper 'romantic' because he is torturing and kidnapping her are products of and consumers of society's vicious rape culture cycle.

    Actually you can blame Twilight for this. 50 Shades of Gray was Twilight fan fiction originally. 

    Hell I wish the fans of that dreck would rather look up the works of Marqui De Sade at least he could write. 

    • Love 1
  17. Completely misleading. No one will know how many characters will be in it until editing is done. They mean that there are at least 67 that are in consideration. They aren't even done with the script yet.

    Also character often means everyone on the IMDB cast list. In other words guys that may be on film for 20 seconds to deliver a line or two. 


    Force Awakens had over 130 characters. But if you asked people would swear up and down there were maybe eight or ten. 

    • Love 1
  18. Hugh Glass was an epic tale, the thing is he just wanted his rifle back. There was no dead son nonsense. He just wanted his very expensive very well made, very functional rifle back. Because for him and for most people back in that time and for a number of people today their rifle is their life. No rifle, no food, no life. 


    The man did get mauled so bad that anyone even today would think he was dead. He would have been zipped up in a body bag by a doctor based on how ravaged his body was. But he dug himself out of a grave, traversed hundreds of miles with not only two broken legs but a flayed body that would be festering due to infections in a period of four months to get to civilization. Considering about 25-40% of deaths in hospitals are officially tagged as the person lost the will to live despite them being on the will to recover Hugh Glass had an incredibly will to live to get his rifle back. 



    They got not only training in the rifles used which are period accurate reproductions. But they also had an advisory to set up the outpost, clothes and put the actors through a boot camp in how people lived in the wilderness in the 1820s. . 

  19. Is there any word on whether Vanessa becomes Copycat in this movie?

    None so far. Since this is an origin story for Deadpool odds are no but there may be a seed planted that shows it occured if they do a Deadpool 2.


    ut I always thought that Ford didn't like the character, that it was a flimsy character.

    He doesn't. They had to pay him a fortune 76 times the price of the other highest paid actor or actress in the film to get him to come back and the condition was he had to die so no other star wars material where he plays the role.

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