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Posts posted by nobodyyoucare

  1. I'd love a Michael Bay Transformers movie if it featured Hemsworth being cute with his character's boyfriend.


    Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks that about the cast! I'm not as sold on the ghosts CGI though. The original was made 30 years ago, how is it that its effects were better than what I'm seeing in a current movie?


    Because somehow people think CGI is cheaper when in reality its often more expensive to get great quality compared to practical effects. Its when both are combined and the CGI complemented real effects that it gets great to the point where CGI effects look like they are practical. For example the crew of Davy Jones ship. You would swear the faces were some very sophisticated prosthetic mask but they were CGI. The big problem with pure CGI is it is too fake looking. There is no weight to the life form or whatever.




    • Love 3
  2. I cannot wait to see this! I love Kate M on SNL and I'm so excited that she is in this. I love the little Young Frankenstein nod in the preview. I also love the other girls in the movie so that makes this movie a must see for me. A lot of the blow back has been from men/guys who are butt hurt over the fact that it's an all female cast. All I can say is suck it! 

    No its not that is all female its that is pandering and is a cash grab to mass market. In other words soulless and an insult to the franchise. Sorry this movie will suck. 

    • Love 4
  3. The trailer just gives me a bad feeling about this reboot. Honestly if they wanted to go all PC and have it be good they should just made a live action version of the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon. 

    • Love 2
  4. Two things that occurred to me today.  Why did Chadwick Boseman try to do an accent when nobody else bothered?


    And: It's interesting that Horus's mother's name was never used.  Her name was Isis.

    We can blame the media for using that acronym rather then call them by another name that they had used. A name that means intolerant bigot or other unpleasant things in Arabic. I mean the shoe fits for that group. 

    • Love 1
  5. Oh brother, Everett K. Ross is the ONLY reason I didn't like the Marvel Knights Black Panther, like I pick up this book about BP and I have to read it from the perspective of some white dude? No, thank you.

    Ever read the Punisher villain Barracuda's comic? That was done by an Irish guy and was pretty good. 

  6. Love it.  I can imagine Neeson as Cable. 


    I am surprised that Cable will be in the next movie.  I had assumed that an X-Force movie would have been first.

    Maybe its how best to introduce the character and get interest in the x-force movie. 


    I thought they made it clear in Age of Ultron that Vision is not Jarvis?

    He was created from Jarvis and has Jarvis's voice etc and odds are a great deal of the artificial personality and Tony's programming. Hence why Jarvis was fighting Ultron's attempts to take over the nuclear missile systems without Tony ordering him to do so and making it appear he was destroyed. Tony transferred Jarvis program into the synth  body thereby creating a new entity. 

  8. I didn't get this one at all. Then again I don't remember being the biggest fan of the original. I should have remembered that. I guess it's on me then. I enjoy a good action but honestly I do need some story and I admit shutting this off half way through (and bitching about a movie I haven't at least finished does break a rule of mine and a personal pet peave) but this one lacked any story that I could see.

    The story was shown. You had to listen and then watch to get it. It was doing the less  is more approach to story telling. Rather then doing what Shamlingdong did in

    "The Happening" this shows you what is going on but doesn't have dialog telling you what you could figure out on your own by paying attention.

    • Love 3
  9. Yep Ikea was cool with the whole dresser? breaking apart and the rant with ikea product names that you couldn't figure out how to properly spell based upon hearing the pronunciation. .You know the deadpool dvd/bluray is going to have more content including a lot of jokes or alternate takes of jokes that were in the movie.


    Also yes that was a S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier that was in the scrapyard. 

    Bob who deadpool recognized is Hydra Bob who joined Hydra to get a steady paycheck but was disappointed to learn that Hydra didn't have full dental like A.I.M. does. 


    I always liked Colossus too.  He's my brother's favorite character.

    I found it funny how many times Deadpool touched Colossus's junk. 


    Speaking of his junk, who else agrees that Angel Dust was a super bitch for hitting him there after she covered herself up when he told her about her wardrobe malfunction?

    • Love 2
  10. Also, I wish they have given an explanation for why the profit margin for jeans is 50% while other items like sweaters and shirts are in the 70% range. Usually it's obvious - expensive, perishable beef versus cheap potatoes with a long shelf life - but why is a cashmere sweater more profitable than high priced jeans jeans?

    http://business.time.com/2011/07/08/a-weak-argument-why-some-jeans-cost-300/answer is markups at every stage. The jeans may retail for 335 but the cost to the store could be 300. 


    Sweaters/shirts likely don't have branding or as high advertising costs as the jeans. 


    Banquet room hosting 200 people a week 50 weeks a year!

    200 max. Often such rooms have a fraction of people but are rented multiple times a week or even at one a week. Such rooms can be had pretty cheap for parties etc. Especially in a small town where often events would be in the school gym because there is no else to host such a party. Not unheard of for church groups to rent out the banquet room once a week. So multiple times during that 50 weeks of a year is not inconceivable . Depending upon the signage on the interstate they could be getting a lot of travelers who are just stopping in for a bite to eat. https://www.facebook.com/shulersbbqshows the Cypress Room. 

    • Love 1

    Which reminds me: wasn't there a line in the episode teaser about the 6000 ft wine store not having enough business for its space? Or was that a problem with the old model which is now fixed?

    They were overflowing with stockthat wasn't selling because the owner was not listening to his wine expert  and had tons of boxes around cluttering the place up  . plus a band that was driving away customers from the wine bar. 

    • Love 1
  13. Just say you don't eat or use things produced from the bodies of the land creatures. You have people that call themselves vegetarians that eat chicken. That is animal protein. Just say you don't eat meat from mammals. 


    Far too often vegans/vegetarians come off as cult members trying to convert people to their cult. 


    See I am a member of PETA. People Eating Tasty Animals. A herbivore is just a poor hunter. Deer eat baby birds and squirrels when they have the chance. Chickens will eat meat including chickens. Pigs will eat other pigs and even humans hence why probably a lot of people killed by feral hogs in the US are never found. 


    I will never understand those that willingly cut themselves off from eating or drinking potentially tasty things. See I want to drink one of these minature-snake-whiskey-300x300.jpgeven though it scares me somewhat. 

  14. Deadpool encouraging the cabbie to murder his girlfriend stealing cousin is totally DP. 'Pool is not a hero. He sometimes wants to be a hero, but it usually doesn't last too long. The man also has stalked Siryn/Banshee for years to watch over her.

    I can buy depowering Vanessa. The film could barely afford showing the powers of 2 X-MEN and two powered baddies along with Wade's abilities. Hell of alot harder to have DP play hero to a powered person. Especially in a movie already on a budget.

    One thing annoying me? Deadpool really shouldn't be called a mutant. His abilities came about via outside tampering. Captain America, Hulk, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and Dr. Doom are all generally considered mutates.

    They aren't mutants though since they don't have the mutant x-factor gene. 


    (she is a pretty minor character in the books)

    A dead minor character so the movie writers could change her looks and powers etc with no real complaints. The writers are already working on the sequel and Negasonic should be back and even more characters will appear. 

  16. What do you mean by a pass? It's rated R.

    In the past just a nude scene could make a movie nc-17. Even if nothing was going around and the movie had tons of violence if you dare put bare skin it was nc-17. Unless you were a major league studio that is. Independent or small you were fubared if you tried that. There are tons of books/articles about how out of the touch the MPAA rating board is and what movie makers had to do to get a film approved. 


    Like you could tell the studio was taking a gamble on it so they didn't put TOO much money into it

    Any r-rated film is a gamble since most don't go past fifty mill during their theater time. They are lucky to make back their budget. Hence why most r-rated films are low budget often straight to video. At 47 mill Deadpool had one of the largest budgets for an r-rated movie. 

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