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Everything posted by nobodyyoucare

  1. second movie took place one year after the first movie which is 2022. third movie takes place 17 years later. the purge has been an annual activity since 2016 and election year takes place 2040. the day of the purge is the evening of march 21 and ends march 22.
  2. Neutron bombs were designed to kill tank crews and people in hardended bunkers. Reason they designed was that regular nukes wouldn't instantly kill tank crews and command staff in underground or otherwise hardended bunkers but instead give them enough radiation to put them into the walking ghost phase enabling them to fight on for several weeks before they would die to the radiation sickness. Since they knew they were doomed they would be quite fanatical.
  3. When it was built in the 1960s the ICBMs that could hit wouldn't have destroyed it however more accurate, more powerful bunker buster nukes came about. Neutron bombs would also wipe it out. Today its the NORAD alternate command site and its being renovated as part of a 700 million dollar operation to make NORAD operations not be affected by EMP affects from nukes or other means. Its more hardened against nukes then most gov't command centers that are known to the public or military intel. In Independence Day the aliens had destroyed the Cheyenne Mountain base and other nearby military bases. In Independence Day Resurgence it had been rebuilt and fortified hence why the aliens sent a breaching party to assault rather then just try to blast it apart like last time. When you fortify against one type of attack you unfortunately can weaken the base against some other types of attack.
  4. They have biomechanical suits and smaller ships. Pretty easy for them to take resources from a life less rock. Also the aliens seem to just do a routine for each world. The harvester coming with the queen was an unusual escalation. Well they had reinforced NORAD and even today while NORAD can be destroyed by modern nukes its still where the President would go despite being a priority target in a nuclear attack. Its also a hive species the attacker ships and city destroyers are just replaceable. Its the colony mothership and harvester ship that matter.
  5. Jenna Purdy was the voice of the sphere.
  6. Then the mothership would have been attacked while drilling. The city destroyers are meant to wipe out the defense forces so they don't interfere with the harvest operation. The harvest operation also gets them resources to build more ships which would take time possibly years. You send the amount of force you expect to accomplish the objective and for Earth's defenses they thought 36 city destroyers would be enough to wipe out most of the humans that would be able to interfere with the harvest even if it would just have been an annoyance. The mothership sent in 1996 had 83 city destroyers so it only sent the minimum amount needed to wipe out most of the Earth's population centers.
  7. I wasn't bored and it actually is enjoyable. Fairly straightforward and easy to eat popcorn.
  8. Independence Day: Crucible the tie in novel details her death.
  9. Seems to be the reshoots at work. Test audiences didn't like the first cut so they changed things. Note Forest character was unnamed in the trailer and bald. Now he has hair so perhaps the character in the first cut had a different name and they decided to change the character.
  10. Will Smith picked some horrible films such as Wild Wild West and After Earth his star power has dimmed but his arrogance has not. He refused what they offered to pay him so they just offed him and had his character's step son fill the role.
  11. Does it matter? he wasn't married to her anymore in the film. Obviously they didn't get back together hence the tension Floyd picked up between David and the doc. The moon is a 1/4 the size of the Earth to affect its pull would also do things to Earth. The ship ain't that massive. It was in fact raising the water when it was passing. Cities aren't that massive compared to the water on the Earth or the mass of the moon. It also did raise up boats it passed over head. Once the bombs were dealt with there was no reason to care about a bunch of damn ants. The humans were going to all die when the core was drilled so why would the aliens really concern themselves with hunting some annoying specs? Also the aliens were doing sweep patrols likely just for fun of killing some ants. It was to answer people demanding what had happened to Randy Quaid's children.
  12. Removing them from it kills them eventually according to the tie in material which spans the 20 years. They aren't suited for Earth's environment so those not only allow them to be nasty in combat but also allow them to do physical work but survive environments hostile to the alien inside.
  13. yet no link to one of the av videos where GWAR does one of the covers. So to correct that oversight here is one.
  14. SLimer is the only ghost they even get the look sort of right. Everything else looks ridonklous. Your not getting it. He admits they wouldn't let him direct Bond or any serious film franchise because he admits he will not respect the source material and instead parody it. In other words he is the wrong guy to do any franchise that is not a spoof of something.
  15. A director who stated no one their right mind would have him direct a James Bond or other serious franchise since the director makes parodies of things. In other words he admits he should never have been put in director ship. The script from all accounts and from the mere fact it is a remake shows laziness and godawfulness. The original had a scary tone. People did freak out when they saw those segments and people because it is a horror/comedy. Also the origal movie had a serious tone in how the supernatural stuff was discussed because Reitman/Akryod were deeply into paranormal things. They look terrible compared to the originals. Ghostbusters was a horror/comedy film. Now they have removed all the horror and made it puke neon.
  16. he has his own channel on youtube. here he is doing a song about attending sci fi cons to get money
  17. Certainly seems to be a united Feminist front on the net.
  18. For the last time a female team isn't the problem. Its the director, the script, the tone of the film, the tone of the special effects, this particular cast chosen by the director, the mere fact its a remake etc are the problems. Saying its a female cast is a way to deflect blame from the studio and feminists are so dire to have a female cast they will champion a bad effort rather then distance themselves from it.
  19. Bill Murray hates the idea of working on ghostbusters so for him to appear means he is taking a big dump on the franchise. Rick Moranis turned it down because he said the script made no sense to him. All I Know is the porn parody looks it honors the franchise more then this reboot does. Better looking special effects in the porn parody too.
  20. The pretty much nonexistent hysteria made up by the mass media. It was a damn blog post on one website that the media blew out of proportion. http://www.cracked.com/article_21722_5-kinds-pop-culture-news-stories-that-are-always-bs_p2.html Cameos of the original characters or just the actors/actresses? It has not been specified but likely just the actors/actresses. Dan Akroyd was so optimistic about a Ghostbusters 3 he would star in a shitty remake rather then let the dream die. He will probably drink a lot of vodka from crystal skulls after this movie premiers to drown out the screams of rage people will hurl at him for appearing in it.
  21. Many of those got tired of Sandler and his friends making movies because Sandler became unfunny because he saw no reason to actually work. Now its backfiring on him. Also a good amount is just trainwreck watching that should have been done when the film went to dvd or cable. His last series of movies wer flops. Only reason they got made was he was a very rich producer and employed his friends. Adam Carolla explains this as Adam Sandler making horrible "Mexican food" movies.
  22. The issue with this cast from their name being announced you could stereotype their role in the movie and upon seeing the trailer be 100% correct. Basically they just had a crappy Kevin Fiege script with Melissa McCarthy in it and rather then do something original decided to put the Ghostbusters license on it. Also for those not understanding the appeal of the two Ghostbusters movies a lot of the humour was adult. Not slapstick for kids so a lot of the people that didn't find ghostbusters funny didn't get all the adult jokes. Here is one of them. Peter Venkman: Hi, Egon. How's school? I bet those science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours, huh? Egon: I think they're more interested in my epididymis.
  23. Well the first sign for a lot of the people that think this reboot/remake was going to be shit was the all female cast and who was picked to be that cast. That threw up a lot of red flags which feminists who were supporting this movie said was misogny. Of course these feminists don't want to admit that the only reason they are supporting the movie is because that has a female cast and that male nerds were raising objections to how the movie seems to be not respecting the source material.
  24. The feminist internet hated him for doing this and called him sexist for explaining his reasons why he doesn't want to see Female Ghostbusters.
  25. At most the age difference between Richard and Ben Parker would be perhaps 20-30 years. My mom has nephews and nieces older then she is and I have first cousins twice removed that are my age. In the old days when parents had to have ten kids so they had some spares, you often had the oldest being twenty to perhaps thirty years older then the youngest. If the mother was younger then eighteen when she tarted having kidds, you could have more then thirty years difference between oldest and youngest. As long as they don't do what Millar did and reveal that Aunt May is really Peter's mother who had an affair with Richard Parker and the family covered it up like they did in the old days. Marissa's age and appereance shouldn't anger that many people if her performance is good and she stays true to the ideal of what Aunt May is.
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