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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. This retro-style poster is much better than the original one they released! (which was just a boring shot Brad & Leo posed in front of a car).
  2. Yowza, I never would have guessed this at all. He still looks like a kid to me. Not feeling him as a romantic prospect for Jane, but oh well.
  3. Has anyone noticed that the actress who plays Maddie's bratty teen looks alarmingly like Amber Heard? Is it just me?
  4. The straight across bangs are tragic. Shailene Woodley already has a bit of a potato face to begin with (as do I, so I should know) and the hair ain't helping. Also wishing we could see her with her previous coffee shop beau, but it looks like he's out of the picture entirely. The new guy they seem to be introducing looks way too young for her. Like, high-school young. I don't get it.
  5. I'd want to believe this too, but I'm not sure I do. I really feel North American society has become increasingly selfish, and I don't know if people would step up. During the Fukushima melt-down in Japan, elderly people banded together and volunteered to take part in the clean-up effort, because they felt they had already lived long lives. That kind of sacrifice for the greater good seems deeply ingrained in their culture though. I'm having to work my way slowly through this show, as it's so difficult to watch. I've only made it through the first 2 episodes so far. Riveting but just horrifying. I was a teenager in the 80's, so as people have already mentioned, it's bringing back memories of the terrifying Threads miniseries. Radiation poisoning truly has to be one of the worst ways to die. As I've been watching it, I keep thinking that everyone who works in that kind of environment should just be given a supply of cyanide pills to take in the event of accidental exposure, so that they wouldn't have to suffer so horrifically. My knowledge of how nuclear plants operate is pretty much limited to episodes of the Simpsons, but I can't say that I'm in favour of nuclear energy at all. There is no way that humans (no matter how fastidious and responsible) should be in charge of something so awesome and terrible, so potentially destructive. **Madly googling to see where the nearest nuclear power plants are**
  6. Yes, that was the central mystery of last season. It was one of Celeste's sons (not sure which one) that had been biting and choking Laura Dern's daughter Amabelle. Learned from observing at home. And yes those kids need psychiatric help stat - they are still being aggressive.
  7. This looks good so far. I had completely forgotten about Maddie having an affair last season, so thanks for that reminder. Hell yes! Nothing worse than dealing with ultra-competitive parents with lots of money. Ugh. Mary Louise is already a piece of work. I'm curious to know if Perry's abusive behavior will be revealed to her and if she'll even believe it. Meryl's doing great work - she's making my skin crawl already. I'm hoping they don't spend an inordinate amount of time on Maddie's bratty teenage daughter - she feels more like a plot-device to create additional stress rather than a real teenager. I'm really feeling bad for Bonnie.
  8. Wow! Good to know there are others out there that have had this happen. It is a bit disconcerting - especially when a few go out one by one as you walk by. If this is my superpower it's a pretty lame one!
  9. What a beautiful story Scarletine! I haven't had any such experiences with loved ones who have passed on, so it's nice to read about. These stories are so moving and fascinating - I too, feel like I've found my people in this thread. The only other unusual phenomena I experience from time to time is something called "Street Light Interference" or SIL. I'll be strolling down a sidewalk at night, and suddenly a streetlight will go out. Sometimes multiple ones in succession as I walk by. At first I thought nothing of it, but it began to happen frequently enough that I took notice. Apparently it's a fairly common phenomena (you can even google it!). Certainly some streetlights are on timers and go off automatically, but they usually don't go out in succession. Some people say it occurs for them when they're in a distressed or agitated state, but for me it's always been the opposite - I'm usually in a zen zoned out state of mind when this occurs. Anyone else experience this?
  10. Just posting to say how much I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories on this thread, and I hope people will come back and continue to post. I haven't had any direct paranormal experiences myself, but the one thing I'm pretty sure of is that there's just so much in this world that we don't know about and can't fully perceive. I believe there are other things going on on levels or dimensions all around us, and occasionally the veil slips, and we catch a brief glimpse of something strange. Maybe someday there will be a more scientific explanation for phenomena people experience. As a child I experienced deja vu frequently - anyone else have this? I've only had fleeting moments of it as an adult, but it seemed to happen to me all the time when I was small - I can even remember trying to describe the sensation to my parents. I've had episodes of sleep paralysis as an adult, which have been utterly terrifying. Sometimes with a figure looming over my bed staring at me, other times with the sensation of someone crawling onto my bed on top of me. In all cases, I genuinely thought someone had broken into my apartment, and found myself unable to move or scream. This only seems to happen if I doze off on my back for some reason, so I always make an effort to sleep on my side. I've experienced auditory hallucinations - the sound of someone clearly whispering my name into my ear as I'm drifting off to sleep. I've also had a few precognitive dreams that wound up being significant - particularly when my Dad was approaching the end stages of cancer. He had put up a great fight for about a year and a half, and often had long stretches of feeling good, but we knew his cancer was incurable and would eventually return at some point to overwhelm his system. One night I had a vivid dream that I was in the departure lounge of an airport terminal with my Dad, my deceased Grandmother, and the the dog I had growing up. We were talking about departure times, something along the lines of "it would be time to go soon". I woke up crying, because I knew that the tide had turned, and that he wouldn't be around much longer. Sure enough, his condition began to deteriorate rapidly after that. A couple of months later, I had another dream that I was walking down a long hospital corridor crying, I could see the colour of the linoleum, and black and white photographs lining the walls. In the dream I knew my Dad was gone and I was trying to make a mental note of the date of his death. The next morning I was woken up with a phone call that my Dad had been taken to hospital, and that someone would be picking me up to take me there. When I arrived in the hospital (one that I hadn't been in before) it looked exactly as it had in my dream the night before. Same beige linoleum and walls lined with black and white photos of nursing graduates. Now, I know most hospitals look similar, but the colour scheme, everything resembled my dream to a 'T". He never re-emerged from the hospital, and passed away a couple of months later. The date I had in my dream wasn't correct, but it was only off by a few days. He went into the hospital in Mid August, and passed away on October 13th. The date I was making a mental note of in my dream was October 8th. I've never seen a ghost myself, but I happened to be with someone while they spotted a ghost. This was years ago, when a friend of mine lived in the same apartment building as me. It was an old building built in the early 20's, so undoubtedly all kinds of stuff had happened there, although I'd never experienced anything. My friend, who lived in a suite on the floor above mine, was sensitive, and had seen many apparitions in many different places throughout her life. One night I was visiting her suite, and we were seated on her living room couch chatting. We were facing each other on opposite ends the couch, with my back to a hallway door. As we were chatting away, she suddenly froze mid-conversation. Her eyes got very big - she appeared to be looking at something behind me over my shoulder. I then watched every bit of colour drain out of her face. I remember thinking "either she's seeing a huge cockroach crawling up the wall, or something supernatural is happening". For some reason, (and I don't know why), I didn't turn around to see what she was looking at - I've kicked myself ever since. I asked her what was wrong, and she replied "I just saw a man walk down the hall and into my bedroom". Now, we both knew this was impossible - there was no man in her apartment, and the front door was locked. But I 100% believe she saw this. She was so upset and rattled, and there was absolutely no way she could have fabricated the physical reaction she had. The expression "looks like they've just seen a ghost" is REAL it isn't just an expression! I've always wondered if I also would have seen anything if I had turned around in that split second, but I'll never know. Please share more stories, I can't get enough of this stuff!
  11. Started watching Season 3. Sometimes Nicole is a bit much, but I'm always charmed by Jacques Torres, and the guest hosts they bring on (needs MORE Sylvia Weinstock! But maybe they're afraid she'll walk off with too much stuff). This show is nice stress reliever because it's so light-hearted and everyone is in on the joke. Obviously even the most experienced bakers couldn't pull these designs off with the ridiculous time constraints! I love that the contestants improvise and push through even the worst disasters so that they have something to show during the reveal. And even if their designs fail, they still have a shot at winning if the end product tastes good. The attempts at creating figurines out of modeling chococolate make me laugh the hardest - especially if heads or limbs fall off during reveals. Just watched Episode 3 where they had to fashion T-Rex dinosaur heads. I was rolling on the floor - the dinos they created were sooo adorably mangled!
  12. Me too. He wound up tugging on my emotions far more than any other human characters on the show. His siblings and his mother all wound up dead. That's why I hope he flew to the magical ancestral Targaryen home of Valyria, to fly around with others like him. I don't want to imagine him all alone.
  13. Yep, and neither did the viewing audience. There was a whole season where he didn't appear and absolutely NO ONE missed him! Fuck Bran.
  14. I feel exactly the same. I find both him and his films pretty repugnant now. However, I may have to break my "no more Tarantino" oath to see this one - I'm fascinated by that time period, and it's actually garnering good reviews at Cannes.
  15. Yep, kind of like most of the male characters who survived to the end of the show. (Except Lord Davos. I still love the Onion Knight!) But the rest of them? Richly rewarded for being useless. The more useless they were, the more spectacularly they succeeded. In my mind, those characters were all proxies for D&D, who should be too embarrassed to show their faces in public ever again. Where's Drogon when you need him? DRACARYS!
  16. I was excited when I initially heard about this one - was hoping for Bridesmaids meets Sideways kinda thing, but I wound up not liking it. I like all the comediennes, and actually found Jason Schwartzman kind of amusing, but the whole thing felt totally flat to me: not funny or touching. It seemed like the whole set-up and the gorgeous scenery were totally wasted. Glad I was able to catch it on Netflix and avoid paying to see it in a theatre.
  17. I think he may have flown back to Valerya with her body. Perhaps he cremated her or buried her. I like to think Drogon is flapping around Valerya with his own kind now.
  18. Of all the characters on the show, I think Bran is the one I despised the most - even more so than the villains, because at least they had entertainment value. There is no one I would have loved to have seen get flambeed by dragons more than this creepy inert turd. I am trying to console myself with the fact that he's basically an inhuman supercomputer who will hopefully be put to good use by a wiser council. But yeah, it sucks that he wound up with the crown. He couldn't even stay and participate at his own small council meeting. I guess he had to go off and warg or some shit. Fuck Bran.
  19. Agreed. I feel like the writers just threw in the towel for the final two seasons. Having each of the last two seasons be a full 10 episodes each would have solved so many writing problems. They basically got lazy and half-assed it as far as I'm concerned.
  20. I've kind of been wondering about Drogon, because I've turned into a major Drogon fangirl. I could be retconning, but do you think that Drogon understood what he had done on behalf of his mistress was terribly wrong? I'm wondering about this, because of the scene where Jon approaches the Red Keep to speak with Dany, and we see what looks like a pile of snow covered rubble. Instead it's Drogon curled up in a ball. Do you think this was because he was depressed? And he let Jon pass by to approach Dany without any problem. He was intelligent enough to aim his dragon fire at the true source of Dany's misery. I think he is my favourite character in the whole show (next to Ghost, of course).
  21. Agreed. Sansa better get some good council/back-up, 'cause those Northerners are pretty damn flaky.
  22. That shot was totally bitchin'!!! I have to say that the things that consistently entertained me the most throughout the entire show were the dragons and the dire wolves!
  23. I have to say that I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. I'm bummed that Bran is King, but maybe now that he is ruler he will finally confer some useful information to people? However that bizarre small council meeting has me doubting though. Was happy to see Ghost & Tormund again. The rest turned out pretty much okay. Glad Brienne & The Onion Knight made it to the finish line.
  24. So after having had time to think about the previous episode, and having read endless debates about Dany's actions, I've decided I don't actually give a shit who winds up on the Iron Throne. The potential claimants pretty much all suck. I am curious though, as to who is going to kill Dany. And also weirdly worried about what's going to happen to Drogon. The rest, I don't really care about - especially not any of the Stark kids - even after blowing through 8 seasons, I have absolutely no emotional attachment to any of them. Instead I'm just hoping some of my surviving supporting faves make it all the way to the end. I knew Varys was going to be toast, but he had a good run. Still rooting for The Onion Knight & Brienne to be alive at the end, and dare I hope for a final glimpse of Ghost romping in the snow up North? I'm still frustrated by Cersei's lame demise. I like the re-write idea someone posted upthread: Jaime clasping her in his arms and shoving them both out the window. The symmetry to Season 1 would have been great. I also kind of wish Tyrion & Jaime had cooked up an escape plot similar to what they had planned in the show, only with a different end game: to have Cersei emerge on the beach panicky and weeping, and instead of a waiting boat, be greeted by Drogon. That spooky shot of Drogon's face emerging from the dark to roast Varys was fantastic, and I think it would have been a much more satisfying end for Cersei. Surprise, bitch! DRACARYS! I'm just going to kick back and let the finale wash over me.
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