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Everything posted by PreposterousISTA

  1. Real Housewives star Lisa Vanderpump, 52, reveals her age-defying secrets I To maintain her figure the 52-year-old, mother-of-two says that exercise is essential and she always avoids carbs at night. On the beauty front she gets a combination of Botox and filler treatments, and accentuates her natural features with a dash of pink Chanel lip gloss and a touch of mascara. <snip> She insists that unlike some of her Real Housewives co-stars, she hasn't had any major cosmetic surgery. Instead she gets regular Botox and filler treatments and uses retinol acid to exfoliate the skin. Cosmetic surgery aside, her beauty regime is also low maintenance and even on television she does her own hair and make-up. She jokes that there are times when she sees herself on screen and isn't happy with her appearance. 'I look at 'The Real Housewives' and think, 'My God, my hair is a mess.' But hair can't always be my priority... I'm a business woman and restaurant owner, so I'm busy.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2250117/No-carbs-night-Botox-Chanel-lipgloss-Real-Housewives-star-Lisa-Vanderpump-52-reveals-age-defying-secrets.html .
  2. Re: Harry Hamlin Saying Lisa Rinna Is A Cheap Date: lisa rinna Verified account ‏@lisarinna Katsuya yummy and they are playing Kool and the Kang and Donna summer fab Sunday din din. https://instagram.com/p/0jeBqavra7/ 7:55 PM - 22 Mar 2015 lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna HH just said I'm a cheap date. Ha! 8:02 PM - 22 Mar 2015 Cheap Date Was In Reference To Enjoying Going For Sushi @ Affordable/Reasonable/InExpensive Sushi Restaurants
  3. Lisa Rinna While Vacationing In Mexico This Week... No Need To Go Eat Bread... Über Toned & Fit... Achieved By Dedication & Hard Work ....Not Emaciated, IMO
  4. yolandahfoster 3 days ago ❤️I thought Mercury was only used in Thermometers............ #HeavyMetalToxicity #UnravelingChronicDisease #ManyPiecesToThisCrazyPuzzle #MyHealthJourney #Chelation https://instagram.com/p/0qMqyGIs9X/
  5. Multiple Participants <:O) Loved Seeing Gigi Hadid [braces & All Back In 2008] In The Audience Chuckling @ Michael Bubble's Comments Re: Being A Foster Child HaHa...Perhaps I Should Also "Link It" In Yolanda's Thread ;O)
  6. Home ~ Michael Bubble >>> http://forums.previously.tv/topic/825-kim-richards-no-escape-from-witch-mountain/page-18#entry957188
  7. HOME ~ Michael Bubble Home Song by Michael Bublé Another summer day Has come and gone away In Paris and Rome But I wanna go home, mmm May be surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I just wanna go home Oh, I miss you, you know And I've been keeping all the letters That I wrote to you Each one a line or two I'm fine baby, how are you?... Lyrics: >>> https://www.google.com/search?q=michael+buble+home+lyrics&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
  8. As Requested In The AmsterDamn Thread --- Yep, In The First Look Clip Kim Says That After Taking The Pill Poker Night She Landed in The Hospital The Next Day...All The While The Next Day/Eve/Night She Is @ SUR montybrinson 6 months ago At Sur celebrating @kcjay birthday with @kimrichards11 @ @brookewiederhorn @twiederd @whittles99 and others #birthday #dinner #celebration #rhobh #family #heart #love #sur 23 August 2014 22 August 2014 montybrinson 6 months ago After a few different wardrobe changes we finally agreed what @kimrichards11 is wearing tonight. Poker night #fashion #poker #love #family #heart #rhobh #malibu #ca #life #friends
  9. She Calls Him Her Gaygent = Gay Agent She Claims He Likes The "NickName" She Has Given Him <:O/
  10. Spoiler Alert Photo & Gifs ' ' ' ' ' >>> http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/rhobh-spoiler-alert-welcome-to-the-love-boat .
  11. Eileen Davidson ‏@eileen_davidson Nov 29 Celebrating the holidays with all the boys and the moms Moms = Betsey Russell [AKA Vincent Van Patten's ExWife & Mother of His Two Older Sons & Eileen Davidson It Seems Betsey Russell Has Moved On From IT...They All Look Very Happy & Enjoying Themselves <:O)
  12. Nor Was She Acting As If She Was 100% In Pain Due To A Hernia, Ulcer Etc.... <:O))
  13. RealityTVSmack1: Monty Brinsom Took Kim Richards To The Hospital The Night Of The Poker Game/Night @ Eileen Davidson's House? >>> http://forums.previously.tv/topic/22502-season-5-reunion-spoilers-previews-gossip-etc/page-2#entry876236
  14. "tossing an inch of wine while "play acting soap opera". Really???
  15. Brandi Likes To Give The Impression To The Viewers & HoWives That She Is In The Know...She Drops Not So Subtle/Clear Messages = Bathroom [Kim's Propensity For Over~Using The Bathroon @ Events], That Is Why Their Husbands Are Cheating On Them ...Just Kidding, Everybody Is Calling Bella An Alcoholic, In The Car Etc. ...
  16. Re: Brandi Outing Kyle's Pot Using In AmsterDamn @ The Last/Season 4 Reunion IIRC, During An Exchange Between Joyce & Brandi... When Joyce Giraud Accused Her Of Needing Help For Her Drinking "The outspoken blonde also drilled home the point that her drinking is nowhere near as bad as it seems onscreen, with the cameras always catching them at social events and on vacation. But she admitted: ‘Do I lean on it when I’m depressed or having a good time? Yes. ‘I’m not in the bathroom doing cocaine; I’m not in the car smoking pot - I like my wine. It is what it is.’ But the other housewives were not so dismissive." [btw, & She Also Admitted To Using Lexapro] I Am Of The Opinion She Has Been Itching To Out That Little Morsel... Kyle Was Sitting To Her Right & Brandi Position Herself In A Way That Let Me To Believe That The "I Am Not In The Car Smoking Pot" = As Kyle Does ....Her Modus Operandi 101....Wonder When She Will Out Which HoWife Does Cocaine In The Bathroom...
  17. Some Dana/Pam Game Night ReFresher Posted In The Sister Act Thread ...As To Avoid Going Totally Off~Topic >>> http://forums.previously.tv/index.php? Oooops! The Link Does Not Take One Directly To The Thread But To The Index Page <:O(
  18. This Is A Fairly Good Recap Of The Game Night Episode "The bathroom at Dana's strangely empty house was the hot spot at last night's games party, inspiring Kim Richards to visit it the moment she arrived at the house, late and not entirely dressed, with her jewelry tangled on the brink of strangling her. After Kyle attended to her sister, "sprucing her up," Kim began slipping away, disappearing from the official party room, provoking at least one guest to point out that Kim, trailed by her sister Kyle, made it their home away from home, their very own shrine, visiting it religiously over a dozen times. Whether anything more notorious than fixing tricky liquid eyeliner went on in there, or if they were just really only powdering their noses, only Kim and Kyle know for sure. However much everyone else thought about it, and it was hard to miss, it was the Richards sisters who seemed entirely unaware of their impact on the party. As the evening grew longer and stranger, it reached the point at which all the dainty euphemisms -- the ladies' room, powder room, comfort station -- were tossed aside, much as Camille and Brandi were by their husbands -- and Camille flat-out announced, "I'm going to the bathroom." Luckily, the games were called before the night made its final descent to toilets and outhouses. Kyle leaped up to take the lead in charades, snorting twice. Well, what would YOU think? At one point Kim sneaked away from Kyle, who was busy sniffing Kim's drinks, then tasting them, doing her best to prevent the sort of meltdown that ended the first season finale last spring. Kyle's momentary panic was immediately calmed when Kim whispered to her. "You hid Brandi's crutches!" Kyle was delighted, and relieved. "Now that's the Kim I know!" (Brandi had tripped on her stilletos, making her "Real Housewives" debut last week in an ankle-to-knee cast. She adorned her free foot in a lone stiletto, annoying her castmates by still looking better than they did with two free legs each and by calling even more attention to her long, slender legs, not less. Kyle had grumbled something about not learning one's lesson.) Securely back in her sister's good graces, at least for now, Kim finally found some relief of her own. She'd been forced to come up with some sort of explanation for her furtive behavior and constant bathroom visits. "I haven't eaten or slept in seven days," she told Kyle. "I'm losing my balance. I can't see. I can't hear." She had been having panic attacks and crying, Kim said. True or not, this assemblage of strange symptoms could come in handy should Kim be called on to explain her behavior, which was, she must have realized, attracting some attention. So Kim got Kyle off her back, distracting and confusing her, while also gaining her sympathy." <snip> When Kim made her next mad dash to the bathroom, Kyle trailing after her, Brandi quickly sidled up to Taylor and Camille. "I'm kind of worried about my team," Brandi said, the memorized words sliding off her tongue. "Number one, I feel like they don't like me and, number two, they're not lucid." http://open.salon.com/blog/andreahig/2011/10/11/real_housewives_of_beverly_hills_night_games_mind_games
  19. lisa rinna @lisarinna · 20 hours ago “@stacytime: @lisarinna U let Kim off too easy. Didn't hear her apologizing for speaking against Harry (essentially your kids).
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