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Everything posted by PreposterousISTA

  1. Feel So Much Compassion For Her :<(( YOLANDAVerified account ‏@YolandaHFoster ❤️I've learned more from pain than I could have ever learned from pleasure....... #SearchingForACure… https://instagram.com/p/2B3favIsya/ 11:46 AM - 28 Apr 2015
  2. I Think That Anwar & Yolanda Were Trying To Make The Best Out Of The Situation...I Know People Like That...Myself Included...Would Never Know What's Really Going On...Mask The Pain/Discomfort With A Few Laughs/Jokes Seriously Doubt A Grown Woman Just Wants To Be Carried Around Outside Of What Appears To Be A Hotel Entrance (Seattle?) Unless She Needed Help/Assistance But Then Again...Perhaps Not :>)
  3. OK This Brought Tears To My Little Eyes Anwar Carrying His Mama :>( YOLANDAVerified account ‏@YolandaHFoster ❤️Thank you for your sharing your compassioned heart and carrying me through these darkest days of my… https://instagram.com/p/19Im9dIsya/ 3:39 PM - 26 Apr 2015
  4. When The Ladies Arrive @ The Canal Boat Ride In Amsterdam Yolanda Accidently Offers Kim A Glass Of Champagne If You Listen Intently...You Hear Kim Say (Paraphrasing) No, I Am Not Drinking TONIGHT Or No, Not Tonight I Recall Thinking @ The Time Hmmmmm
  5. Kyle Richards Enjoyed A Spot Of Dinner Wednesday With Her Best Friend Faye Resnick & Another Pal
  6. FTR, Regulated medical marijuana in 2015? The California State Legislature’s 2015-2016 session is well underway, and it will again look at crafting regulations for the medical marijuana industry. So far two such bills have been introduced, and at least initially, they mirror bills from 2014. AB 26, presented by Asm. Reggie Jones-Sawyer, picks up where Asm. Ammiano’s reasonable medical marijuana regulatory bill left off after its defeat on the floor of the Assembly. The other bill, Asm. Ken Cooley’s AB 266, carries many similarities with Sen. Lou Correa’s law enforcement-friendly effort, which also fell short. It is not yet clear how far efforts will get in 2015, but both bill sponsors appear to be open to working together and with advocates to find a workable solution. These regulatory bills are now being considered against the backdrop of a planned November 2016 voter initiative that would legalize and regulate marijuana like alcohol in California. The Marijuana Policy Project of California, a political committee sponsored and administered by MPP, has joined a broad coalition of local activists, community leaders, organizations, and businesses working to pass a measure similar to the one approved by voters in Colorado in 2012. Stay tuned, and be sure to sign up for our email alerts to stay tuned for updates! The current legal status of marijuana in California Under California law, possessing up to an ounce or less of marijuana is a civil infraction similar to a speeding ticket. While this is a more reasonable approach than many states take, California is still punishing tens of thousands of responsible adults for possessing a substance that is objectively safer than both alcohol and tobacco. A December 2013 Field Poll found that 55% of Californians believe marijuana should be legalized. >>>> http://www.mpp.org/states/california/
  7. It Was I Who Aircraft~Parts Supplier John Jackson ~ Long Time BoyFriend & Kimberly's Father http://forums.previously.tv/topic/825-kim-richards-no-escape-from-witch-mountain/page-28#entry1006918 & From Zoeysmom: For purposes of this discussion here is Kim's timeline: Married Monty in July 1985 Had Brooke in February 1986 Divorced Monty in 1988-89 and made a movie with him Got married date unknown but most likely in 1989 to Gregg Davis Had Whitney in March 1990 Had Chad presumably in very late 1990 or early 1991 Became engaged to John Colett who was murdered in October of 1991. Kimberly was born in August of 1995 As evidenced by this time line Kim and Davis were together a very short period of time. The relationship between he and Kim has been acrimonious since the divorce. http://forums.previously.tv/topic/825-kim-richards-no-escape-from-witch-mountain/page-28#entry1006735
  8. Kim Richards Arrest Puts Her On 'RHOBH' Chopping Block 4/19/2015 1:00 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF If you don't see Kim Richards on the next season of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" it'll be because of her drunken arrest earlier this week ... TMZ has learned. Sources close to production tell us producers feel Kim's substance abuse issues make her a liability. There are insurance issues with the show, and serious concerns that if something happens to Kim, Bravo could be on the hook for keeping her on such a contentious, demanding show. We're told a decision has not been made, but the alarm has been sounded and there's serious discussion about giving Kim the ax. Here's where there's a split. Some production sources says Kim's substance abuse problem has been in full bloom all season. Several members of the cast and crew say they've watched Kim present a public picture of sobriety, but when the cameras are off she goes off the rails. But other production sources tell us Kim actually did better this season in the sobriety department than she's done in years. They also think it's hypocritical for producers to turn their back on Kim now ... they say if she was such a problem she shouldn't have been exploited all year. The show still has a few months before production starts back up again, so producers have some time to make their final decision. http://www.tmz.com#ixzz3XmGhLQ6i
  9. Excellent Read! IMO & I Quoted The Source...No Plagiarism Intended :O) Hope You Are OK With It.
  10. Shameless Strumpet ®Patricia Altschul ~ Southern Charm & Brandi Glanville = Uncouth Homosapien &
  11. Highly Recommended >>>>> http://forums.previously.tv/topic/825-kim-richards-no-escape-from-witch-mountain/page-39#entry1051035
  12. Highly Recommended ~ ... Plz Consider Reading In Its Entirety Plastered At The Polo Lounge 4/17/2015 So Kim Richards, that shrieking combination of blonde hair and terribly articulated excuses, got arrested Wednesday night in Beverly Hills. Seems she turned belligerent at the Polo Lounge where she was allegedly downing vodka tonics and then got into an argument before being led away by security. Instead of calling her Uber-designated-driver or stumbling onto the beautifully manicured lawns of the famed hotel, she chose instead to lock herself in a bathroom and refuse to come out and that’s apparently where the Beverly Hills Hotel security gave up and called for the L.A.P.D. who arrived on the scene to drag the alcoholic who is not and has never struggled with her sobriety off to jail for a litany of broken legalities. While in custody, she kicked a police officer before being released on $20,000 bail. The news of the Housewife’s arrest hit the internet yesterday afternoon and spread like chlamydia across the gossip sites I like to frequent, though these days those sites report about people I have never even heard of, like the fertile Teen Moms and the G-list remedial twirlers who apparently appear on Dancing With the Stars. The breaking news about Kim Richards, however, was news I stopped to take a look at and my very first thought after skimming the article was this: Who will she blame for this public event that is now legally documented? Will it be her sister Kyle? Will it be Bravo? Will it be that child a psychic told her a few seasons ago lives in a portal somewhere in her house? Because let’s be serious – there is not a shot in the blazing fires of Hell that Kim Richards will use this experience as an opportunity to look inward and place the blame squarely on herself. Allow me to be perfectly clear here: I do not typically take any joy in another person’s pain. I do not hear about embarrassing things happening to celebrities and think, “Good!” and my face does not twist into a smug expression because somebody I don’t know is suffering. I’m not even the type of person who giggles when someone trips down the stairs. But this scenario is different in the sense that, while I do not feel particularly joyful about the very newest events in Kim Richards’ life, I also do not feel badly for her in the least, and I think there’s something perversely interesting about that. <<<SNIP FOR BREVITY>>> It’s maybe because of what I went through that causes me to feel nothing but revulsion for Kim Richards. I feel badly for her family – especially her children – but I’m also willing to wager that, while this last incident might be the one most reported on, it’s probably not the worst thing her kids have been through with their addicted mother. And the reason I can have what is almost a callous reaction to an alcoholic backsliding is directly related to the ways in which Kim has conducted herself on television for the last, oh, five years or so. As an alcoholic, she made the choice to participate on a reality television show. I’m guessing that the biggest reasons to do so were for a paycheck and to feel the heat of a klieg light on her face once again, but her reasons for making the choice no longer interest me. Whatever the reason, she went on the show – and then continued to be on the show even after the public fallout and the heightened family strife that people watched while eating popcorn. Now, I have always found Kim to be the least interesting of all the Housewives, and that’s a bold statement to make considering that Adrienne Maloof was on the show for years. For me, Kim brought nothing to the table in terms of what I wanted from one of my Housewives. There were no sprawling closets to drool over in Kim’s house and no sarcastic comments were ever made during her confessional interviews that caused me to begrudgingly admit that she is kind of funny. There were literally no storylines about her over the years about anything besides her always being late or cancelling plans; her borderline creepy attachment to her children; her attempt to erase her empty nest by cramming a pitbull she was unable or unwilling to properly train into her house; and her spitting and unwavering fury for those who questioned a sobriety that has always appeared questionable. <snip> Even though I found her odd and not at all funny or interesting, I initially felt some sadness for Kim Richards. I think my empathy reached its height early this season when the women went to a wine tasting and Kim slowly stirred a mango smoothie at the end of the bar and then quietly got up and removed herself from the awkwardness and went outside and called her daughter. But that sadness is gone now. I do not feel badly for Kim; I can probably muster up some empathy, but doing so makes me feel like I’m doing squats. See, Kim has spent all season – actually, she has spent the entire series doing this, but it reached its hideous pinnacle this last season – deflecting attention away from her relapse and her inability to hold herself accountable for her actions by striking out so viciously against everybody else that it has almost rendered me stunned – and when you’re somebody like me who has watched reality television since its inception, it takes a lot to be shocked. Kim managed to do it though, and I sat appalled by her toxicity and her power to manipulate. When she felt vulnerable, she reacted by screaming and pointing in someone’s pale face. She hinted and implied that she knew secrets, life-ruining secrets, about anyone who even looked at her with a hint of suspicion. She wondered aloud to cameras why people tried to get into her business. She laughed when other women cried. She blamed the mauling her niece underwent by her untrained dog on her niece and then hinted that she had hidden and damaging secrets about her own sister’s child in order to direct the attention elsewhere. She decided that Brandi Glanville, perhaps the most uncouth homosapien to ever grace a high-definition television screen, was her very best friend in the whole wide world and looked the other way while that friend called her sister a cunt and threatened to knock her teeth out. And then she proclaimed that she has never struggled with her sobriety after being an addict for decade after decade, a statement that caused every person who has even been on the brink of addiction to say to themselves and to each other, “What the fuck?” Had Kim continued to stay on this show after going to rehab and allowed her actual life to be her storyline for a show that’s supposed to be about her life, I would have been fine with it. I mean, I think that living a private life when you’re struggling with substance-y demons is probably the healthier route to take, but if she made the choice to continue to live in a televised world, that would have been her decision. That said, it is both ridiculous and insulting to believe that you can publicly announce your lifetime of alcoholism to cameras and then not expect anyone around you to hold you accountable for your cracked-out actions and blisteringly awful behavior. That her response to the other Housewives saying that they are there for her if she is struggling was “blah, blah, blah,” and that she acknowledged that she hadn’t compromised her sobriety in the least, even after admitting to taking one of her ex-husband’s painkillers, just perfectly illustrate that this is a very sick woman, and if she would stop being so vile and nasty and fueled only by lost hope and projection, I’d feel for her. <<<SNIP FOR BREVITY>>> That her reaction, delivered through the mouthpiece of “sources,” is that this latest incident is still not her fault or directly related to her refusal to work a sobriety program, then I can honestly say that I don’t care what happens to Kim Richards. That is not a statement or a sentiment I would ever say about anybody else, from people in my life to people I have only read about, but this strikes me as a very special and sick circumstance. As a viewer of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I have watched the participants say both wise and irrational things and behave like refined human beings and also like caged carnivorous animals. I have watched some get a kind edit and then get ravaged the following season, though to be fair, every bit of footage that is edited is footage in which the women consented to appear. I have maintained my enjoyment for some of the Housewives, formed a level of detached apathy for others, and grown to completely hate two of them, and all of my opinions and feelings are connected directly to the actions that played out onscreen. Reality television is no longer a thing its participants can claim has an impact they could never have expected. It’s been around far too long. It has made hundreds and hundreds of random people temporary stars. It has flushed most of them down the societal toilet almost immediately. It has destroyed more than a few who thought that the fame and recognition would last forever. Kim Richards is a lost cause and she’s not any fun to watch because her levels of delusion have begun to outweigh every other quality she once had or could potentially develop. She is a vacant, spiteful, and very sick woman, and the public reaction to her latest loss in sobriety proves that it’s very hard to root for a woman who shuns self-awareness and accountability like they are made of poison. She has earned this lack of goodwill many feel for her, sad though it is, and it is my opinion that none of it matters, that she will not change, and should she ever stumble upon this particular blog post, her reaction will be to point at her computer screen like it’s my face and snarl that I’d better watch my step – which I will do while she’s tumbling down hers. >>>>> http://www.nellkalter.com/
  13. Lady GaGa & Her Mother Cynthia Germanotta Leaving PUMP Last Night Drew Quite The Crowd http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3044610/Lady-Gaga-flaunts-ample-cleavage-pert-derriere-tight-black-PVC-fishtail-skirt-dines-New-York.html
  14. As Affordable As... FERGIE LYRICS "Glamorous" (feat. Ludacris) If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home You say: If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S [b-Section:] We flying the first class Up in the sky Poppin' champagne Livin' the life In the fast lane And I wont change By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy [chorus:] The glamorous, The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life) By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy
  15. Andy Cohen reveals he's reached out to Kyle Richards following Kim's drunken arrest By MailOnline Reporter Published: 16:03 EST, 17 April 2015 | Updated: 16:14 EST, 17 April 2015 In an interview with Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS radio show on Friday the 46-year-old Bravo host admitted that while he didn't know all the details of what happened, he had extended well-wishes to the 50-year-old through her sister, Kyle. He revealed: 'I reached out to Kyle and the family is obviously very concerned. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm thinking of her,' He added: 'I'm glad she wasn't hurt, and I hope it leads to some peaceful resolution for her and her family.' The TV personality also made it clear he wants nothing but the best for the stars of long-running reality show Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills with a Tweet on Friday. Responding to a follower who had insinuated that Andy revels in the Real Housewives getting into trouble, the host replied: 'I hate it, actually. I NEVER root against a RH. I only want the best for them.' It was only days ago that his interview with the stars of RHOB aired for the reunion finale, capping season five of the show. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3044164/Andy-Cohen-reveals-s-reached-Kyle-Richards-following-Kim-s-drunken-arrest.html
  16. yolandahfoster 3 hours ago ❤️Fever is our body's natural way to fight disease......... But we are taught to suppress it immediately? #BackToBasics #HyperThermia #AnotherDayAtTheOffice #MyLymeJourney #SearchingForACure affordable for ALL!
  17. Kristen TaekmanVerified account ‏@KristenTaekman #TGIF whos ready to celebrate! @BrandiGlanville #DrinkUp #UnfilteredBlonde #Rhony #RHOBH 6:58 AM - 17 Apr 2015 Suzannah ‏@Suzannah10Gem 4h4 hours ago @KristenTaekman @BrandiGlanville Not Kim, Brandi should also abstain considering her intake control problems wendy mcclanahan ‏@wjm1127 4h4 hours ago “@KristenTaekman: #TGIF whos ready to celebrate! @BrandiGlanville I would not buy anything of #BrandiGlanville LVP Sangria outstanding Tracy Baker ‏@fatchick2015 3h3 hours ago @KristenTaekman @BrandiGlanville i really wished you wouldnt try to push unfiltered skank on us i like you but shes gotta go ☀️Kay Dub❤️ ‏@GBmagnolia 3h3 hours ago @KristenTaekman @BrandiGlanville Eeeeek. Bad timing. BAD BAD timing. Answer to who's ready? ME ! And Kim, allegedly Elena T ‏@elenatu 3h3 hours ago @KristenTaekman @BrandiGlanville No I will not buy !!!!!! I like u but BG yacks !!! SandeeJay ‏@MyFancyOne 3h3 hours ago @KristenTaekman @BrandiGlanville it must taste super sour w/a hint of tart & an aftertaste of bitter! HeHeHe &
  18. I Am Not So Sure Of That... Remember ZsaZsa Gabor Had To Serve Jail time For Slapping An Officer After A Routine Traffic~Stop (Ironically ZsaZsa Was Related To The Hiltons) Beverly Hills Does Not Take Kindly Of Their Officers Being Kicked/Slapped/Hit By Celebrities
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