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Everything posted by MYFAKETVBOYFRIEND

  1. I'm getting that feeling also and it doesn't make me happy at all. (I am not thrilled with the idea of Jensen "doing" Pellegrino especially right after Misha, been there done that )I am hoping if it goes that way Sam will say screw that deal we made that we respect each others choices-you're not doing it. I hope its not necessary now that Rowena's back-because she can get him back into the cage. Maybe Dean threatening to do it will force Cas to come to his senses and leave Luci?? Regarding respecting choices-as soon as they agree on that Dean says lets go get Cas-so I guess that didn't last long or did I misunderstand?
  2. I also don't think he did nothing. I am a fan of Swan Song (UO much?!) and felt Dean played a big part in it. I also wasn't in the fandom back then so I didn't read a million disappointed posts before and after the episode. I really think being in the fandom makes us a lot harder to please. My husband (who isn't in the fandom) loves the show (not as much as me) and he rarely complains about anything, and certainly not to the point of the "message boards". He pretty much likes every episode, some a little better than others. Its great watching it with no preconceived notion. Some people hate the episode even before they see it! I like to keep an open mind and pathetic as it sounds as long as I get Sam and Dean (well mostly Dean) in my home once a week I am happy.
  3. I agree! I was anxious the whole episode!
  4. Watch the episode again if you can, you will see so much more the second time IMHO-Jensen is so subtle with his emotions sometimes that you have to really watch closely, watch his eyes and face-he looks totally broken to me. -My heart hurt for him in the episode
  5. I agree that at the moment in the cabin when he said let them come he didn't care if he lived our died. However I think when he took the pills he wasn't suicidal-he took the kind of pills that would give them a chance to revive him and he set up Michelle to go get help and save him. I do think he is depressed and starting to feel hopeless and Sam feels that, that's why hes dragging him on a hunt and joking about camping and stuff.
  6. oh my gosh yes-death by baseball uniform!
  7. He was on the verge of dying and she froze it so that she could gloat-and then they gave him the shot just in time.
  8. I liked the episode a lot, I felt real tension for a change. The threat of the Empty ramps things up a little. Oh boy does Billie have it out for them! I really liked Michelle (where have I seen her before?). I'm hoping that part of his desperation was because he doesn't think he can defeat Amara without him-not JUST that he can't live without Sam. He has been very agitated/cranky lately I think because he's having a much harder time with this Amara bond and losing Cas than he's letting on and I think that also fueled his desperation. And boy can Jensen's face show desperation!
  9. My UO is that I like Dean human. I wasn't a fan of the Demon storyline (although Jensen knocked it out of the park), I was glad that it ended and I enjoyed the MOC storyline much more. If you have powers being a hero isn't that difficult, but without powers, well then its Heroic! JMHO
  10. I thought it was a snarky comeback-meaning your soul is worthless not that he literally doesn't have one. Like when you tell someone how could you do that, you're heartless. We KNOW they have a heart...
  11. If they do a Supernatural movie a year after the show is over they could do cons forever!
  12. I thought it was canon that it wasn't really Death but Sam imagining Death in his head?
  13. I loved the whole Dean!Fanboy business of the episode. He is just too cute for words! I was so sad when they were describing the horrible life the wrestlers have and then Sam says-you just described our life...oh is there something in my eye?
  14. I firmly believe in the end Dean is going to have to come through because he's the only one she doesn't want to kill.
  15. FUCKING STOOPID is correct! Seriously???
  16. The way Jensen acts that death scene is just so heartbreaking. The close up after he is stabbed-the sadness in his face...my heart hurts! I love your head canon about Deans soul! It works for me-it explains the stupid attraction at least in a way that isn't icky.
  17. Sam is his best and true vessel. However he can possess anyone for a limited time. You saw him in Nick-and you saw what happened to Nicks vessel as time went on. I guess he figured Sam won't say yes, I will take what I can get :-)
  18. I am thrilled that Jensen finally won. Its about time! His acceptance speech was adorable (oh Misha!).
  19. I can't stop laughing Sam: I can see my soul from here
  20. I think he hasn't told Sam because he still doesn't understand what's going on. He thinks she's bad, he thinks he should kill her and he even tries (with her help I think) and then he feels protective of her. How can he explain that he has all these opposite feelings for her? Jensen is playing it so well I can't understand how people think he is sexually attracted to her. He's just confused and has lost his free will, pretty much.
  21. I am loving it too! Just keep sex out of the Amara/Dean connection and I will be thrilled
  22. I agree with you SueB. I think he is confused and disturbed but has his soul. He still enjoys eating and he wouldn't have cared about Baby last episode if he didn't have his soul. I don't think Amara is perving over Dean (does the darkness know or care about sex? Isn't that a human thing?) I think what she is WANTING is Deans soul, not his body. (silly girl!)
  23. Its really sad that Jensen hasn't won yet. It seems to me at the conventions he is just as popular-AAMOF I recall he had more photo ops than the others not counting the ones with more than one star.
  24. I never got the whole "oh noes pooooor Adam is still in the cage bring him back" rant. Its over and done with. I don't even like that they are alluding to the cage. uh
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