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Everything posted by Apprentice79

  1. I prefer Chandler over Guy as Will and I can see his limitations as an actor. I think Julia Roberts is a one note actress, who plays the same role in all of her movies, and she won an Oscar, but, I digress. Therefore, I understand people having their personal preferences when it comes to actors, what I find disturbing is the way that some people attack Guy Wilson. You can dislike an actor without being vile and disgusting. There are people who harass this man on tweeter, it is awful how they pick him apart. I don't know how he puts up with it, I would not go on social media at all. They attack his looks, his acting, e.t.c.. Every time Will does something horrible, they attack him viciously. These are not teens or even tweens doing this..These are adults in their 50's and 60's and they enlist their friends on tweeter to bother him on a daily basis...I have plenty of actors that I find to be horrible in all genres of entertainment, but, I would never attack them in such a horrible way...At the end of the day, this is a human being with feelings. People need to be mindful of that when criticizing Will the character versus Guy Wilson the actor..Some of the loons online, cannot seem to make the distinction between fantasy and reality. You can even criticize the actor without demeaning them as a human being.
  2. Wally Kuth is on contract at Days..I am so happy..Higley loves him and Judy..Hopefully, Judy and Bryan will get one as well..They need to bring the other Kiriakis Brothers on the show..
  3. That is so true..Paul and Will were hot together, especially in Sonny's fantasy about them....They have never let Will and Sonny go at it like that in both incarnations..I was hoping that they would have let them go for it on their honeymoon....Nope, they spent it talking about Nick....lol I remember Sonny promising Will a real honeymoon on their wedding day last year..Sonny is so sweet, always taking care of Will. I guess they will not be doing that anytime soon...lol
  4. It was just a plot point to make Chad very Dimera like and a reason for Sonny and Will to fight about money...This has got to be the worst writing team in the history of Days and that is not saying much..They were truly awful..... That is true..Europeans are much more open minded about everything in general than Americans..Check out some of their gay love stories on youtube, you would never see Will and Sonny going at it like some of their characters go at it on that German soap...Chad was always closer to Will than Sonny..He will probably stay neutral on their marital problems...
  5. I don't think Chandler could have made this characterization work..it is the writing that is doing the character of Will a disservice..He is all over the place...He should be trying to work on his marriage..Attacking Paul is only going to push Sonny and Paul together...
  6. It was cute..European men tend to do that alot...I have never seen that with American men...lol Does that mean that they are friends again?
  7. One thing that I like about Sonny is that he does not have a problem shutting Will down when he gets into a tizzy...He is so good at that..Will needs somebody like that who will put him in his place when it is warranted..Will is exhausting me with his stupidity and shifting the blame on Sparkle..Enough....He needs to go and take several seats in his apartment..He is truly a child..I am a Will fan and it is getting too much even for me.. Sparkle needs to leave Sonny alone and I don't believe that he is as noble as he pretends to be..Time will tell.... The baby mystery involving Theresa and Brady should have involved Kim, Shayne, Victor, John, Marlena, Brady, Theresa, Andrew, Hope, Aiden. It could have been an umbrella story that pulled people together for a common cause. It would have been a good way to pay homage to the past. As usual, this writing team misses the boat with the Jonas family being the savior of all Salem..I detest that abominable family. They ruin everything.....
  8. It is obvious that Will is losing it big time....He needs to calm down and look in the mirror. He broke his marriage vows and not Paul....
  9. I agree about your assessment of JJ, that is why Jack needs to come back and help him. It will be good if his uncle Steve and Aunt Adrienne lend a helping hand as well....That is what is missing from this show, the familial connections and nod to history to move the stories forward with the new generation...
  10. No, they have not interacted at all..Characters are too isolated on this show...Theresa has never interacted with Will and they are cousins....Don't get me started on Theresa and Sami....Kim and Roman always had a special bond....Their children should have been close as well...
  11. That is true...I just find the writing on this show to be so poor and boring...
  12. I am just saying that he could have been a stand alone character and he is already connected to Sonny.. That was enough..They never made Emma the interloper in the Kim/Shayne relationship related to anybody on canvas because she was meant to be a footnote in their love story..Sparkle is going to be to Wilson what EJ was to LUMI..A stain that will forever alter their dynamic..That is why I hate this retcon.... So what! kim cheated on Shayne with Victor and they were able to get pass that and had Andrew and Theresa..Justin and Adrienne cheated on each other and they were able to stay together with four sons later...Will's cheating is not murder...That is not the worst thing a character has done on this show..Nicole stole another woman's baby and she is still a viable character...
  13. Exactly...I hope the new writers can fix the characterization of Will..I bet this paternity issue will push Sonny and Sparkle together...They will get together and Will and Ari will be on the outside..I just know that they will have Will using Ari against Sonny....
  14. I just feel that they are going to retcon alot of history to make Paul happen..There was no need to make him related to John....He could have been a standalone character..I always thought it was a mistake to make EJ a Dimera..EJ Wells was more interesting than EJ Dimera...Once they made him a Dimera, I knew they were going to take him down a dark path and he dragged Sami down with him....In the process I never got Lumi...I had been waiting for them to get together since Lucas and Kate came to town...
  15. Paul could have been the start of a new family in town..There was a time when the Bradys were new in town...Shane Donovan was not related to anybody in town and he was a dynamic character..Kim and Shayne were great back in the day.....Victor was a stand alone character as well and he was the start of a new family in town...
  16. I think Christopher can play a black hat or even a grey hat very convincingly....They are making Will into Sami Jr....Will is already going to be reamed out by the town.. Paul could stand on his own and did not need to be tied to anybody in town...He was already connected to Sonny and that was enough....
  17. I think Victor is projecting his anger at himself on Will....The only person who has a right to rip into Will is Sonny...Everybody needs to mind their business.....It is a private matter....I don't like him threatening Will..I don't think Sonny would appreciate that..Victor has alot of nerve.... Sparkle is John's son..Drake confirmed it in an interview with Michael Logan...How corny..He would have been better as a son of a Dimera....Tony's, Peter's or even Andre's...
  18. Spoilers for the week of April 6.... Monday, April 6, 2015 Eric is alerted when he overhears a tense conversation between Serena and Xander. Tuesday, April 7, 2015 A furious Jennifer declares she and Daniel can no longer be friends. Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Victor rips into Will for his betrayal of Sonny and levels an angry threat. Thursday, April 9, 2015 Brady has an unexpected reunion. Friday, April 10, 2015 John is stunned when he realizes the truth. Sonny convinces Paul his mom has been lying to him
  19. I think they offer 2 year contracts now...Christopher's contract ends in 2016....Plus, Days of our lives is not renewed beyond 2016...It makes no sense to offer them long-term contracts anymore....I always suspected that they were going to write out Wilson after they got married, but, Chandler's plans to leave the show derailed their plans. So they had to continue the story of Wilson with no long-term plans for them. It explains why they were stuck fighting Nick for Ari again. The Homophobes are always a factor when writing gay characters..If they made too much noise about them, they could be written out quickly. Look at their vitriol on the Days of our lives face book page, they are disgusting...We still have alot of work to do when it comes to tolerance... There are fans out there who are nuts who dislike Freddie mostly because of Wilson Version 2. There is a small faction of anti-fans that harass him on Twitter about it, calling him a drunkard all the time because of his accident last year (but then, these are the same people who also think he's a closeted gay who was "disloyal to Chandler" and keeps Alyssa as his beard so...). Lmao....
  20. Apparently Freddie's contract is up in April, but word on the street is that he wants to extend it till August when Guy's contract is up..I guess he must want Wilson to be the endgame...Who knows what will happen? I never thought that they would have written out Chandler, but they did...I think the show will be taping the new regime's script soon...They were dark last week...They work this week and they are off on Good Friday....
  21. Why? they need to fix the characters that they have made unlikable before bringing in new ones that we don't care about...
  22. Exactly, Plus it was rooted in history and character driven..John and Marlena had been together for years as husband and wife until it was revealed that John was a fraud and the real Roman was alive...Marlena went back to Roman and John moved on to Isabella..Their love and attraction never died. They just suppressed it for the sake of their families.. There was no reason for Will to cheat on Sonny.. James E. Reilly who wrote the John/Marlena/Roman triangle was a genius in constructing storylines for Days of our lives. I now consider that time to be one of the most consistent and extensive. Reilly would take you from one story to the next and I knew it would be a wonderful wild ride that would both torture and treat me day in, day out. And I had faith that in the end I'd be rewarded. You could have faith that the ride would be worth it. That's virtually not possible any more on Days. Reilly was great at using history and milking it for years. It will never be that good again. For example" Will's paternity was revealed 2 years after he was born at Sami and Austin's aborted wedding by Carrie and that storyline begat the Lucas/Sami wars for years... All if this originally goes back to the affair that Sami witnessed between John and Marlena in the Titan conference room one evening...Incredible!
  23. How is Will not qualified to raise his own daughter? I understand why some of you guys hate Will and I understand that, due to the awful writing...let's not exaggerate his unfitness as a dad..The show has done a good job of showing that both men are good fathers who love their daughter...Sonny has no rights at all..Will could keep him from seeing Ari because Sonny did not adopt her...Will has sole custody..Will would never keep them from each other.. Since this show is determined to make Will Sami Jr., he will use Ari to keep Sonny by his side, just like Sami used him to keep Austin by her side...If the show wants a Sami like character, why don't they make Abigail the black sheep Horton...The actress plays her like a vixen instead of a heroine. Abigail is a Johnson and we know that dark family history through Adrienne, Jo, Steve,Jack and Duke....With Steve coming back, this would be a good time to revisit the Johnson Family drama of the past... The show needs to bring back Stefanie, Jack and Sonny's brothers to write this story.... Another missed opportunity on the show is the Brady/Theresa romance...I always felt that Kim and Shayne should be a part of this story due their dark history with Victor...Victor was not always this lovable..He was a real bastard back in the day especially with Kim.. Their mutual hatred was still evident at Alice's funeral..Andrew should be in the mix as well..He could clash with JJ and fall in love with Abigail. Perhaps he goes to work with Victor leading him down a dark path with the Kiriakis brothers...That could have pulled Wilson into it as well because Andrew is Will's cousin...The show forgets it's family connections and rich history and that hurts the overall storylines... I have been watching this show for a long time and this is the first time in it's history that I find the show to be unwatchable and boring. Everybody is unlikable and acting out character. We have to put up with six more months of this..I shudder to think of what will come on our screens...
  24. The reporter is going to expose Will's one night stand with Paul in front of the whole town. Will did it to so many people, now it is his turn. I guess Derrick must have told that reporter. Plus, Will writes that article about Paul claiming that he is a Dimera....
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