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Everything posted by AyChihuahua

  1. I certainly hope no one is accusing me of having made something up, because I did no such thing. It was on my TL, and I reported what I saw. I did not swear to its veracity.
  2. Realistically he can't guarantee something will never happen (or conversely, will definitely happen, unless it's already been filmed and included in the final cut), because he doesn't write the show. He has some power, but clearly not enough to dictate storylines. I take everything he says with a huge grain of salt. He's a corporate guy, which is probably the best career move.
  3. I don't think people are upset, really. Mostly kind of amused.
  4. I've also heard that JH said something about BC/GA being soulmates in an interview, but I don't have a link. Putting in SM bc doesn't seem spoiler-y. Just kind of troll-y.
  5. Was she in the crossover eps? I wonder if they're counting those...if they executed a new contract that ratcheted her down from her usual number to 14, it's entirely possible that the 14 is for ALL her apperances in the Flarrowverse. Well, the US Pres picks his VP, and if the Pres is impeached and removed then the VP becomes Pres (and then gets to pick his VP).
  6. Yeah, she was freaking shot, severely injured, and paralyzed. I guess that's just...no big? This frigging show.
  7. She's obviously a humanoid cockroach. Or maybe a bedbug.
  8. Didn't Oliver and HT work more or less for Anatoly in Russia? So they all know each other? And HT could have just done the phone number thing for the reason he said he did, that now that Felicity was moving on (bf info), it was time for Oliver to consider doing the same. I guess on a normal show I'd think this was all foreshadowing. But Arrow has done foreshadowing, even really huge foreshadowing, that has gone literally NOWHERE, many times.
  9. I wonder if it could be both. Maybe Anatoly heard someone was poking around in Bratva business, but didn't know who? So Oliver slept with her for whatever stupid but sincere reason, totally unrelated to Bratva, and later Anatoly finds out/tells Oliver that she's the nosy parker he has to take care of. (And then Oliver snaps her neck. Lemme dream...I REALLY don't like her.)
  10. Dumb question, but couldn't the tie-in anvils just be because she was/is investigating his time in Russia? (Aside, good lord I hope he didn't bang her for an agenda. It's gross enough when she does it, but idgaf about her. I'd strongly prefer the hero not enter into a seemingly-sincere relationship for that reason.)
  11. He's been either silent or really snotty re O/F and its fans: "Are Olicity fans going to blame the [first of many] .6 for 505 on bad Olicity instead of the game?" Then they hit a new series low and suddenly he's talking up Olicity, and he thinks people aren't going to see an ulterior motive there? I think he really thinks the Arrow audience is stupid. That would explain a lot of very odd/half-assed storytelling choices.
  12. Guggie's response makes no sense. The point was that he suddenly started talking up Olicity a few days after a .5, not that the SHOW was suddenly going to pivot to Olicity. Either he's even dumber than I thought (possible) or he's intentionally misleading.
  13. That could have been the point. Anyone would look good compared to her.
  14. Yeah, as others have said, network interference isn't necessarily good, but I really can't imagine they expected a .5 during sweeps. Whether that means a reunion and whether said reunion will significantly improve the ratings or the general audience has just moved on, I don't know. But a .5 during sweeps...yikes.
  15. 323, though. Not 322, This is Your Sword, which had some seemingly very positive lyrics upon which Guggie took a big steaming dump.
  16. I do think that the .5 during sweeps, which I cannot imagine they expected, may shake them up. Whether it shakes them up in what I'd consider a positive direction or not, who knows. But yeah yeah, "ratings don't matter," sure, Steve...still can't imagine them liking that.
  17. Well, from the recent history of Delicity/DR overselling Delicity (I realize this isn't a DR quote, though), it'll be: Digg to Felicity: You cool? Felicity: Yeah. [End scene.] LOL, so many S5 "shoes" have not been eaten yet.
  18. IMO they fucked up by having him beat RAG. Even I, not a big DC comics person, know RAG is a supreme badass. Once you beat him, being unable to, e.g., beat teeny-tiny little Lonnie Manchin even WITH your ninja sister helping does not compute.
  19. IMO it's making Oliver into a weirdo moronic robot and pretending the prior four years (or in some cases, four weeks) never happened. Fix those issues and you mostly fix the show.
  20. Yeah, if someone with power has told them to stick BC/GA together, it'll happen, even if it's absolutely stupid and not supported in the narrative. Alternatively if they're worried about the ratings/Netflix views, they may stick O/F back together. IMO the narrative means nothing at this point. NOTHING. Just last episode..."Gunz 'R Bad (Except Sometimes Not)." This episode, "Gunz 'R Supes Cool!" Felicity has forgotten she dated the cop and Oliver has forgotten he killed a dude to keep his secret a few months ago. It's all chaos and entropy.
  21. No, we knew the whole point was to set up a spinoff, and very few people expected her to go with him. The whole setup was very transparent.
  22. Could it please also include something along the lines of "Marc deeply appreciates his time on Arrow, but he has decided to focus on LoT, where he feels his skills are best put to use."
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