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Everything posted by heckkitty

  1. I’m sure the Bible says somewhere that all adult women must wear mustard at all times. Probably squashed between the reports of Jesus hating poor people and sex workers. Wait a minute...
  2. PBC: Lacey VOTY: I want it to be Lauren, but I think it’ll be Gina. Is this a team vote or TPTB? ROTY: Bridget for me the Bridget vote is just enjoying watching her dance. If these are team votes, both could be anybody at all.
  3. Why the H did I go look to see what you were talking about? I’m all for do what you want, it’s her body, etc. but now I feel like I nee md a shower.
  4. Based on the sideline dance, looks like maybe Jinelle was filling in for Molly? Hope she’s ok.
  5. Jessika, Allanna, sometimes Lexie, Gabby. & I loved Gabby in tryouts, but I keep forgetting her
  6. They cannot get this right to save themselves. First it was both Maddie, then both Madeline, now both Maddie again. It’s not that hard! ?
  7. So they fixed the Maddie’s pic showing up for both her & Madeline problem & replaces it work the a Madeline’s pic showing up for them both?? I swear it was the other way around a couple days ago ????
  8. My rookie edition: Ashlee, Bridget, Hannah. But I could trade those 3 out for Jaylyn, Cianna, & Brennan, very easily.
  9. She really does. That expression is so much better than her smile.
  10. I should change one of my votes to Cianna, because she is a pretty good dancer despite having one gorilla arm. Not really.
  11. Kashara & Lauren for 2 of my 3, for sure. I was gonna say Maddie for #3, but then I watched the episode & I have to say Ashlee. Why didn’t they feature her more ?
  12. I saw that, and she’s was tearing up ?
  13. I already have trouble telling the 2 Madeline’s apart (when they’re not dancing). If they straighten her hair, I’ll be totally lost ???
  14. Entrance, thunder, kickline, & some sideline stuff is on their social media.
  15. OMG I had not noticed this and now I'm not going to be able to unsee it.
  16. It’s probably just the angle on this or something, but brunette vet on the far right (Rachel?? Molly??) looks about 18 feet tall in this. Agree that Lacey should be featured more - I thought she’d be front & center. And Khalyn too. I don’t feel like they’re hiding Christina. She’s right behind Yuko, & more or less even with Rachel, Lauren, & a blond 2nd year i’m having trouble identifying. & I think she looks cute.
  17. Yeah that is awful. Interestingly, this Link looks perfect; you can’t even Alanna’s legs. I think that supports the idea that she jumped but landed early. Of course, that’s the cowboys website; maybe someone there has great photoshop skills. Pic 28 on the cowboys’ site.
  18. I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but of those 4, I’d rather watch Victoria. I really like Madeline, but her smile never varies here, it seems frozen & glued on. Boring Rachel is boring (but pretty, so I suppose she can get away with it). & the other one (Lily?? Taylor T??) just seems bad. VK may or may not be awful as a person, & definetly is too big for the DCC ? (she is really not “fat IMO, though). But she has the steps down & has a lively smile.
  19. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the scene with VK and Jinelle will be edited so that it looks like she's being sweet/complementary to Jinnelle, that the crying is just her talking about how very hard it is, that the "we think you're not ready" is not directed at her meaning (*double checks to make sure this is the spoiler thread*) they don't show her cut early or out of order, and she comes out smelling like a rose (at least to TPTB).
  20. Omg your grand baby is so cute!!! Pants, & how sinfully low SIL’s top is cut, is my guess.
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