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Everything posted by Maleficent

  1. I love this show! I just saw the musical again and though that is way over the top camp, I love how the show has equal parts camp/horror/drama. Someone did something very right with this show.
  2. I really like Rachel, but she has her head so far up Bernie Sanders ass it's getting harder for me to watch. She never has a hard question for him.
  3. Well, they didn't really need St. Marq anymore with Chris stepping up to be villain. I think he's a cocky guy, but I kinda liked him...until he pulled that crap with his canvas. What an asshole. That was just too much and he gave the editors a whole lot to work with. I like the rest of the bunch. They all have their issues with mannerisms, ways to confront and mostly likely lack of sleep, but all in all they seem like good people.
  4. I think he has a good sense of humor and takes the time to teach. He's not always right, but almost always is better than almost never. Looks like I got my answer...
  5. I'm right there with you. At least we didn't have to see him, to the detriment of his own health, drink his own pee for psychological reasons. I thought it was a pile of bull when he mocked Cody for getting food. All that countless times he spent trying to get food last season and him foolishly trying to kill a cobra for no reason this season...ugh. If they keep him and Cody leaves I'm done with this show. Joe is damn near un-watchable at this point. I seriously want him to shave and close his shirt. Or get some suntan lotion, because he seriously looks like someone rubbed BBQ sauce all over his chest it's so red.
  6. Leeches everywhere. I don't know...somehow I thought they were larger. I may watch too many movies, lol. My husband and I played a game of "How many times can Joe be wrong?" during the first two episodes. Turns out that's a lot. We did think it was amusing to see them almost set up camp in a panther's den. Is it horrible I broke out laughing? The pure terror on Joe's face seemed totally out of his "character". Does anybody know anything about the who was let go? I hope it's Joe. He takes too many chances and it doesn't seem like he has a lot to teach about survival itself. I watch Lock Up on MSNBC and there was a Afghanistan vet who was staying in Sheriff Arpio's famous tent city who said that those who serve in the military aren't roughing it at all. Their lives are most definitely in danger, but the military does the best it can to get them air conditioning in their tents, good meals and whatnot. There's a huge difference between someone who can survive and someone who can teach others the best way they can survive. The first two episodes epitomizes this for me. Joe can survive, but he has little patience for anyone who isn't on his same regimen.
  7. He's just too serious. I also think that he's not really considering survival in any fashion that would help anyone other than someone who is trained like he is. What's worse is that he seems to have very little respect for Cody's skills. There should be some sort of camaraderie between the two and there just isn't. I know it may seem weird, but whenever they find civilization, he's all business and there's really no happiness to it.There's no "job well done". It's tiring.
  8. Even though he wasn't all he said he was military wise...I miss him on the show. He had a good report with Cody and never took himself too seriously.
  9. I think I'll go with Bianca, Dela and Adore. I was excited about Courtney, but she's kind of fizzled for me.
  10. Loathe Spike? I think you have that confused. LOVE Spike. Everyone loves him, right? They must, because I just can't imagine anything else. What I love about him is that in a TV with characters split in the realm of good and evil, black and white, he was a big patch of grey. That's with him trying his hardest to be evil. His complexity is compelling. James Marsters played that in and out, one season role into a juggernaut. He's still my favorite character of the whole series. Next is Xander, because the guy with no superpowers who still has a sense of humor after the 5th or 6th apocalypse is a keeper.
  11. I really enjoyed the shows. I can't get all of their names down, but I will say that I'm liking Usher's team quite a bit. I also like Sissandra from Blake's team, but I just can't see her winning. I wonder if Blake will bring in Xtina to help 'coach' her. This season isn't even over and I already can't wait for Pharrell. I'm kinda sad because I thought Usher was going to be on next season too, but Pharrell? So awesome.
  12. Her departure was expected, but I'm still sad. I had a lot of high hopes for seeing some unique looks. Instead, two episodes in Milk dishes out two similar looks and dresses as a man :(
  13. This episode was hysterical. Loved Adore. She seems like her head's in the right spot. She's not getting pulled into Laganja's drama. And it seems like she's learning some tricks from Bianca!! Woo hoo! Loved it. I thought Darienne wasn't at her best, but I'm not so quick to run her off. Dela has her moments of coming across like..."I have no idea...no I'm the greatest!" Instead of brushing it off like she does with Courtney, it seems like Darienne may be taking it personally. Her reads were on point though. Funny as hell. I'll have to see an episode or two more of stank before I find a bigger boot to whack that ass.
  14. I love the voice. Waiting for the next epi to really chime in. Honestly, I didn't care for the last one. It was sort of meh for me.
  15. I wanted to love her, because I love a queen who ain't afraid of the avante guarde or the unusual. It just seems like she's got some good ideas, but no execution and no way to explain her ideas. Milk seems to be in a box and if she only dipped out of the box here and there to accent her ideas, they could translate to a larger audience. Bitch needs a little Nesquick.
  16. I will stand all by my lonesome and say I adore Adore. When she questioned Gia doing Selena for the Snatch Game and said something like, "I like pizza and Yolanda shot me" I laughed so hard I missed a bunch that came after. When she's on, she's on. When she's off, she's a bit of a wreck. I can only imagine what type of queen she'll be like in 5 years. I also give her props for standing up to Laganga and smacking that nonsense down. She wasn't over dramatic and didn't play the victim. She just laid down truth, mamas. Please oh please let her latch onto Bianca a little more to get that much needed guidance. Also, If she's going to be a messy queen, she needs to make every hair out of place look intentional. She needs to look Alaska's way I think. She's not there, but I think she can be sooner than later.
  17. I'm here from TWoP. This time around I do love Adore...don't ask me why I just do. I also like Bianca and Ben. I loved Raja, Shannel, Jinkx and don't hate me but Tatiana and Phi Phi. For me, Tati had a pretty quick wit and Phi Phi's lack of tact was just funny to me. Apparently just me, but every time she spoke I was damn near in tears. Phew, I can't believe I admitted to that and I'm new here!
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