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Everything posted by janie2002

  1. It makes her sound better, and Carole sound worse. B knows what she is doing
  2. I agree about Billie being thristy, and I feel like she is almost untouchable because she is the only trans on the show. I think the fact that TOM got away with making out with another girl while married is sad. Maybe Katie is zen enough and gets her confidence back to leave him if he does it again. ( I dont think so, but eventually she might tire of him. OR stop caring for him like she did before)
  3. Katie and Ariana seemed a little distant with LVP, wonder if they feel like she is jerking their guys around. 5% is a tiny investment and I can see why LVP would be annoyed by their "partnership" title. However she started all this.
  4. I completely agree. It what they are mourning that is the difference. B saying there is no difference is silly imo Dorinda speaks of Richard because things remind her of him and he seemed like the love of her life. That will not change. Sonja mourns the materialistic stuff and not only that she still talks like she had it last week and could next week. That is what is frustrating.
  5. I would have loved if Teddi said it's okay I can pay the same people to make me a bathing suit like Dorit did, and name it "the petty" lol or she could have said it didn't bother me a bikini is a bikini is a bikini.
  6. lol i kinda wish lisav would have made a snarky comment about how Cedric is a liar that hurt her family, it would be like all those rumors about HH hurting their family years ago. Just to see rinnas head explode.
  7. Lol yeah, us fatties are happy and full. (talking about myself in the "us")
  8. She hates LVP, and after this season I doubt LVP will play nice with her. If her kids lost jobs its because of her nastyness. She went after Dorit, after LVP after Yolanda. People sure can be- it was rinna herself that posted on instagram that her hater were so fat they couldnt see their own vaginas.
  9. Erica could have been gracious. They were many ways to answer that. Even what she said wasnt bad but the Effing tone! She didnt laugh or make it fun.
  10. Erikas attitude towards Andy was off, she was very cunty. No sense of humor, she normally does this Giraldi act. It's so telling her loved ones haven't read her book Rina is still vile, she just does it in her talking heads. She takes every chance to diss lvp. I don't get the insta stories making fun of how lvp looked season 1, they all looked unpolished at first. Rina with her deformed lips shouldn't make fun of anyone looks.
  11. Kim saying Nene looked like she on something was funny. Sheree looked lost AF. she looked like she was stupid or high and could grasp the conversations. She is too effing lazy to even prep for the reunion!?
  12. I mean it come from the Movie where Bebe has 4 bad ass kids. I guess it has since evolved from the movie to just mean bad kids because a lazy ass mom.
  13. Per Urban Dictionary -The ridiculously numerous offspring of an irresponsible mother (see clownshoes who doesn't watch her children properly, allows the kids to do whatever they please, and sits around watching TV all day talking on the phone with her friends, and then DENY your allegations of bad parenting and tell you that you have no right telling her how to raise 'her' kids
  14. thats is an old ass car, no way it's Quincy's. That's has to be a car Sonja got in the settlement 15 years ago, at that time is probably brand new.
  15. I don't think Sonja gives 2 shits about old man Morgan, I think she mourns the life he provided her every minute of the day. she is well off, but it does not compare with actual wealth the morgan's have. Her problem is she got caught up thinking this was her wealth and didnt do what a trophy wife is suppose to do and cater to your husband. Also side note, did you see when Beth ask Tinsley why are you mad at Sonja and she responds she said I came to NYC to find a rich husband. Beth shrugs her shoulders( what a bish move)
  16. I know they are still friends but the vibe changed when B came to the show. Also tins and her becoming close makes total sense, but there looks like more to it. Carol seems almost annoyed with B
  17. Talking to Sonja would be infuriating, she is delusional and I would avoid her at all cost. Bethenny is NEEDY, and Carol seems to dump best friends when a new one cmes along. She dumped Heather for B, aand noow dumped B for Tinsley. I would love if Tins and Carol walked around Beths house making rude comments, like B and Carol did at the tall skinny girls house. ( i can not remember her name) Can you imagine, Ramona just said it wasn't a location she liked and Beth was pissed. Also at the restaurant B told Luanne you don't have to tell me I'm right, and Luann responds I wasn't , no. Then B pushes but you want to tell me I'm right. Almost forcing Luann to say yes you were. Then she makes a big deal out of it the next day and in her talking head.
  18. Also how about Brittany going up to blonde guy and saying Hi Boyfriend. Wtf you bf just went ape shii the night before about this whole situation.
  19. I don't buy the whole Brittany is so sweet and good. She looks like an opportunist to me. She is scared of getting dumped because then she might not have a spot on the show. I can get Jax being pissed Scheana brought a guy to his house that she is trying to set his gf up with. If it was the other way around then the girls would've flipped their shii. However since Jax is a cheater everyone is like meh , no big deal. Payback. TomX2 own 10% of the bar, I mean that's cool but they are making it seem like they are building this from the ground up. Seems silly, it more of an investment. I get Katie is all this is the best year, but didn't your husband make out with a random a few months after your marriage and get black out drunk? She has just shii go faster but it hasn't improved.
  20. I thought the reunion was petty and fun until Kim took the air out of the room. The D songs were funny to me.
  21. She could have laughed it off instead she responded really over the top. Hit a sore spot I guess. Maybe that fan is on this forum because it was a shady question but hilarious. Dorit just cant take it.
  22. She does look awful, after the first few adjustments she did look better than when she first came on the scene, but at this point she is crossing the line into scary. Marlos also said her husband is suppose to defend her but deep down he is probably like thank god someone said it lol
  23. An entitled. She doesnt have any smarts, hussle or drive to make shii happen.
  24. Kenya should have been prepared. She could say Marc thinks its not a good representation because it really focus on our bad traits or flaws, because that is more entertaining. He knows a different side of me that he wouldn't have thought by watching the show.
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