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Everything posted by janie2002

  1. Got it, man rich people are shady and get sued alot. lol
  2. I love this, or maybe she just does a talking head and say Oh you better believe I'm going to talk about it.
  3. I agree but the backlash if Lisa did that would be even worse. The people that already dislike her would be like SEE she is evil, maybe she can just hint at it lol
  4. It totally makes sense, prob the only reason DJ James is requested. Clubs are banking tourist will want to see a reality tv star.
  5. *rich husband lol Her great achievements are thanks to Tom's money that got her on this show, and you have to be a real eff up to not make some business deals out of RHW.
  6. Erika can take care of herself, as she lives off her old geezer. Okay Jan.
  7. She manipulated us into not liking her vapid daughters. Damn that LVP!
  8. Ericka flys her glam team to trips 1st class and can't fix the fawkng doorbell? Sad looking pool. Dated looking house. I don't know why it reminds me of cheap cars with rims worth thousands. lol It makes no sense. Unless the rumors are true and Ms Erica doesn't even live there and lives in a sexy condo in LA.
  9. Not only that but this is a PET , i've had people tell me they love my dog and want it and I laugh it off. Never have I said okay take it. BS
  10. That is the hilarious part of the whole story. IF lisa set up the original telling on camera, then Kyle and Teddie knew at some point oh we are being set up, let's continue to talk about it? Why not sy hmm you set this whole thing up I am not going to be the reason this gets more air time. If you want it out YOU talk about it. They wanted to be in the drama and have scenes but still wash their hands clean and say well Lisa used us. Nope not buying it.
  11. Later year when vanderpump was being sued, rinna brought it on camera and had her talking head where she says "oh you better believe I'm going to bring it up" yet here we have 3 other castmates being sued.. not a peep from her. Come on Rinna bring it up.
  12. I think the part that bothers me about the whole situation is during the trip Teddie is so righteous that she was set up and never lies!!!!! When I'm guessing a few days later upon lvps return she gets evidence Teddie tried to get the situation on camera her damn self. So in reality they all treated lvp like a pariah, im curious to see how they respond to the text that Teddie was going to say she knew the dog. Will they all wash over that and keep putting everything at lvp feet. Teddie can say in her blogs and Twitter she has admitted guilt blah blah blah but true is she admitted after LVP came with receipts. I will say lvp always protects the underdog, and it has never helped her. Last seasons she has been there for Teddie and Dorit when they weren't liked.
  13. Actually john and teddie are friends according to teddie episode 1. If I know my friend doesn't like someone , and that someone just pissed me off. I'm going to call my friend and say guess wtf she did. So I dont find this like some crazy conspiracy. I'm sure when Rinna hears Lisa did something shady she calls her friend that hates Vanderpump too.
  14. See I would normally agree if this was just slinging beers and vanderpumptinis, but what good can come from people going to her rescue center and looking. If they are legit which it seems they are, they will have to process a thorough adoption process so no other dogs end up at a shelter. It's not the same as just selling goat cheese balls. She might want to get publicity for her shelter but she already gets that on both shows. This isn't the first the center has been a backdrop on rhobh
  15. My love for LVP has slowly waned over the years, but seeing her so vulnerable makes me side with her. I lost a loved one to suicide, one day they were depressed and 2 weeks later they were gone. It happened so fast. It changed me to my core. Yes I was incredibly sensitive, and I appreciate every note, card, flower or visit during that time. I felt like the whole world shouldn't be happy, how could anyone smile, didn't they know my loved on was gone? I did keep a mental note on my dear friends that didn't reach out, i was moved by friendships I hadn't kept in touch with sending me sweet messages. I kinda get Lisa's feeling towards Erika, but I would never tell anyone they didn't do enough. However I can understand. Like others said grief makes you do stupid things, it changes you. Now this doggie drama, if Lisa said she you can tell Teddie about Dorit returning the dog, it doesn't mean she wanted it talked about camera. Teddie said she is friends with that John guy and it is gossip at Vanderpump dogs, why wouldn't he tell her? Her coming up with the idea that he should bring Lucy out out and she would say she recognized her was her idea. She volunteered, but I guess that is LVP mind tricks again( BH wives are so easy to manipulate I guess). I'd have more respect for Teddie is she admit I said I was going to bring it up on camera since Dorit and I hadn't spoke since the reunion. After seeing her at Kyles and us starting anew, I felt guilty. I'm sorry. Done. I fawking hate Rinna, she is gross, snotty and a horrible Hollywood snake. She is what I picture as an actress that would do anything for fame. Erika's sugar daddy sounds like he hates her, and is being sued for millions. Great story line Dorit and PK are being sued. Great story line. Rinna has fought rumors of her husband being a rapist, abuser and or gay for 20 years. decent story line Kyle , Mauricio is being sued for really shady business dealings another story line. They are lucky LVP only wants to expose a dog being returned.
  16. Watching this just reinforces that Brit got oral from Kristen. I think they are all kinky and think girl on girl is not cheating. The face Jax made when he said Britney has been in lady pond was like you remember.
  17. I thought the James firing is so they can move Katie to Tom Tom. Makes more sense, she needs to keep an eye on her immature husband plus doesnt have to "work" with James. I feel bad for Raquel, she is slow but hasn't been mean to anyone. Everyone is taking out their hate on James at her. Lala is a little bitch, she snapped about her dad. Raquel wasnt saying anything about that.
  18. Dandra came out swinging, what is it about her voice that she always sounds like she is yelling. Her and her momma seem so elitist. I get that Brandi was making fun of Leeann and D fighting over queen B status, but it seems everyone really laughed at leeann over it. Hello Dandra was just as petty and sad. It was interesting they pretty much all agreed Dandra wants to take credit for the show. I mean she could come or go. I think she liked having Leeann as a best friend because Leeann probably kissed her arse. Then when RHOD came around she stopped being th sidekick and started getting more noticed in Dallas, and that was the end of their friendship by Dandras choice.
  19. The reunion was kinda lame, but I LOOOOOED Gina saying if her and Icky got to th epearly gates at the same time, she might make it in before Icky. I do like Gina because I think she isnt afraid to go up against the OG's/ I want them to keep Emily and Gina 1 more season.
  20. MJ looks like a dirty fat drunk slob. I like that she loves her body but she looks like she smells to me. I think GG went through some shii in her youth, and I feel sorry for her. MJ and Reza though are vile people, they like hurting everyone around them. Trying to get GG's ex on the reunion is low and hurtful. I should stop watching this show since I really don't like any of these people.
  21. So from the previews it sounds like brandy stole leannes cell phone and in retaliation Leanne cloned brandy's phone. I wonder if these *iches are that Tech savvy. And of somebody stole my phone I don't things crossing the line to steal their hers back.
  22. Shannon is a tiresome person. Her fun is being drunk and woohooing. If people aren't doing that , they can be pampering her and fawning over her. Those are the 2 options. I can see why David hates her, she was a stay at home mom that never got up with the kids for bfast or to take them to school. Didn't pay any bills? I'm damn sure she wasn't cleaning the house herself. He probably has a lot of resentment.
  23. I also thought yeah thats a side baby he had. That's why Brandi gets all teary eyed about the adoption being secret in Aspen. I think she feared it would lead to more questions. Dandra is a person born on 3 and thinks they hit a homerun.. She can lecture but wants everyone to be nice about her failures. Also WHO the eff put 4k of personal shopping on their compan card ON TV. That is some shady dealing and calls in IRS red flags.
  24. If they did fire carol because of b, then B doesn't come back because of Denise, Andy will be kicking himself. I hope B doesn't come back for the next season, it will be a really dark season if she does.
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