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  1. The texts between Denise and Brandi read to me like two fake LA women. The sweetness and wanting to plan to meet up, without really doing it.
  2. The lawsuit she lost, right? Everyone missed the mark at that last dinner. They looked tired, like the jet lag was getting to them at this point. Funny Dorit and Erika both went for similar looks and failed. Damn Garcel is a queen, with the straight facts on Rinna. Also why does Rinna get so upset at the thought of Denis saying rinna had sex with Brandi. "Don't even put that out there" why? Also I hate Tessy she is so self righteous and annoying. Stfu.
  3. In that moment you could see Erikas realization that Rinna really is a POS. Like this women would feed you to the wolves if it got her 15 more minutes of fame.
  4. Going off social media- Erika stands by her words. She is retweeting support for her. Erika is a totally different person in front of her husband, you would think she would understand that Denise might act different in front of her kids. I think it must hurt Denise to have her kids looked at as less "pure" because Charlie is their dad. They aren't teenage girls, they are little fast girls because of their dad. Not fair, sins of my father and all. How many of us have had a girls night and gotten a little drunks and loud, yet we probably wouldnt do that at our kids birthday party. Rinna is one low down dirty dog, i think she is a vile person. Her kids have pumped their faces with filler, dropped out of college, have anxiety, depression and eating disorders, BUT thank god they can suck a D good. Yeah, I'm not taking parenting advice from Rinna any time soon.
  5. I get that vibe, she is giving insecure vibes.
  6. I don't know, I feel like Dennis Richards is a household name for this target audience. She was so Hot in the 90's, then married the bad boy so there was some mystery to that. I get her saying I'm Dennis Effing Richards. I mean she isnt new to Hollywood, she has seen some shii. In my Yolanda voice "who is Kyle Richards in this world?" I don't know, I feel like Dennis Richards is a household name for this target audience. She was so Hot in the 90's, then married the bad boy so there was some mystery to that. I get her saying I'm Dennis Effing Richards. I mean she isnt new to Hollywood, she has seen some shii. In my Yolanda voice "who is Kyle Richards in this world?"
  7. Wow Sutton is too dumb to know when she is mean and to rich to know how she comes off. I like her less now that we see what a softy she is, I was enjoying her at first thinking she was smart and viscious. I feel like this is the real Kyle, this is what she showed in the first seasons. Now I think they are just showing that side of her again.
  8. I think denise thinks aaroon is hot af. So to her it's a joke to say he let himself go, dorit on the other hand knows PK is ghastly. So she takes it more like oh that's mean because it's TRUE about my husband. Its all about POV. Aaron is not my type but I can easily see lots of women attracted to him. Mauricio being so sloppy is weird, maybe there is more financial issues brewing?he used to seem slimy but successful, but nowhe is ... hm slow?kyle is letting her b:tech side shine, probably thinking the producers wouldn't want to make the only OG left look bad. Like others said be careful, once you got Lisa out, this snake pit has to find another target. Also blood should be thicker than water. Tell rinna you went around spreading rumors about my sister sobriety and put her mental health in danger,so I will always stick up for her no matter what. God I hate rinna. Helllllloooooo paparazzi. Really, an effing tourist with a basic ass camera. She really thinks she is hot shit
  9. I was pleasantly surprised by Raquel standing up to Lala. I think Lala was pissed that she couldn't dominate her like normal. Also schwartsy was ugly, and I think Bubba is an unhappy slob. So it doesnt make me fee too bad for her.
  10. The more experienced crew members are aholes. Is it editing or is Jenna a shitty 1st?
  11. I cant see Marc being a good lover, he gives selfish vibes. Like he is good looking so he has never had to really try to please a woman. I just think hed be a lame lay. Lol then brag how good he gave it to you and ask for a sandwhich.
  12. Yeap. My husband looked over at me and said wtf is wrong with her.
  13. 3k baht....I think that's like 100bucks
  14. And the producers made sure to show them over and over and over again. All different ones.
  15. My husband and I went out in Thailand, not the sex area but backpackers row. We had the best time dancing and got drunk off our asses. We still talk about how awesome that night was. We ate pad thai on the street afterwards and took a tuktuk back to our hotel.
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