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Apocalypse Cow

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  1. Fwiw, I have several aunts and cousins named Dixie. It's a pretty common name in NC--- for girls and pets. I've never really seen it used as a racially charged word--- rather just a cute name for a Southern girl/pet or in reference to the South. There's enough racist crap in the workd without trying to make everything southern into something racist.
  2. I liked Adam's routine, although it was an obvious rip off of her and Mark's kpop routine from her season. However, it wasn't a great freestyle. Jenna outdanced Adam, he wasn't as sharp, and they weren't in sync. Definitely not their best work. But it didn't bore me... and the other routines did.
  3. Yeah, I live in the boonies of NC, and we barely lock our doors. I feel safer in the middle of nowhere than in the city.
  4. I breastfed my second until 4. Americans have a very sexualized view of breasts that is not shared by most of the world. Breastfeeding beyond 1 is normal in the majority of the world. The benefits of breast milk are many, and they do not end at 1. (Steps off soapbox)
  5. The onion episode was the first of Season 4. My DVR refuses to record the Thursday night one, but does the Sunday afternoon repeat. Get it together, PBS!
  6. In regards to Paul and his addictions, he may want to remove himself from the restaurant scene completely for a few years until he maintains sobriety for a long period of time. It's too high stress and drug use runs rampant in restaurants. It's just too much temptation to fall back into the same habits.
  7. I. AM. DYING. hahahahahaha, yeah, you are right. lol.
  8. Carlitta Ferraro is the one who made the racist comment. To Vanessa Ferrari. It's hard to keep those names straight.
  9. So, do we hate Ferrari because of that? Or did she do something else? I'm just wondering why everyone is made at her. I don't care that she didn't medal, I'm just curious at the vitriol towards her.
  10. Was it Ferrari or Ferraro who said the nasty stuff about Simone?
  11. I was coming here to comment on Gabby's reaction to Simone and Aly winning. She looked completely peeved to be there, while Laurie was about to jump out of her seat. I feel bad for Gabby--- she should have been there competing... that two per rule is dumb--- but that's life. Simone's floor was the best I've seen her do it all Olympics, I think. Her musicality was better. I still prefer Aly's routine, but Simone killed it.
  12. I'm not wishing Simone to have a disastrous meet. I just want there to be a level of competitiveness to it. And yeah, I'm pulling for Aly to have the meet of her life. I just want the AA final to be exciting. If this makes me a terrible person for wanting some drama in the AA final, then I'm a terrible person and I own it. I'm not taking my Simone voodoo doll and breaking legs on it or anything, but I am hoping for this competition to not be a complete runaway.
  13. I know Americans are supposed to put the hand over the heart, but nbd if she doesn't unless she's doing it to be disrespectful, which i completely doubt. Idk why Gabby is the poster child for social media slams. She's barely an adult, cut her some slack, dang it. lol I was very ambivalent towards Aly until this Olympics. I actually like her a lot this go round, and I am totally pulling for her to be an upset in the AA. (#teamdrama ) Her parents don't bug me at all because I'm basically the same way watching my kids play little league. Olympics would have me on the floor in convulsions.
  14. Yeah, but most of the competitors aren't super consistent either. I'd rather have stuck landings and lower difficulty, tbh. This system of judging rewards mediocre execution.
  15. It's going to take a big mistake from Simone for Aly to sneak in. I love Laurie's fx, but I agree it's not on the same level as Aly's or Simone's.
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