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Everything posted by Wicked

  1. But are they on a reality tv show where cameras are supposed to follow them around and film what they're doing?
  2. I don't think Tinsley was a bad guest, Sonja was a bad host.
  3. Taking daughter to college story line > Lucygate
  4. Got teary eyed when Sophia said goodbye to the dogs. I love this kind of stuff, real family things that we all go through one way or another.
  5. There was a way to do it before the big update, I would assume that option is still available but incant remember how I did it before
  6. Dorit is making LVP her scapegoat to deflect from her shadiness with Lucy. Dorit will always be the worst. If only LVP had been more upfront about outing the situation, Dorit would be getting the attention she deserves for this.
  7. It's on Hulu. I haven't watched it though.
  8. I think Sandovol handled the kid situation well: I'm going to have kids one day, you can be as involved as you want to be. Up front, to the point, not confrontational.
  9. I tried to watch the last season to get ready for this one, but I was completely bored so I stopped. I will give this season a try, hope it's better.
  10. I think LVP went after Dorit after Dorit told the other girls she was jealous and needy.
  11. I will have to re-watch part one, I don't remember that part, I thought she had apologized earlier and it seemed genuine to me. Not saying I would want to be her best friend, just that I think I could let most of what she says or does roll off my shoulders. I don't think it comes from a malicious place. Unless she feels attacked (Margaret) and then she goes low.
  12. I have to say, I don't mind Jennifer. Her house is tacky and she spoils her kids, but I do think she's mostly harmless. I think her bragging comes from a place of insecurity and low self esteem. Yes, she was awful and rude in Oklahoma but I don't think she meant to be hurtful, I think she just didn't know how to navigate a new situation (being on a girls trip, being on a reality show). While I'm generally on Margaret's side, Margaret was so off base with the mail order bride comments, Jennifer was right to be offended by that. Just remembering the necklace situation tho, and yeah, Jennifer was totally in the wrong there. But again, I don't think she's mean spirited, just a little self centered but also insecure at the same time.
  13. Agreed about the text. My take is that Dorit is 100% wrong in how she handled the dog, but also LVP is trying to manufacture this whole drama on camera to punish her, imo.
  14. Spoiler tagging just in case, but Teddi has a tweet about the texts we see in the preview for next episode.
  15. Does anyone know if the George Michael will situation has been resolved, is James not getting any money from his estate or is he will waiting on it?
  16. I think James is legitimately a talented, smart, funny guy. But he is also definitely damaged by his parents and he lashes out and hurts people because of it. I really do hope he can get that under control because he does have a lot of potential. He needs to take responsibility for the mean and nasty things he has said and done. Guy has some serious penance he needs to do.
  17. Yes, I feel bad that James has the mother he has, but also YES, James needs to stop being a shitty person because of it.
  18. Teresa just seems like an also ran this season. She's Danielle's lap dog
  19. She also just did Heather Dubrow's podcast, she is getting around with the RHs. I haven't heard the podcast.
  20. Perhaps Billie has, I don't know, but if she hasn't, she needs to apologize to Katie as publicly as she attacked her. She put it out there on social media, she needs to fix in there too. (as much as she can, trolls gonna troll regardless)
  21. I have realized that for me, this show is about the Witches of WeHo, Stassi, Kristen, and Katie. There was not enough of them this episode.
  22. I experience so much second hand embarrassment when Sheana is on screen.
  23. That is not his wife, they are costars on the show Shameless. He plays her father on the show.
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