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Aw my lahgs

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Everything posted by Aw my lahgs

  1. If he was sick in February it would just be treated like the flu and their staff would be taking care of Kanye.
  2. Without all the photoshop Khloe doesn’t look all that great:
  3. Because a thiccc butt comes with thiccc legs. In South America women have never been preoccupied with the size of their legs. It’s all about the butt and no one cares if you have giant legs. Actually you can be thiccccc all over as long as your tummy is flat. Looks like Kylie is going for that look over here. Or, she could have gained some weight and since there is not a single fat cell left in her abdomen or arms (all sucked out), it accumulates in her legs.
  4. From the days Kim was morphing into JLo!
  5. I strongly suspect it was actually Travis who dumped Kylie, after he realized how emotionally and mentally messed up and codependent she is. I believe Kylie would take him back in a heartbeat.
  6. She’s addicted to plastic surgery. She’s a real Kardashian in that sense. And someone please send a stylist her way. She needs to wear Kate Middleton type dresses. They fit her figure better and are more age appropriate.
  7. Even her Reggie days face wasn’t exactly original. For original we probably need middle school yearbooks to be sure.
  8. She’s addicted. I guess she hasn’t heard of 3 cuts to clown face.
  9. How certain are we that she is truly different from the rest of the klan and it’s not just a carefully crafted public persona? exhibit A: Kourtney being the organic hands on natural mom. Which ultimately ended up being a total farce.
  10. I can see Kris Jong Un getting them on dr Phil to talk about mental illness & how amazingly Kim manages life with Kanye.
  11. Reminds me of when Kim sent kids clothes to Kate and Kate refused them.
  12. He has a new album coming out soon... Somehow there’s always a whole lot of controversy regarding Kanye whenever there’s an album drop around the corner. Coincidence or guerilla marketing?
  13. I wonder if she overheard someone say: I always tip 20. Meaning 20% and she took that to mean a $20.
  14. So some PR person gave her lines to say. She wouldn’t be able to differentiate that pill from a Tylenol if her life depended on it.
  15. Talk about desperate and low self-esteem.
  16. As long as she can get bebé #2 out of it, Khloe will be content with that. She has no standards.
  17. Has she not learned anything from her marriage to Lamar?
  18. I’m sure they have all the information. On a more serious note, I think Kylie Kosmetiks is well over its peak and not selling all that well anymore. The allure of “selling out” in 5 minutes isn’t hard to do if they only add 40 unites of an item to their stock.
  19. He looks terribly unhealthy. Sure, he lost weight (weight loss surgery revision/a balloon/drugs), but he looks sickly.
  20. Affordable off-brand Yeezy can be found at any Goodwill. Like H&M and Madonna’s track suits 😂
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