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Posts posted by Snaporaz

  1. 3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    Does Rodan have to talk and eat at the same time?  Her animated movements are bad enough with out watching her chew.   

    At one point, Phyllis was waving for fork around with such force that a piece of food flew off of it towards Summer.  Gross...

    Either Nikki and Phyllis are so confident that Summer will not care that they straight-up lied to her on multiple occasions, or they think she's as stupid as we all did for years and they don't believe she'll put it together that they are behind the article.

    You're right, Nikki, it isn't Victor's fault that Adam feels disconnected from the family.  It's your fault, and Nick's fault, and Victoria's fault.    

    15 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    What's Kyle's beef with Adam?

    I asked myself this same question, using the exact same words!  The only thing I can come up with is Delia, but did Kyle even know her?  Or maybe it's the Sally connection? 

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  2. Is the robotic reporter playing herself, i.e., is Talia Morgan her real name?  I know I could Google this information myself, but I don't want to inflate her ego by letting her know somebody was curious enough to do a search on her.  So I'm putting the onus on y'all! 😉  She's almost as annoying as that Bethany Frankel troll, who also refuses to go away.  I'm having a visceral reaction to her, much like that person years ago who claimed to have an epilectic seizure everytime they heard Mary Hart's voice.   It's not quite that dramatic, but I need them to wrap this crap up quickly and send her back to her dumb talk show.

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  3. 10 hours ago, deirdra said:

    The "messy" part makes me think it will be Sally, another woman shared by both brothers. It is hard to invisage that a new to the show woman could create a mess. The "challenge" could be that Sally's IQ is twice that of NeanderNick's.  Not a story I want to see.

    Added bonus, both Summer and Phyllis hate Sally.  Another story I don't want to see.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

    I couldn’t find this in the FAQ or topics but what do the reaction buttons mean. I know the obvious ones but some I have no idea and hovering over it does nothing on my ipad.  

    Off topic I know…

    Heart = "Love";  Light Bulb = "Useful";  Orange Smiley Face = "Laugh";  Teddy Bear = "Hugs";  Purple Smiley Face = "Wink";   The Primetimer Logo Multicolor Stripes = "Thanks";  Green Thumbs Up = "Like";  Exploding Head Smiley Face = "Mind Blown";  Red Flame = "Fire"; Blue Hands = "Applause";  Crying Face = "Sad"

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  5. Sally waving the Newman pom poms is really hard to watch, and it's making me really not like her (and I've freaking loved her since her first day on B&B).  I thought Adam explained the family dynamics pretty clearly and accurately to her. That, yes, the Newman's do go to the mat for each other.  They just never included Adam in the "each other" part.  And the Newman Family Motto is "What Have You Done For Me Lately?".  Just wait until another one of Nick's or Victoria's kids need an organ and none of the Abbotts are a match.  Expect to hear, "C'mon, Adam. You need to step up and do the right thing, Adam."

    I just can't with this reporter.  Is she some real Entertainment Tonight or Real Housewife person?  How does anyone have a conversation with Phyllis and not immediately notify the authorities that a crazy person is on the loose and needs to be put in restraints?  And how can Phyllis bring up Grand Theft Sperm and not implicate her co-conspirator Ashley?  I hope this investigation just blows up in Nikki's and Phyllis' faces.

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  6. Wait, I'm confused....I thought The Grinning Soul was an anonymous podcaster with a voice-disguising microphone, but Chelsea just outed Billy Abbott by name.  I can't say I'm sorry we won't be hearing any more of that crap.  But will we be getting a Chadam reunion?  Did anyone ask for that?

    Maybe Victoria buried Ashland at the Newman Oaks Par 3 Miniature Golf Course, between the giant Pinocchio on the 5th hole and the giant Humpty Dumpty on the 6th hole, and she's using the tax savings to finance all of her acquisitions.   

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  7. Well, Phyllis, you are no longer The Phoenix Who Rose From The Ashes.  You are once again the cockroach that survived a nuclear blast.  She really should be a much better liar than she is, considering all the practice she's had.  Both Kyle and Summer suspect their respective mothers are violating their agreement to peacefully coexist.  But Diane low-key flirting with Jack doesn't harm Phyllis (or anyone, really) at all, so a bit of false equivalency there.

    I don't understand what they're doing with Adam.  Note to writers :  character growth = interesting, character regression = not so much.

    12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Poor Sally will be the fourth, if/when Nick seals the deal. Sharon, Chelsea, and Sage all got with both Adam and Nick.

    The guy who stole Kevin's laptop yesterday is not Trevor St. John, formerly of OLTL. Playing Adam's henchman is an actor named Aaron Schwartz, and he's only supposed to appear for a couple of episodes. It's still a big mystery when TSJ is showing up and what character he'll play.

    Thank you!  That was driving me nuts.  I thought there were more than two women, but could only come up with Sharon and Chelsea.  I had eternally sunshined Sage from my memory!

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  8. 7 hours ago, TVForever said:

    I'm so disappointed. Just when I was loving Adam's new groove and the great couple that he and Sally made ( those two had real supercouple potential), Show decided to pull the rug out from under me! I thought that Adam dropping Sally was just a ploy, but it has become increasingly clear that not only was that all real, they're also turning Adam back into an a**hole. What a waste of good story and character development.

    Yeah, I was convinced the break-up was temporary, that Adam and Sally would have hate-sex and eventually reunite.  But they seem to be blowing up that bridge and not looking back.  I don't get it at all.  So now Sally will be the third woman that Nick and Adam have in common.  Yay.   I'm hoping to be wrong.

    Just what I wanted to do today, sit in on somebody else's Zoom call.  Judging from Nikki's outfit, I guess Victoria is planning to acquire Baskin-Robbins and the Good & Plenty Candy Factory.

    Maybe there's something in Rey's unsolved case files related to Victor's whole Marco conspiracy.  It's really bothered me that Victor had exactly zero consequences for that.  Well, the family (except Summer, who wasn't bothered by it at all) shunned him for about 72 hours, which he treated like a vacation.

    Billy is a six-foot tall bucket of something, but I wouldn't call it charm.  Unless charm is something you shovel out of stables.

    So Adam's friend is the new guy?  

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  9. I'm confused, or maybe Eric is.  Didn't Thomas specifically ask Eric if he and Douglas could move in?  As in, move in and stay permanently?  Eric is acting like they're houseguests for the weekend. 

    The family dinner was hard to watch.  Those people are such trash.

    Deacon, hon, just go to work and call Lt. Baker from there.  Tell him that Sheila is alive, that she wore a disguise and tricked her way into your apartment and refuses to leave and is now threatening you.  In other words, tell the truth.  You'll be the hero, maybe even get the key to the city.           

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  10. On 8/20/2022 at 9:48 AM, Chatty Cake said:

    I don’t think Chance is quite as done as he told the Newman’s.

    Jack having a romance isn’t on my mind but I will take him and Diane. They are nice together.

    I agree with this.  Chance may have determined that this particular cover-up wasn't worth pursuing.  But his eyes appear to be open to the fact that Victor is the Chairman of the Board of The Newman Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization, Inc.  I think Chance is just getting started.

    And yes, Jack and Diane have loads of chemistry together.  If Jack could forgive all of Phyllis' betrayals, it's not out of the realm of possibilities for him to get over Diane's shady past.

    When Chelsea asked Billy the other day if he missed "the old Billy", I know I answered that question in the affirmative.  By "the old Billy", I assume she meant the Billy from three Billys ago! 

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  11. Wasn't Taylor also with all of those men Steffy was naming in her anti-Brooke tirade?  Brooke was wrong (because Ridge only told her a half-truth)...Ridge kissed Taylor after Taylor gleefully showed him the picture Hope posted, so he was trying to hurt Brooke. 

    Was Sheila really wearing a mask?  Was it a Sheila mask, because she looked exactly like a red-headed Sheila wearing glasses.  Oh my gods, is Granny Sheila now going to give birth to Hope's brother or sister?  Please tell me those nauseating "Daddy's back" and "Momma's back" comments weren't anvils.   

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  12. A Bill-Li pairing sounds more intriguing the more you think about it, beyond the obvious chemistry.  With the exception of Steffy (and Eric, to a lesser degree), Bill loathes the family that Li's son married into.  Li doesn't seem so impressed by them, either.  That could set up a really interesting dynamic for them as a couple.

    3 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Sorry for asking in this forum but I no longer watch Y&R so I’m curious, (based on her last name), how is this Lucy related to Danny & Gina? 

    signed, someone STILL pissed all these years later they broke up Danny and Cricket/Christine using bs reasoning which never happened. 

    1 hour ago, TVForever said:

    Danny is her grandfather (adoptive), and Gina is her great-aunt.  Her mother is Daisy Carter, daughter of Sheila Carter and Terrible Tom Fisher, making Sheila her grandmother.

    I seriously  forget how many children Sheila has spawned. In fact, Show could have done the entire Finn storyline using Ryder ( I think that's his name), one of Sheila's already existing children that she also didn't raise. 

    Another important point is that Lucy was conceived when crazy Daisy drugged and raped Daniel (Phyllis' son raised by Danny).  The rotten apple didn't fall too far from the diseased tree.

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  13. As an architect, Diane has actual design experience and is in theory probably far more qualified for this position than Phyllis. 

    Chess has really warped Victor's world-view.  He might want to try another game, like Yahtzee or Candy Land.  Too bad the only game his kids know how to play is Hungry Hungry Hippos.

    1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

    Although what a surprise that Nikki clearly told Victor there can be no family unity if Adam is included. Because of course not. He isn’t her child, so therefore he doesn’t count. Heaven forbid the ‘real’ Newman children should give him the time of day. Has he done awful things? Absolutely. But so have they. And yet they continue to get a free pass.

    Exactly.  Even before Adam did his first awful thing, Nikki (and Victoria and Nick) never had any regard for him.  Perhaps that's the reason he started doing awful things?

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  14. Is Bill still in Monaco?  You'd think Ridge would have invited him to join them all for lunch or something.  Kelly might have liked to spend time with both her grandpas.

    I'm not sure if this qualifies as a spoiler, since it involves a recast rather than a plot, but I'll tag it just in case...


    There's going to be a new Douglas next week.  Apparently, the old one is in pretty big demand and has a lot of other work.   And this new Kelly is just a temp...

    I'm more bummed about this than I should be.

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  15. When Diane looks at Jack, her eyes say, "I really really want you."  When Phyllis looks at Jack, her eyes say, "Did I set my DVR to record Judge Judy?  God, I'm craving a corn dog.  I wonder what Danny Romalotti is doing right now?  Don't forget to stop at CVS for toothpaste on your way home."

    Ashley was right, the plan is stupid.  And I'd put money on scrappy survivor Gloria over Nikki and Phyllis any day.  If they're so sure Diane is up to no good, why not sit back patiently and let her fall in to her own trap? 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

     Allie being smirky and dismissive about Victor's dangerous history wrt the Abbotts might change if someone told her about the Marco scheme. Particularly how both Jack and Phyllis got sexually assaulted after Jack was kidnapped to a foreign country and replaced by a doppelganger. I don't like the Allie character being used to whitewash Victor's past.

    Yeah, the hostile takeover of Jabot was probably the most tame example of Victor's infractions against the Abbotts.  Even worse than the elaborate Marco plan was taking a mentally ill woman, giving her plastic surgery, and using her as a weapon against Jack, resulting in Colleen's death and nearly killing Summer.

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  17. When Ridge showed his phone to those women and asked them if they'd seen Steffy, I thought one of them said, "Is he rich?", as in, "how deed zhat hobo get into our lovely Snootylandia?  I must have a word with Albert about zhe lax securitee at zee border crossing."   But I think she actually recognized the famous Forrester and said, "Is he Ridge?"  I like my version better.

    The looks on Deacon's face were pretty priceless when Sheila was spewing her delusions.  He knows she's batcrap crazy, and he promised both Hope and his new crush Taylor that he would call the police if Sheila tried to contact him.  C'mon, Deacon, do the right thing.  Just open the door and hand her over.  You owe her nothing.   

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