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  1. Why Madison deserves a lot of credit. 1. She's stayed out of drama the entire season. 2. She's a virgin and this has not been the major talking point of the entire season. This could be b/c there was so much other drama going on, however I respect the fat that this hasn't defined her. (cough, cough, Colton) 3. Her sheer skill in basketball makes me respect her immensely. I don't follow basketball in anyway, but I do respect someone who's clearly dedicated their life to a craft. She completely showed up Peter and I think that's damn amazing. 4. It's clear her family puts immense pressure on her, so far she's carried it well and I hope she gets the opportunity to explore life outside that kind of pressure. I think she's too young to be the Bachelorette, but I wouldn't hate it if she was. This is coming from someone who couldn't be more opposite than Madison lol.
  2. Okay, so here's my theory for the rest of the season. I truly think that the producers were unaware of all the negative press that Victoria F. was going to get while the show was on the air. They may have been aware of some of it (not all of it) but also thought it wouldn't blow up the way it did. Considering the air time, the emotion, the group dates she won, I think it's pretty clear that they were positioning her to be a major candidate for Bachelorette. Now that doesn't seem to be possible. They showed more of Peter's mom's performance of the year, and really the only 2 people she could be saying that for is either Hannah Brown or Madison. Everyone else she simply doesn't know. So all together my theory is this. Things come to ahead unexpectedly with Victoria F during hometowns. Victoria F and Peter break up. Since this is the season of comebacks, during the proposal time either Victoria F or Hannah Brown come to speak to Peter, my money is on Hannah Brown. The mom gives the big emotional speech, ultimately he picks Madison. This leaves Hannah B. still an option for a 2nd Bachelorette season since there is no fan favorite from this season.
  3. How did I forget them? lol
  4. The only one I can think of is Sean Lowe. Other than that, I can't think of any from Bach, Bachelorette or BIP. Certainly none with a black male or a black female.
  5. Natasha definitely seems to be one of the most charismatic girls in the house. She's really the only one that I could see myself being friends with in real life. However, Rachel Lindsay's season was one of the lowest rated in the recent franchise history. So I highly doubt that she'd get to be series lead. Rachael was a fan favorite from the beginning of Nick's season and got a lot more air time than Natasha. I would definitely say that Rachel seems to be one of the most successful post show, with her jobs with MTV, Extra, and ESPN, so who knows.
  6. Funny how they did not do that with Normani... I hope the subtext of that is heavily implied...
  7. Also did I hear right? Val and Jenna choreographed the Pitbull and Neyo number? It's cool to hear pros are doing choreo for cast numbers again, I feel like that rarely happens.
  8. Kel's freestyle was one of the best freestyles this show has ever had, and IS the best hip hop dance this show will ever have. It was better than most of the hip hop on SYTYCD. It really shows the kind of person Kel is that he brought his community on the stage. He was always good humored and good spirited. The freestyle also showcased versatility of Whitney and what a person can do when they are truly cross-trained and talented. No other female pro could have pulled off that dance in IMHO. I agree however, that she should have chosen a different dance for the repeat dance, a number Kel perhaps got a 28-29 on, so he can show his improvement in ballroom. Regardless, I think Hannah would have won b/c Bach Nation is strong voting base. The only issue I have with Hannah winning is that like.... there's just no break with her in the foreseeable future. Now she's going to be a major storyline on Peter's season? It's just like... there is such a thing as media saturation and I just don't care to see her anymore. At this point she would have been a major storyline in every ABC reality show for the past year.
  9. I'm no Hannah stan, but are we really going to call her a whore for taking an opportunity that A. majority Bachelorettes weren't even offered and B. Almost all bachelors (and Joe the Grocer) have done and none have made it to the finals? Again, not a fan, but I'm not going to blame her for capitalizing on her 15 minutes...
  10. LOL'ed at this as I'm not a Jenna fan either but actually kinda liked her with Sean. She seemed pretty honest with him when she said "you're doing better, even though there's a lot wrong," or something to that effect. And actually thought she looked beautiful in that pale pink sequenced dress in the 2nd routine. My biggest bone with Ally is that I'm sorry but she's not even in the same league as Normani as far as I'm concern and I feel like Normani had to work HARD for her 10's and the judges were super critical of her the entire season. I find Ally's dancing, and even the choreography, pretty mediocre. That's not a critique on Sasha, as I think he's choreographing for his partner. Moreover, Ally's constant, profuse, nagging for people to like her makes her highly unlikable, even if it is genuinely her personality. Kel, James, Hannah for top 3. Kel or James for the win, even though I'm rooting for Kel. Oh, I also liked Joey as a judge. When they announced the theme, I hoped they would have asked Mel B. to be a judge and was thoroughly confused when they said it was Baby Spice. I was like... why ask Baby when she was never a contestant lol. Scary and Maks is one of my fave OG couples.
  11. Thank you. I'm sorry but all I thought while I watched Lauren and Gleb's contemporary was "wow... Gleb is really not trained in Contemporary." I felt for her emotion, but her producing complete distracted me from it, as she she seemed to have the longest pre-dance video package. I have a heart, but the dance didn't do anything for me. As someone who watched both All That and Keenan Kel, as well as Dawson's Creek and Don't Trust the B in Apt. 23, I'm happy that Kel and James appear to be 2 of the better dancers. They'll be getting my votes for the rest of the season.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but after a few weeks of Tamar getting an edit of being a difficult contestant/partner, Val was very vocal that he was not having that at all with producers. Now, granted, that could be very self-serving since she was his partner and he wanted to go to the finale. However, I think that if Tamar was actually as bad as the show was making her out to be, he wouldn't have stuck up for her. Val's always been pretty transparent when he could take or leave a partner (Elizabeth Berkley for example).
  13. If I was being 100% honest with myself, I would watch a StageCoach reality show lol. Music Festivals are MESSY drama-filled places. Obviously not Fyre Festival level drama, but just think about all the T that's at Coachella, StageCoach, etc. It'd be a great show.
  14. This whole BIP season, and Hannah's season is really solidifying one fact for me. I will most likely not be watching The Bachelor this season. This whole Derek storyline is clearly an angle to see how the audience feels about him. While I think he's a nice guy, very Ben Higgins-esque, I also found Ben's season to be boring and have no interesting in reliving it. Although to Ben's credit, I don't mind him now and listen to his podcast occasionally. I do feel bad however that this whole Demi storyline is being done at Ben's expense and if she had a boyfriend at home and wanted to bring him on the show, she would absolutely be a villain. To me the only way this would have worked is if 2 girls (or guys) from Bachelor Nation expressed interest in each other and BIP purposefully casted them to be on the same season w/ each other to see if they hit it off. Let's be clear, I'm all for representation, but when historically the "relationship at home" has always made someone a villain on a season, no matter how upfront someone was about it in the beginning, I'm really baffled as to why the show decided to do this. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they really wanted Demi, and since Demi had the upper-hand she told them, my girl is coming on the show or I'm not. It really gives validity to Tanner's tweets last week. Back to my main point, I have no interest in watching a Derek lead season unless the cast of women is really well done. I REALLY have no interest in watching a Pilot-Pete season, he seems like such a goober to me, even if he can go 4 rounds. Maybe a Mike Johnson season but according to his latest interview with Lauren Zima, he's had no serious conversations about becoming bachelor. Tyler C seems perfectly content with ABC Food Tours and Gigi Hadid, but I would watch a Tyler season. Honestly my ideal Bachelor would be Peter Kraus, if they wanted to pull an "Ari" with a former contestant.
  15. I'm here for JPJ and Tayshia. JPJ's earnestness brings out a really wonderful side of Tayshia. Makes me think the trailer showing JPJ yelling at Derek has to be about Tayshia in some way...
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