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Everything posted by peachmangosteen

  1. The only difference I see is that MS is very asexual and incapable of creating chemistry while I think RyCa and PS had plenty of sexual chemistry.
  2. Apparently he smiled. And said 'yep.' LOL. I assume Derrick/Cody are mad because they thought they had Brittany under their thumb and then she didn't run immediately to them when BS was outted. Basically they're mad she isn't their bitch I guess.
  3. Caleb going is what Donny/Nicole/Brittany all wanted so I will LOL if it ends up happening. Because honestly, for Derrick and Cody it's probably a bad move, but it's great for all the non BS members.
  4. I really think there might be! Cody and Derrick are so bent out of shape about Brittany. I don't get it. Like honestly they are insane about it. And she literally trusts them completely and tells everyone this. I pray she finally just cuts ties with them now. ETA: Thankfully Cody/Derrick are alone now and want to get Caleb out, but Cody is expressing concern about that possibly making the house scatter and messing with their numbers. And of course now Cody is like yea we gotta do it and now Derrick is backtracking on it a bit. These people DAMN!
  5. Derrick is really letting this destroy his great game play. Also, yea, I feel like Jocasta is going to end up getting evicted. Which, again, who cares, but still. I'm still gonna hold out hope Caleb goes this week. Although, I do I think there's also a possibility that Derrick will try to BD Brittany. For some reason he has a stick up his butt about her. He probably thinks she disrespected him. Nicole has to wear a frog costume all week.
  6. Derrick thinks Donny was being disrespectful to him and that's why he got nommed. Derrick's HOHitis has hit a full swing. Really all these guys are so damn cocky and I'm just so mad/sad that there's no one that has the balls/ability to go after them.
  7. Nicole nominated Amber/Donny. Derrick nommed Caleb/Jocasta. Amber/Donny won BotB therefore they are safe for the week, Nicole is dethroned, Derrick is the HOH, and Caleb/Jocasta are the nominees.
  8. Exactly. I mean, I love The Golden Girls and I do know several gay men who love it, too, but like we got it after the first reference. It was just such overkill.
  9. Oh, I forgot to say that the actor playing the ICE agent was so bad in an embarrassing but kinda fun way.
  10. Supposedly. But then Derrick/Nicole told Victoria she was getting nommed and last week Zach and Frankie went insane and Pao ended up going home. So basically what I'm saying is who fucking knows what is gonna happen with these people!
  11. The Lucas/Brad/Felix stuff in this episode is why I'm ashamed I watch this show. That was just embarrassing. It's just so try-hard. Besides the full on second hand embarrassment I got out of watching those scenes (while covering my eyes with my hands), the only other thing I got out of this ep is that Morgan is just amazing and I love him. Not even Kiki ruins him. That being said, please just say no to Morgan/Kiki Part 2, show, I'm begging! Oh, also Levi's body is just so unfortunate and we really didn't need to see him in his underwear. I mean honestly.
  12. Just a huge LOL at all of Team America basically trying to get each other out. Grodner's twist strikes again! I pray Donny/Amber win BotB because I think the chances of Donny going are probably pretty high and he's the only person I actually fully like at this point. I love that Derrick talks to Donny like he's an idiot and tells Frankie they'll have to carry him when he's so clearly threatened by Donny. That basically sums up why I can't stand Derrick's game. I was actually kinda proud when I saw Nicole nommed Donny, thinking she decided to stick with her own convictions rather than do what Derrick wanted her to do, but it actually sounds like she did exactly what Derrick wanted. Sigh.
  13. I never think this about 'guy's girls.' I hate that term. It's so disappointing when women refer to themselves as a 'guy's girl' because it always comes with the connotation that women are just so catty and jealous. I'm fairly sure though that Amber doesn't think of herself like that and I haven't heard anyone really say anything about thinking she prefers the men. I think the problem with Amber is she's just a bad player and she has a tendency to let someone else (a man) make her decisions and then run around telling everyone she doesn't know anything/didn't do anything. I think that's what gets her hate. I wish Nicole/Christine didn't spend their time bashing the other women, but I can see why they'd be annoyed with Amber. Of course they've had a hate on for her since the beginning it seems, so it might actually be some pettiness/jealousy issues. Wow, this comment got away from me! Sorry! Actually, Victoria and Jocasta socialize a lot. The problem for Jocasta is she pretty much refuses to talk game with anyone, but everyone likes and respects her. But at the end of the day I think that won't be enough if she won't make any real deals. Victoria is very social and she seems to want to talk game and tries, but people just don't particularly like her/take her seriously. So, in Victoria's case, I feel bad for her because she tries but she can't really get anyone to be on her side. Jocasta just isn't playing the game, now whether that's her strategy and she plans to actually make a move at some point or not, I don't know. Which isn't saying much! But I agree, I like this year's cast. I mean they're no BB10, but they beat BB12-15 for sure. ETA: I got sidetracked and forgot to mention this: Apparently Derrick and Nicole told Victoria that Caleb agreed to throw the BotB comp. Did they learn nothing from last week?!
  14. They play fast and lose with that rule. If you tell someone they're going to be nommed and it's someone Production likes/wants to save, then that's a rule. If Production doesn't give a fuck, then it isn't a rule. Oh, Big Brother! So, most likely, unless something crazy happens right now, Derrick is nomming Jocasta/Caleb and Nicole is nomming Amber/Victoria. Caleb will throw BotB to save 'his queen.' The plan is supposedly to BD Devin, but I'm hoping that Nicole/Donny/Brittany's actual choice to evict Caleb ends up happening.
  15. I think Nicole is torn. I think she knows she should/wants to target Caleb or even maybe Frankie, but she's scared. I get it. Derrick is such a dick in how he's talking to Brittany/Nicole. I feel like I would distrust Derrick so much and immediately. I think Brittany being so enamored with him is gonna kill her game very soon. Seriously. It's embarrassing. Nicole just told Derrick she's gonna put up Amber/Victoria. Which, honestly, with the twist, it kind of a good idea. The only thing is, she should tell Derrick not to nom Caleb so that he can be a possibility for her to backdoor. ETA: Nicole just told Victoria she's going to put her up. She said she'd be safe and the plan is to BD Devin. Victoria said but if he wins veto then I'm gonna go home. Nicole said that anyone would use the veto on her, which I doubt Victoria believes. Derrick told Caleb that he's putting him up, too. And Frankie made sure to bust into both of these conversations LMAO. Oh, wait, Caleb is going to throw BotB. This is delightful! Hopefully this ends in Caleb getting evicted. Although I'm OK with Jocasta going because she's never going to actually play the game since her alliance is only with Jesus.
  16. The thing is, I don't think anyone actually wants Devin to go this week. LOL I love it. I don't want him to go either. How boring. I think Nicole, Brittany, and Donny want Caleb gone this week. Hayden really wants Amber for some weird reason. Derrick, who knows, but probably any of the women would do for him. Nicole told Derrick about her concerns that 'The 8' are still working together and that this whole thing is just a ploy by him/them to get rid of anyone but BS. She also told him that she doesn't really want to nominate any of her friends (Brittany, Victoria, Christine) and thought maybe she could nom Jocasta with Amber and he could nom one of the other 3 with Caleb. Derrick said maybe he should just not nom any of the BS since the others think they're still together and are trying to flip the house. I wish they were! Donny seems to be trying to get something going with all the non BS members (and Btrittany mentioned it too), but alas it isn't happening.
  17. Me too! It is so entertaining. Frustrating though, too. Hayden just tried to get Nicole to put up Brittany. I feel like Nicole should maybe take a hint at all the guys wanting her to nom girls. This whole week is gonna be what I thought last week's would turn out to be. Boring and just ending with another girl going home anyway. ETA: I just hate this 2 HOH twist. It just makes people play so scared and weak and basically guarantees that women will just get nommed over and over again.
  18. I liked KS, too. I actually loved Connie IDGAF. I stopped watching for a while towards the end of her run though so.
  19. I think Amber is an annoying player. She's always running around trying to make sure no one thinks she had anything to do with anything. Plus, everyone knows she is a weak player who let Devin/Caleb/Derrick run her HOH. And she spent last week whining about getting HOH and saying all she wanted was pics. I can see why the other players would find her annoying. Donny is throwing Christine UTB to Nicole right now. He thinks she should nom Christine. Brittany did this yesterday. I am so excited that everyone is on to Christine/Frankie. I was worried they'd Andy their way through. I'm so happy that Donny is actually a pretty game smart guy. I was gonna love him anyway because he's so adorable and funny, but it's so great when people you like are actually good players, too.
  20. I don't know, I enjoyed this episode. It actually gave me a lot of feelings. I think there's something wrong with me. I skipped all the Silas stuff, all the Patrick stuff, and most of the Felix/Lucas stuff. I loved the Nathan/Dante scenes. They gave me Nathan/Dante besties feelings, Maxie/Nathan feelings, Dante/Maxie feelings, and even Dante/Anna and Nathan/Anna feelings. You know they both call her "The Commissioner" in bed! Morgan, please, baby, just say no to Kiki! I know that you have no actual friends and the worst family imaginable, but this won't make it any better!
  21. I was laughing about this the other day. Victoria though, she seems to wear the same thing every damn day, I think. She has like three outfits. Apparently because she 'has nothing to wear.' Early on though, Amber was trying to help her pick out an outfit and she has so many clothes. LOL. But anyway, yes, I once saw Amber change 3-4 times in like 2 hours. I've also seen Nicole change multiple times. Nicole also messes with her hair so much. One day Victoria did a braid in her hair that took like a half hour and she took it out about 10 minutes later. If I was Victoria I wouldn't be braiding her hair anymore. It's probably the boredom. NeelyO, the feeds will come back pretty shortly after the episode airs on the east coast. It's usually back within 15 minutes, maybe a bit longer if there's an endurance comp. Although if that rumor up thread is true (which I doubt) and there's some kind of twist, then maybe not. Also, my area isn't showing the ep on time either, but I thankfully have two other channels that show CBS and they're showing it!
  22. I've read that she asked, but I don't know if that's confirmed or just a rumor.
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