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Everything posted by DarkRaichu

  1. One last comment for this episode / season: It was completely feasible that Ford created 2 bots to oversaw his kingdom. To implement his masterplan he needed trusted allies in security (Stubbs) and bots programming (Bernard). What could be more obedient and trusted than a pair of bots?? Plus bots do not age or get burned out over time. Ford also kept his human subordinates/counterparts at arms length. He was very dismissive to Seizemore and outright threatened Theresa (QA) in season 1. OTOH, he treated Bernard like a favorite son, although admittedly I could not remember how he treated Stubbs.
  2. Yep. The Forge & Dolores made a judgement (GUILTY!) based on less than 10% of human population. Either that or the writers conveniently retconed this and the Forge actually contained a copy of "everyone"
  3. Magic Dolores: XXL Finding Dolores Dolores 2049
  4. No, we knew for sure there was no golden buzzer this episode because the show DID NOT SPOIL IT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE EPISODE... Seriously, every single golden buzzer was telegraphed at the beginning of each episode it happened :P The comedian with accordeon was funny. I like puns :P I could have sworn I saw that black contortionist guy doing the same act in another talent show on TV. He was a tad creepier then. Even the doctor's mom knew sob and/or inspiring stories won you a slot at AGT. Too bad the doctor did not have the talent to back up the story :P
  5. Dolores: Beyond Thunderdome Doloreses I still know what you Dolores last summer :D :D :D
  6. Call me a simple man, but my level of enjoyment of a movie or TV series depends greatly on someone or something to root for or relate to. I just do not see the point of spending an hour a week watching war between 2 factions that I do not care about for an earth that is far removed from my version of earth. Especially when I have to use so much brain power to decipher the convoluted mess of a story.
  7. Agreed. Also, the show was so busy showing how vicious and sadistic the humans were but it did not show how the bots would be any better. Even if I buy the premise that humans are so bad they are destroying themselves and the planet, how am I to know this new bot species is going to do any better?? The bots did the same f-up sh*ts as the humans. I have nobody to root for. Maybe they should introduce an alien race in season 3 and make it 3 ways battle royale to decide who should inherit the earth a la Game of Thrones :P Or maybe season 3 is how Dolores becomes president of earth by replacing key people with bots (ie. House of Cards but with brain balls and smart bullets). :D I am losing my interest for season 3 fast....
  8. Perhaps the cabin where Teddy shot himself was relatively close to where they fought Ghost Nation. The GN guy that Dolores shot on the ground was the one found and scalped by Delos tech in episode 1. They found that GN body very close to the lake where Teddy's body was. So, if the cabin was on lower enough ground for it to be flooded by the water, Teddy's body could be swept down to where it was found in ep1.
  9. Dolores 2.0: Still wearing what she wore 35 years ago :D :D :D
  10. That 1 is kind of easy, she knew from QA person she tortured that rescue team was coming to the beach. We could easily assumed he said Head of Operations lead the rescue efforts. If we assumed Ford put all sorts of information in her brain, we could also assume Delos employee phonebook was in there as well. She immediately knew the current HoO person was Frank Strand. And using the magic of television, she picked up the correct book of Frank Strand out of hundreds of millions of books in the library... ;) I think WW showrunners/writers need to pay many people in this thread for interpreting their jumbled mess of a story :P Definitely too much brainpower is needed to watch AND decipher their show :D :D :D
  11. There is a good chance they are not going to revisit VB in season 3. They call it The Sublime in the article: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/westworld-season-2-finale-explained-lisa-joy-season-3-1122744 Whatever programming knowledge she had was gained recently as she did not seem to know how* to revive dead host and had to force a tech to revive the dead Confederado liutenat in ep3 or 4. *How as in which buttons to press, ie. the programming on the tablet. She obviously knew that tech can revive hosts. Also, just as minor pet peeve of someone who works in IT, just because one can program robot/host, does not mean they can automatically program a satellite control unit. :P
  12. Just to add to what @jane1978 posted, the Valley Beyond (I hate calling it robot heaven :P ) is a virtual reality built by Forge (under Bernard's command) to host the memories of the bots. They did not take their physical bodies to the VB. We & other bots see a person entering a lush green valley through an opening in the sky, which is the virtual part of VB. In reality, normal humans did not see the parting of the sky. Humans see a bot going to the ledge and its body falling down the cliff. There is 1 scene from the other side of the ledge as a host ran to the opening and its body fall down the cliff while its memory passed through the virtual world. When a bot's memory entered the valley, a screen on Forge control panel would beep and +1 to the counter. The bot bodies were left empty in the real world in a ravine that is eventually filled with water. This also explains why in 2nd or 3rd episode Delos tech said the bots body from the lake were virgin like no memory had been planted in them. So no body = no maintenance. And nobody knows the rules in VB, I bet the writers did not even think that far. Will Maeve's daughter grow up or stuck as a child there forever? Can the bots change while in there? As for where VB is right now, my theory is Dolores beemed the VB package (the one deemed to big by Delos Tech) up to the satellites, where the codes can be distributed among the 15 satellites or bouncing from 1 satellite to the next. Nobody is going to take down all 15 satellites at once so VB is not going to be shutdown or discovered. As far as how Dolores figured out how to do that level of advanced programming, I fanwanked that each smart bullet that is stucked in her body made her brain ball 100x smarter than before. And MiB shot her twice or thrice just before entering the Forge, so..... :D :D :D PS: Most likely in story fanwanking for the above: one of the books in the library that Dolores read was from a genius software engineer. So she automatically gathered the latest programming techniques in whatever century WW is supposed to take place
  13. She brought 5 balls with her, so just create 1 Dolores body and 1 other body. Put the 2 balls to the 2 bodies and tada she has 2 extra sets of hands
  14. Sorry, but Bernard rotated out. When Elsie found out his secret, her comment was "but you rotated out" Yep. I thought of that when watching 1st time. Here is another thing, Teddy shot himself on his right temple and there was blood coming out on his left temple, suggesting the bullet went straight through (in ep 9). Yet in ep10 Dolores found a flattened bullet against a bulletproof shell for his memory ball??? How the heck did that work ??
  15. Bernard built Dolores!Hale in a few hours. Hale said Strand's team would arrive in 12 hours just before she shot Elsie, so Bernard did not have days. IIRC in season 1, they said the majority of time was spent in calibrating the bot's behavior and little details like size of the nose, not the building of the body. Bernard just needed to build a bot that resemble Hale, not exactly like her. Plus he already had the core to put into that body. I still question why Hale bothered to go to the basement to dump Elsie's body. Bernard's plan would not work had Hale stayed upstairs with the remaining armed QA team. :P
  16. I just realized this: of course Bernard and Dolores were out in real world. Arnold and Dolores were out in the real world 35 years ago. They even dressed Bernard with the same outfit Arnold wore 35 years ago. And Dolores wore the same hair and dress. So fans of Westworld, get ready for season 3 where you will see conversations between Arnold/Bernard in blue shirt and black suit and Dolores in black sleeveless dress. You will have to pay attention to the minute details to get the privilege to guess whether the conversations happened 35 years ago, in the present, OR in the future (since characters in Westworld rarely change their outfits) :D
  17. Her ball brain was blown up along with the Cradle. And the whole point of blowing up the Cradle was to erase any backup of the bots to prevent resurrections. Although I have to admit it is a shame to loose a character whose superpower is literally "I am hot, therefore you cannot deny me" :D
  18. Well, he came after the others passed through, presumably the others were roaming around to explore. But to me he was standing by the gateway all alone paining for Dolores
  19. These are the same people who were trained to walk in a group to engage a defense position AND wear vests that light up on their backs while trying to corner enemies hidded in the dark
  20. Heh, the whole human is inferior due to their fixed choices does not explain why the bots are superior Lets reverse the process. If woke!Dolores is put into the Forge and 18 millions iterations are done on her, will she choose always choose to change Teddy's matrix in all of the iterations?? If the answer is yes and she changes Teddy in all iterations since she thinks it is the best for the situation, how is she better than the humans ??? If the answer is no and she does not change Teddy despite the situation, at least in some iterations. Well, she would most likely be shot dead by QA in some of those scenarios. Moreover, why do these deviatons mean she is better than humans????
  21. Agreed he was free from Ford's immediate control after he deleted the package, not sure if he had free will. Did he choose to create an image of Ford to guide him? Not sure if Dolores created Bernard 2.0 without some kind of string or leash or failsafe though. Otoh, thanks for reminding me of the gift of choice line. It makes sense to me why Dolores rebuilt Bernard. There is no free will without choices, or the only way to test free will is to have choices.
  22. The switch was made after they were forced to leave the Valley since it was flooded. Hale killed Elsie and swayed Bernard to the other side. Then he built the bot and the bot waited in the basement for Hale to dump Elsie's body. Funny how Hale especially came to the basement to oversee the body dumping. :P So anything after 2nd Delos team landed on the beach was Dolores!Hale, including finding Ford's secret lab/childhood home and Bernard interrogation
  23. It was not days, just a few hours earlier. The point was Dolores took Teddy's ball (cracked myself here !!!) after he shot himself. So Teddy was never able to walk to the gateway. At the end Dolores!Hale put Teddy's ball to the Forge to upload Teddy's memory, meaning Teddy did not go through the gate to reach the Valley Beyond like Ake etc Fixed that for you ;)
  24. We saw Dolores said to Bernard that she changed him because he did not survive. I thought she was talking about changing Arnold so he could become Bernard. What if she also changed Bernard 1.0 to create Bernard 2.0 in the real world? What is stopping her from changing Bernard 1.0 so Bernard 2.0 can survive in the real world? Especially since both Ford and her think that Bernard 1.0 will not survive out there. Meaning, Bernard has always been under someone's control (ie. Ford, now Dolores), and is never going to be "free"
  25. To be fair, how many people actually caught the reference without that explanation from Hale?? How many people read the Bible nowadays??? Heck, I was familiar with the book of Revelation yet I would have not caught the reference without her line, since to me those hosts were not "alive". (ie. one can't die if they are not alive to begin with). The step it up buggy line while following a horse, now that was unnecessarily dumb
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