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Everything posted by Mreid

  1. This is a really dangerous challenge I cant believe they have them going in a burning building. Is this fear factor or the amazing race? Oh heck no Logan Chris tried to steal Kelsey and Joey's cab. that is not cool. I cannot stand Logan and Chris they better not win. Shut up Logan shut up Im sick of your voice
  2. The fact that Jeremy has not got a single vote and that no one has targeted him just proves how great of a game he has played this season both social, physical and strategic his strategy of hiding being the physical threats was incredible I want Jeremy to win so bad!
  3. Tasha may not be the best player this season but she is not a goat at all she has played her butt off this season- went into Angkor outnumbered and cleaned house, done well in challenges and aligned with great players to make it this far and anyone who can put up with Abi Maria for 35 days deserves a million dollars. Im so glad Abi is gone!!!
  4. Abi Maria is finally gone!!!!!! Oh happy day!!! lol. Kinda sad the season is about to be over but I cannot wait to see how this all plays out and I am thrilled at this final 6 we have going into the finale next week. I think just about everyone has a great shot at winning. this is how i would rank the players left based on gameplay: Jeremy, Spencer, Kelly, Tasha, Keith, Kimmi, (just my opinion). I wonder whats gonna happen though something that has never happened in 31 seasons???
  5. I cant believe it took Krista that long to find the gold fish and they had a 55 minute penalty to help them catch up what a horrifying ending. this season has been a major bummer for me I honestly do not care who wins....
  6. oh good grief they are gonna drag this out to the very end. Watch Justin and Diana dont get eliminated. Come on Krista it cant be that hard to grab the fish!
  7. I am literally going to hong kong in 38 days. So excited. Someone always gets lost in China its almost too good to be true that its Justin and Diana
  9. Another cliffhanger really???? Man this aint right. They are dragging this show out so much its not even funny
  10. I guess I am just different. I would never purposely kick someone while they were already down. If I couldnt U turn justin and Diana the team who is literally dominating the season then I wouldnt U turn anyone.
  11. If Mame says she is the diplomats daughter one more time Im gonna scream!
  12. Im mad at Kelsie and Joey its so cruel to U turn a team that had a speed bump they could have chosen anyone but them. I hope the cheerleaders or the mom/son team win now.
  13. Im just ready for this season to be over with they are dragging this out so much and im losing patience! At this point i hope anyone but Mikey wins I dont get the judges love of his photos every one looks the same Nyle, Mame or Lacey please let one of them win anyone but Mikey
  14. Next week on Survivor the Outcast Twist from Pearl Islands Is Back! Angkor Tribe (All 10 survivors that were voted out) Vytas Shireen PG Jeff Varner Monica Terry Woo Kass Andrew Kelly Wigglesworth vs Orkun Tribe Abi Cierra Kelly Wentworth Kimmi Tasha Joe Jeremy Stephen Spencer Keith If Angkor wins 2 people will be voted back into the game and 2 people from Orkun will be voted out. Relax guys none of this is true Im just messing with you all lolololol
  15. That was kinda a boring ending for me even though it was a blindside I think this was a missed opportunity to get rid of a bigger threat that was dumb to vote out Wigglesworth this episode lol 2 hours of Survivor next week!
  16. Andrew leaving was a smart move for the girls. The game is going to be different without him around. Cant wait to see that ponderosa video Kass and Andrew in the jury house together should be interesting
  17. That was the best tribal so far this season!. This season is the bomb!!! Kelly Wentworth definitely wins the player of the week award in my opinion. Well done! So long Savage lol
  18. Wow i am shocked that the green team won that reward challenge! I thought the purple team was gonna dominate. Joe is just making his target bigger and bigger winning these challenges like this, shucks even Keith is threat at this point
  19. Adam bought back Chance Pena? I wish he had picked someone else....
  20. Wow Amy Vachal has a beautiful voice right now she is probably my favorite singer out of the female artists this season
  21. I agree Diana. I am just ready to hear Jordan and Viktor sing they are my top 2 favorites of this season anyway
  22. Adam has his hair back thank goodness!
  23. The way I see it if someone is causing chaos at camp they are even more dangerous than a physical player is, Kass had to go
  24. That merge was bad timing for Kass/Ciera they probably were thinking it would be at least one more immunity challenge as two tribes and if they lost they could have easily gotten rid of Savage but when that merge came, Savage came running to Jeremy like a chicken who just got its head chopped off . Im glad Kelly Wentworth was smart enough to jump to the other side. I hope to see a little more of Keith though he doesnt seem to be a big threat now but, I can't help but wonder where he will fit into all of these alliances. Kimmi had that good week when she got Monica out and Kimmi still seems to be in the majority alliance but Keith and Wigglesworth are the biggest question marks for me right now. Kass should have tried to work with Spencer/Tasha she just came off too strong and tried to intimidate Tasha and Tasha wasnt having it- It made things worse. I think the reason I'm enjoying this season so much is because it's so unpredictable. When you go into a merge with so many physical threats and Kass is the first merge boot you know the rest of the season is only gonna get better. Jeremy had a brilliant strategy early in the season to align with as many strong players and use them as a shield it's kept the season interesting for me anyway there really with the exception of keith there really are not too many floaters everyone is playing hard this season from what we have seen. Kass may be gone but she made the jury and There is still going to be chaos the rest of the season these guys are ready to play ball I cannot wait to see what happens next!
  25. Here is the first ponderosa video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKocesO_gtY
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