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  1. To the last time or one of the last times we were all united as a nation? Decades ago but maybe The Miracle on Ice at the Winter Olympics? The US Hockey Team (mostly all college students) beat the seasoned Russian team. Celebrations all over the country. And. Does it seem as though Trump never rests, tires, sleeps?
  2. What, what? Apparently Joe has been Yoda to Meeka's Luke Skywalker. 😁
  3. Was Rahm Emmanuel the Chair of the DNC at any point? He ran Obama's first campaign and helped Dem candidates in many states. He is also a successful, seasoned politician in his own right. He can also throw some excellent shade and snark. Would he be eligible to head the DNC? Would he even want to.
  4. Kemper


    I like Alex Wagner a lot. Is Rachel taking her time slot? Or could it be Rachel's probable higher salary; I think Alex W had to take a cut in pay.
  5. Kemper


    I don't think there are any of the 24/7 news shows that cover news around the clock. At least news of what is going on in the rest of the world. And actual news that is not political in this country. Natural disasters being the exception. It is just that I an exhausted by politics most all of the time. I don't remember a lot about MSNBC when they first started. I only started watching regularly when Keith Olbermann had his show; remembered him from his ESPN days.
  6. Kemper


    The network is apparently getting a new chairman/head/something; I am wondering if a few shows/hosts might go away. Example: lately, when I click on Morning Joe...the hosts seem to be absent a lot. At least more than usual. Or they drop in. It is sort of a disrespect to viewers. I wish the network would have more hard news - with hosts who could carry it. That is one thing that CNN does very well. I just think that the entire network seems a bit tired and worn down. Or maybe is it just me that is tired of it.
  7. With so many cruel, terrible things going on with our elected officials...it has become infuriating and an insult to normal people. Throw in one of the worst natural disasters in our lifetimes... I will focus on the petty. Joe and Meeka. It seems the network thinks The Twins actually drive ratings (up). Let's give them a four-hour daily show! Let's have them appear on weekends! We don't need to encourage new, fresh talent. If they (Joe) embarrass us...it makes news! No such thing as bad publicity. They have become lazy? No problem...they can come in and read articles from newspapers. Again....guests on their own show.
  8. And Joe seems a guest on his own show.
  9. It is like Hallmark did listen to critics re the sameness of the movie plots... girl goes back to hometown to help the family candy cane factory, pumpkin farm, etc. Big cities are bad. Or girl finds out her boyfriend is a prince. So now they have newer, more exotic locations, actors/actresses, storylines. But they seem to be just as/almost as unbelievable as their previous movies. And I liked those better; for the most part.
  10. The Twins are on Sunday mornings, too?
  11. Thank you! I have done/experienced most all of those things; and until now, never considered myself or friends as activists. Now maybe I can impress The Grands. (truthfully ... at times it was a good time. Won't tell that to The Grands)
  12. My husband used to say that I got paid to "hush" people. 🥰
  13. What I wonder about is the mindset of MTG's constituents. Have they given any thought to what she has accomplished for them during her tenure? Has she worked on proving she has their interests at heart...and not her own childish, look-at-me agenda? Introduced any legislation that would show that she cares, even a wee bit, about their daily lives and struggles? Getting her name and face in the news; working on how she "presents" re hair and makeup? That she has attained. But to her voters? Epic fail.
  14. I have to wonder if the the network thinks that the continuing soap opera that is Joe and his ranting hysteria brings in viewers. At least when he goes completely off the rails and it makes news on other sites.
  15. Oh my gosh! Has anyone, ever, come at Joe that hard? Maybe the only guest that has ever had the courage to push back. Joe, on the other hand, was nearing Def 4 meltdown. What a thin skin. Forgot the icing on the cake. Steele asked Joe how did the Republicans treat Obama and the Office when he was elected. Note to network: Michael Steele may be the best choice to anchor this 3/4 hour morning show if/when The Twins leave.
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