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Everything posted by lucy711

  1. I actually don't know if Darcey has the $$. Apparently Jesse did some interview and said that she doesn't have a lot of money. I think it can be difficult to conceive over 40. I don't have any personal experience, but I've watched friends that age struggle.
  2. If he becomes her stepdad, she absolutely should call him dad. I think people were saying that it was early for Rachel to be having the "dad" talk with Jon when it was only her second day knowing him "in person." I'd be totally freaked out if I was single and dating a guy with a kid who was expected to call me "mom" before we had decided to commit to marriage. There are kids who call their stepparents by their first names, but that is usually when the biological dad or mom is still in the picture. I call my stepmother by my first name because my biological mother died. I care for her, but she's not my mother and didn't raise me as a young child.
  3. Yes, you are right. Tarik seems to be doing okay, but he has to put his daugther's financial needs before Hazel or anyone in her family. I wonder if he even knows that Hazel has a child. Same with Ricky- he may send money to foreign women, but ultimately he has two kids to think of (and who knows- maybe alimony to an ex-wife?)
  4. Karine's stuffed animal obsession makes me upset because *I* like stuffed animals and proudly have them (and yes, I had a normal childhood with many toys). I promise that it is possible to be a grown, mature, and fully functional adult woman and still have a small childish side. I even clean my own house! Karine- stop making adult stuffed animal lovers look bad!
  5. I don't want to defend Paul because he's got many issues, but I understand his frustration with Karine not helping out around the apartment. When we first moved in together, I did all of the cooking and cleaning while my husband did nothing. It got old really quickly, and I was resentful. After a chat he thankfully got his act together and pitched in. But Karine is barely out of her teens, so yeah, Paul, she's not mature. I don't think Michael meant to be mean by calling Angela fat. Objectively, she is. Americans find that word much more offensive than most cultures. And you can still be pretty and be fat! I didn't realize how sensitive Americans were to many words until I started teaching English to foreign students. We could use a thicker skin! I expect Americans to respect foreign cultures, but the street goes two ways. Jesse- in the NY area, we FOLD OUR PIZZA. Do not tell a New Yorker how to eat pizza, Dutch boy! If there is etiquette surrounding windmills, maybe then I'll be willing to hear what you have to say.
  6. Okay Karine does kinda look like a slob. My college roommates weren't that bad (I think she's that age).
  7. Okay...maybe Rachel and Jon should get married before having the "dad" conversation. Also..what if the biological dad decided he wanted to be in her life one day?
  8. Yes to your comment about Karine. Have an anchor baby and get a green card. That's her mission. She's not even really hiding it at this point!
  9. I was thinking about Angela and the Nigerian dress situation. As a white woman, I'd feel strange in Nigerian dress. I would do it if I was in love with a man from that country, but I would most certainly have reservations. There's the whole conversation about cultural appropriation happening in the USA, and it would concern me that someone might be offended.
  10. Yeah I actually don't think Angela was being culturally insensitive. I think she was insecure about her body. I've also known some women (of all body types) who refuse to wear any kind of dresses at all.
  11. This is a good point. Everyone tells me that I'm very good with my son but I literally held a baby only one time before he was born. I learned quickly, just like a lot of people. IF Jon is serious about being a father figure, there is no reason why he couldn't be a good one.
  12. Yes. And she is young to be THAT desperate for a child. She acts like a child herself.
  13. I understand what you are saying, but Jill doesn't normally post much that is political (as far as I've seen). I don't think it's up to her to support and/or refute everything her husband says. I think it's clear that she wants to keep her political beliefs quiet, and she has the right to. She's not a political figure, so it's not fair to expect her to take a stance one way or the other. I certainly don't want to be held responsible for everything my husband or another family member posts on social media. I am actually a very political person but rarely make comments about my beliefs these days because it is quite risky. My husband's employer flat out told him to not post anything dealing with politics so it doesn't ever affect his career in the future.
  14. I believe that Jill most certainly holds the same beliefs as Derick. However, should a wife be punished for what her husband says on social media? Spouses are not required to believe in or agree with their partner says. (Although again, I'm very aware that Jill probably supports Derick 100%. It's just food for thought. As a woman, I want my thoughts and ideas to be considered as my own. I'm not an appendage of my husband. Edited to add: My comments reference if she was "fired" for Derick's tweets. If it had to do with her choice of books and how they portray homosexual or trans people, then that indeed it is her choice.
  15. Yes, I think that many people from very poor countries also try to get into European countries that are well-off with good social welfare programs. I've read that a lot of men from North Africa (like Azan and Mohammed) especially target women from Britain and France who often vacation in North Africa. I'm sure this type of program could be done with European people as well. But for all of the faults of the USA, the standard of living here is most likely higher than someone in abject poverty in the Philippines, Thailand, etc. There are a lot of (false) myths about the USA but people aren't dumb. If it were that bad they would stop coming here. For instance- someone like Pedro can work a job that doesn't pay a lot and send over $$ to his mother which will go quite far in the Dominican Republic.
  16. I'm sorry to hear that. I think that a lot of American women roll their eyes when guys look abroad for a foreign fiance because there is the stereotype that men want a woman who is submissive. American women, even more traditional ones like myself, want to be treated as equal. Please note I'm not suggesting that this is what you want or would like. I think the other issue is that the men are in denial about their worth on the dating market in the USA. Tarik and Ricky are not a "10," but that is what they seek. Ditto Mark who married the young girl from the Philippines in the previous season. All of these guys have had plenty of baggage of their own, and the only reason they are with these "hotties" are because they can help make these women US citizens.
  17. I agree with you for the most part. The difference is that I think that an American woman is more likely to have an education and access to jobs or government programs to help her out. Maybe an American would have better access to birth control? I don't know how that works in the Philippines. You make a great point, however, about women in the USA being stuck in homeless shelters with their kids. I also think Hazel isn't offering much in return for Tarik besides her mere presence. She's not exactly turning up the charm like most "sugar babies" would!
  18. I thought it was rough of Hazel to call Tarik chubby. He isn't. I get that people are smaller in the Philippines, but according to some quick online research, about 25% of the Filipino population is overweight or obese. So she has surely seen bigger people in Manila. I got uncomfortable when Tarik insisted on a kiss. I hate to say this, but IF he is sending her money, he probably feels like she owes it to him. Gross.
  19. I can't believe how some of these people (Angela, Tariq) think their online love is ready to jump into bed the moment they meet. Maybe they said things online that indicated that they would be ready? It would be interesting to find out. If I were Rachel, I'd be super happy that Jon's mother lives there. I would not feel comfortable alone with him with my baby. Sounds like a few of these people also found out that their loves used some heavy duty filters on their phones. I don't get it. If I were looking for a partner, I'd want him to see what I looked like from the beginning so I knew he was attracted to me. Something is off about Melissa. Guess we will have to wait and see.
  20. I can't believe Rachel just left Lucy alone in a new environment (in a different time zone) and then Jon was the one who went to check on her... I can't believe a woman in her 30s can't figure out birth control.
  21. Darcy's girls seem to look/act older than 11 and 12. I used to teach 15 and 16 year old students who looked younger.
  22. Karine looks rough. I was willing to give her a pass if she was pregnant, but she is not. I wonder what is going on. She needs a shower.
  23. Like many of you, I thought Rachel looked pretty frumpy when she first met her true love. I would have stashed my pennies and insisted on staying in a hotel the first day. She could have gotten a few more hours of sleep with the baby and then showered and changed before meeting Sir Vomit.
  24. Both Rachel and Jon look a little different on their phones than in real life... I can't snark on Jon for his job. I respect anyone who works for a living, and I'm sure his job isn't easy.
  25. I'm with you here. My husband and I are in our 30s, own our own home, have jobs, and raise our son. My father (my mother is deceased) respects the decisions we make and how we parent our son. But if we were doing anything that would possibly threaten the safety and well-being of our son, he would do anything humanly possible to stop us. If I were Rachel, my dad would insist on watching him while I went to England. If I fought him on the issue, he would probably make my life a living hell as much as possible. If I was someone like Nicole who couldn't support my child on my own AND I wanted to run off to Morocco, he'd sue me for support. And I get it. His grandson's safety is more important than my decisions about my love life.
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