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  1. Personally, I'd go... (1)shakira (2)Gwen-shitty coach but she's seems so good-natured I can't help but like her (3)Christina-decent coach but I just can connect with her personality Shakira kind of has the good qualities of both for me but struggles to get good people on her team. (I also want Blake/adam to take a break...badly)
  2. This makes me.... feel surrounded by rainbows and unicorns. I hate myself. http://m.eonline.com/news/722611/blake-shelton-kisses-gwen-stefani-and-grabs-her-booty-on-romantic-night-out
  3. Damn show is making me ship them. Damn you, Burnett. I'm better than this.
  4. What in the world...lol http://m.eonline.com/news/712391/exclusive-gwen-stefani-and-blake-shelton-s-pda-filled-weekend-prove-they-re-more-than-friends This coupling is so bananas (h/t) and I don't know if this continues to be a Mark Brunett production....but you know what, I've enjoyed their flirty interactions this season so proceed.
  5. I was just watching the Batman v. Superman, Deadpool and Sucidice Squad trailers (liked them all), and it's crazy how we've only heard about two lines of dialogue from this thing and yet it comes out before. Different marketing strategy for sure. And yet…I'm so pumped for this from the stuff they have shown. PLEASE BE GOOD!
  6. Sawyer's been my favorite since the beginning but I've been kind 'meh' on his song choices this season. Not that they've been bad, I just thought there were others that would fit better. Tonight, though, I thought they were perfect. "Old Man" is my favorite of his since his blind. I doubt it's possible, but I hope that one somehow knocks T.Swift's song down for a few hours...or minutes. Mostly because I love that Neil Young song (and really, really, really dislike "Bad Blood").
  7. Two songs each next week or we still at one?
  8. I remember "The Phantom Menace" trailer looking pretty good, but they'd have to intentionally try to be worse then the prequels. Still... Please be good, please be good, please be good.
  9. "Sawyer is quite possibly the most overrated Voice contestant ever, IMO. Yawn." Lol...Danielle and Sawyer are my respective favorites, by far, from their seasons. (Weirdly, for completely opposite reasons....one's strength is the other's weakness and vice versa). Different strokes I guess.
  10. Yes! When I read they killed off Derek, I was like.... Hmmm maybe they can bring back hot bombsquad guy from a billion seasons ago for Mer. I thought they had mad chemistry in that one epi...but then I remember he got blowed up. Figures.
  11. GoT doesn't kill characters this indiscriminately.Dead serious. Whatevs though....I would of cared about this 5 years ago. Haven't watch a full season of this dreck since like s4.
  12. "I don't usually question itunes sales because tastes are subjective. But I have to say I'm beyond puzzled that a contestant who makes a huge noticeable blunder can actually hit #2 on itunes. I don't know what to think." Can only speak for myself, but for me, it's because he's kind of like Dylan. He's not really a great vocalist but he can just emote with literally everything that comes out of his mouth. There's something so authentic and raw about it all. (And I am not a teenage girl and I HATE the hair).
  13. AfterbuzzTv has a bunch of interviews with the contestants from after the Top 12 performances. Some interesting tidbits...Deanna said she did have that song on her list of songs she wanted to do but wasn't sure about doing two Christian songs in a row, but it sounds like Adam kind of pushed it. Mia said she wanted to do pop next...kind of sad we won't hear that because I do wonder how she would sound with something poppier. I still think that girl has star quality with a little more coaching. She reminds me of Carly Rae Jepsen a bit (not vocally, but personality/charisma-wise). Sawyer said a lot of the songs he would like to sing aren't popular enough for The Voice...not surprising. And man, Meghan knows a lot of country music people.
  14. How does Blake not know that S & G song?? C'mon man.
  15. Rob has really grown on me. Actually, there's like 6 people I wouldn't mind winning at this point. They may all bomb next week, but so far, this is the most talented group on any season of The Voice or Idol I've watched.
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