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  1. Yes, no one died. I believe the only "casualty" was that someone lost a thumb.
  2. Someone (I think an election expert?) mentioned this in the podcast following the election night episode. (Shiv does it most but you also hear Kendall do it and it does sound off.) He said it was because the writer Jesse Armstrong is British and it's something they say a lot (actually Europeans speaking english often say "yeah" at the end of sentences.) He mentioned that after reading the script, he wanted to tell Armstrong that Americans would say "okay?" or "right?" instead.
  3. I don't understand why Elia was given so much trust by the New Republic. She was very recently one of Moff Gideon's top henchmen. Why would they take her word over Pershing's? His story of her setting him up made just as much sense as hers -- maybe more sense. And why would they leave her completely alone in the room with the controls. It just seems ridiculous and implausible that they have full faith and confidence in her suddenly. The way the doctor was fawning over her before he left her alone seemed off. Even if she went to them beforehand to say Pershing was planning something, it seems they would at least listen to what he had to say and consider Elia's conduct and past before just immediately frying his brain.
  4. Didn't Leida throw a fit to double the flower budget to $1000? To get married in what looked like the lobby of a cheap motel? They should have used the money to get a real couch or a real bed for the kid.
  5. Yeah, I would guess that making sure the justice system is legitimate and fair, would help them sleep at night. I still think you are blaming the wrong people. And if you are referring to illegal behavior by defense attorneys (or any attorney), that is a different can of worms and definitely not the norm or "routine." There are checks in place for that as well. In this episode, it was the prosecutor who didn't want his unethical behavior to come to light so he agreed to the deal. Who's fault is that? Anyway, my previous post pretty much already responds to this so we can agree to disagree.
  6. I could not disagree with this more. Defense attorneys do not "harm"society and people do not get robbed, assaulted, raped and murdered because of the work public defenders do. If some scumbag is getting off it is because the police or the prosecutor did not do their job correctly. If a statement or evidence gets suppressed, it is not the defense attorneys fault for pointing out the constitutional violations that occurred. By keeping the police and prosecutors in line, it makes the system safer for everyone. If no violations occur, then nothing gets suppressed. It's how the system is supposed to work. They are the last line of defense in making sure people's constitutional and civil rights are not violated and people get a fair trial. It is up to them to call out any violations (and not just look the other way). Again, if the police and prosecutors do their job legally and by the book, it is not an issue. I think public defenders are especially noble since they are most likely representing defendants who are more likely to be impoverished and minorities -- the main groups of people most likely to have rights trampled and get railroaded. I do agree with SunnyBeBe in that the conversation between Kim and the DA was not realistic. They went back and forth from 7 years in prison to 4 mos. probation. Most sentencing guidelines would not allow that type of leeway. I also agree that Kim is still idealistic and seems to find helping people more satisfying than her work on Mesa Verde but she already made a commitment to Mesa Verde and they are relying on just her because of the big push/presentation she made to them. She definitely needs to handle it better if she wants out. It's unfair to them if she's decided she just not into it anymore.. I'll be interested to see where her storyline is headed.
  7. Totally agree with this. The Bates parents actually encourage the kids to go to college (even if it is Clown College ) and there is so much more joy and genuine affection in that family. The Duggars are too cult like and they all seem dead inside except for maybe Jinger.
  8. Okay, call me crazy but I think Quinn will be back. The whole death and aftermath seemed weird and cold in the way it was filmed. Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I thought the person Dar wanted Saul to talk to the university was going to turn out to be Quinn and it was just better for all involved to let everyone else believe he was dead. Having said all that, it would also be a cheap trick for the show if he isn't really dead.
  9. I guess that title was open after Mo left Ohio. He's now the biggest loser in whatever state he is shacking up with the-groupie-of-the-week in. Hopefully, he will claim that title back in Tunisia soon.
  10. True, it makes no difference what she's doing now. It wouldn't affect the annulment or the claims of fraud. He took off long ago for greener pastures right after getting his green card. Her actions now don't nullify anything. She doesn't have to stay home mourning months/years later.
  11. That is hilarious and rings true! It also explains soooo much!
  12. Oh yes, I forgot about that! The need to call the police and flat out lie about having a binder thrown at him as if he was in danger or hurt. I guess he forgot that cameras showed she tossed the papers on the ground towards him when he wouldn't take them. I kind of wish it had gone to court so that he could have been laughed out of there. His willingness to abuse the system knows no bounds. This is exactly the type of thing that police officers hate having to spend their time dealing with -- people who manipulate and lie in order to try to get a leg up in a legal case and it's no wonder they just told everyone to grow up and left. He's obviously too stupid to realize being involved in so many police incidents does not reflect favorably on him and just highlights how ready he is to abuse the system.
  13. Well, if the Feds could deport both of them, I'd be fine with that but Danielle is a citizen and he's not so ....bye MO! The feds could charge Danielle if they actually felt she wasn't truthful in the process about her financial situation (I truly doubt it, though) AND deport Mo for his blatant fraud in the marriage. Win win!
  14. I understand that you believe that very strongly. I also have stated my position numerous times and it remains unchanged. I'm happy to let the courts decide. I don't agree with your last sentence but you seem to be stating that two wrongs somehow make a right. To me, it's all the more reason that their marriage was a total sham based on fraud and should be annulled.
  15. According to poor Mo, she owes HIM. <<<Rolls eyes>>>. And, yes, I agree he is trash and needs to go.
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