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Everything posted by QuantumMechanic

  1. After Ryan was assaulted and basically had his life threatened when they first showed up, after Rosa Parks told them about Emmett Till and warned them to leave or be very, very careful, after the cop confronting the crew in the hotel room, and the other similar things they went through before that scene -- it was idiocy.
  2. That's not anvilicious. Neither would having having lots of marriages be same-sex or whatever (assuming you don't have some character commenting on it over and over, especially with a bunch of And As You Know, Bob stuff). What makes things anvilicious is stuff like crappy or forced on-the-nose dialog, forced actions, having characters do idiotic things so the writers Can Make Their Special Point (like taking two non-whites, one of whom is black, into a bar that has impossible-to-miss "Whites only" signs all over the outside so that you can set up some Meaningful Moment about what a horrible thing segregation is), and other similar things. In contrast, the scene where Ryan picks up the handkerchief and grabs the guy to give it back to him and gets slapped and threatened is not anvilicious (and is in fact quite good) because it's a natural action by Ryan and a natural action by people of that time and place.
  3. Didn't make me uncomfortable at all. It was too boring to do that, for starters. I'm fine with didactic TV when it's done well.
  4. Presumably human, yes. Though we don't know that for sure.
  5. He was some random racist from the future trying to do an inverse "kill Hitler as a baby" to change the timeline.
  6. Yup. It was nice to see them not sugarcoat how bad things were then, and the bus scene was powerful, but as you say, that was an slightly odd episode of Quantum Leap rather than Doctor Who
  7. Huh. I never knew there was an episode of Quantum Leap where Sam jumped into an eccentric British woman in Montgomery, AL in 1955. Not nearly as good as other QL episodes on similar subjects. Though at least it wasn’t as anvilicious as ST:TOS’s “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”. Still liking Jodie and Graham, though.
  8. I didn't take that to mean she was Gallifreyan but rather that by jumping into whatever the Great Intelligence was doing to the Doctor she was splintered through time (a la Scaroth) with the splinters popping in at the same times & places that the GI was making go wrong in order to make them go right (hi, Sam!).
  9. Not to mention (ugh!) Rose, easily the worst companion ever until Clara came along to run neck and neck with her.
  10. Jody Whitaker: liked her quite a bit Companions: decent enough start Episode as a whole: flabby and meh. The Predator rip-off didn't help, either. But hey, it is Chibnall, so pretty much par for the course. Hope it gets better.
  11. What the heck’s with the theme? BBCA didn’t have it, right? But over on Gallifrey Base (which gets lots of UKers) people were saying how much they liked (or didn’t) the theme. So I guess the real BBA airing had it? What the hell, BBCA? And I could have sworn I’ve read a spoiler-free review that mentioned a cut to the theme after some key moment.
  12. A few quick thoughts... WTF did they only show a montage of that Lock-Jaw fight when the quarters were over in a jiffy? So glad to see Witch Doctor taken out. I used to root for it, but ever since the suspicious shenanigans when the screws ejected it a second before it would have been counted out, I've been rooting against it to see the producers' agenda foiled. Right before the Tombstone fight I turned to my wife and said "Tombstone will win most of the time, but there's always the non-trivial chance he'll break himself from the reaction forces". As for Tombstone, I think the "Hmph - it's only a lawnmower - hmph" snobs here are off base. Billings was smart enough to look at the rules and scoring system and come up with something that has one of the best chances to win given that system. That's smart engineering and it's silly to hold that against him. From the competitor's point of view the goal is to win, not to satisfy viewers' aesthetics. If you want to get all "hmphy" at someone, go after the producers (or whoever it is who sets the rules and scoring system).
  13. So what exactly do you get on the Science broadcasts relative to the Discovery ones. Both are an hour so the Science doesn't have that much extra stuff?
  14. But if two people finish doesn't the $1mil prize go to who finished fastest? If so, choosing to go last is the intelligent thing to do because then you know what time you have to beat.
  15. During the Icewave/Skorpius fight I kept my eyes on the screws. I never saw them reverse direction - they rotated inwards the entire time. So even more I believe there were shenanigans to save Witch Doctor from the KO last week.
  16. What/who controls the screws? Witch Doctor only escaped the KO because the screws reversed direction just before WD was counted out. Seemed fishy as hell.
  17. Lisa Joy has given some clues about the timeframe of the post-credits sequence (spoiler-tagged), via The Hollywood Reporter:
  18. The explanation is, as Sizemore said, that the hosts should have responded to Maeve's commands in English, but because of the "infection"/wokeness/whatever, they were refusing/unable to use or acknowledge anything in a language other than Japanese.
  19. Looks like he did. That freezeframe upthread showed Aggression, Bulk Apperception, and Hostility all maxed out, and Compassion dialed all the way down. So does that mean he's gonna be an evil Maeve? And what has Dolores already unseen done to herself?
  20. Sizemore said the commands not working in English is because the "infection" has spread to ShogunWorld.
  21. People here have said “Hansee” is the person who whispered “you do not end until you are forgotten” (or whatever the phrase was) to Stubbs and then had him let go. But who is Hansee? That’s not ringing any bells with me.
  22. Yeah really. "If a few lines from snarky precocious kid are good, then having them be a main character is even better!" is a classic, classic jump the shark path (I think something along those lines was even an "official" reason for JTS on the old JTS website. Please don't go there, show!
  23. Sacrilege -- I didn't rewatch season 1 before season 2 started :), so I'm still trying to remember stuff. Am I correct in assuming this year's pre-MIB-William scenes (so far) are from *after* the season 1 pre-MIB-William scenes? And what's so weapon-y about digging equipment? Would love to know how Dolores (even with 1000 or more robots in her army) plans to take over the whole earth and why she's so confident about it. Unless she figures she can tap into the blackmail info collected by the park that the conversation between William and Delos in the park (while the hosts were frozen) and the MIB's monologue to Lawrence at the bar strongly hinted at.
  24. I can attest from direct experience that George Carlin was using that line in his live act in 1984, so it certainly existed well before 1984.
  25. Am I the only one who things there were some timeline shenanigans? According to the NYFW website -- and even some signs you could see on-screen! -- NYFW was September 7th to 13th. According to Wunderground, Hurricane Maria didn't even become tropical storm until the 16th and a hurricane on the 17th and was still well away from Puerto Rico at that point. It made landfall on Puerto Rico on the 20th. So Margarita's expressions of concern don't make sense relative to the timeline. Is the Project Runway show no longer during actual NYFW anymore?
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