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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. I have no interest in Zoey breaking an engagement. I am far more interested in her brother and wife. Will there really be no follow through of that plot next week? Give Me a Reason was my favourite performance this series.
  2. I too believe that when there’s a second season (not if!) that Lucia will be pregnant and will get an abortion. Ella could be that person to help her, which can help them bond.
  3. Carter and Katherine is my favourite relationship. She should just start her own practice. Although given her background, she’d have no problem finding a new position.
  4. What a wonderful season. This is my first new show of the decade I love. There has to be a second season! The Beto/Ella relationship is so well done. I can totally can see them staying together or growing apart, and I would be happy either way Ella provides a comic spice to the series. I am fond of them both. I am wondering what is happening in real life. Are kids whose parents are forced to go to Mexico being entered into the foster system? Even when there are viable familial support like an older brother? I can’t fathom the anger they hold. Rafa recognizing Ella? Beto and Val saying goodbye at the pool? Emilio seeing the baby seat? The show really touches me. This show must return! I have to say that something bad will have to occur for Rafa and Val to go back to the US? One of the parents die? Violence? Illness?
  5. Great episode! The parents’ backstory was so rich. I wonder how much of their rift will be revealed next week. I also love how the English and Spanish was interchanged do fluidly. Ella will of course fly to Mexico, oh gawd the drama. But she provided that much needed levity. And this was my favourite Beto episode. His emotional maturity was most evident in his interaction with his dad.
  6. Ooh, never thought of that. Do we know what Madison does for a living? I vaguely remember Madison taking Kate to all those fancy boutiques. Maybe Madison tried acting when she was younger but never got her break (which also can explain her low self esteem and body issues). They can frame it where Madison and Teen Kevin both lived in LA (never knowing each other, or maybe Madison knew him but he never paid her any attention), but where Madison only experienced failure, Kevin achieved success. We can also see what led Madison to attend an Eaters Anonymous group.
  7. In the same way that Kate should allow Toby to say what he is feeling to her without punishment, I feel I am not going to punish Randall for what he said in the therapist's office. It's not like the show thought what Randall said (particularly about Kevin) was right. Having said that, I was having Randall-level anxieties that Randall and Rebecca would miss that doctor's appointment. I mean, traffic in LA is so unpredictable. ETA: Oops, I meant KEVIN and Rebecca would miss that appointment!
  8. Madison was great tonight, it is sad that the younger versions of Kate never seemed to have a female BFF. Imagine Teen Madison existing in that world while Kate was with Marc? Miguel’s reaction to the MRI results broke my heart. The therapist is played by a relatively well known actress, Pamela Adlon. She is not Julia Roberts famous but not unknown either. The show not featuring her face was intentional, heightening Randall’s suspicion and distrust. When we were see her, she is smiling.
  9. Virtually everything on TV these days are hard hitting, gritty etc that anything not that get compared to Hallmark or This is Us. BTW, I love This is Us like I loved shows like Sisters or Once and Again. I view Virgin River more in the vein of Providence or Judging Amy or Military Wives. They raise topical issues but in a comforting way. Call the Midwife is similar too but set in a period time. There is a gentleness to all of these shows that is easy to mock (they just want viewers to cry!!!!) but there should be a space for this type of entertainment. I liken Hallmark movies more to Disney tv shows or Saved by the Bell. I am halfway through. I think the lead is great and the only one really doing subtle work. Everyone else is a bit broad if nevertheless charming. I hate how much Hope HATES Charmaine. And as lover of The Vampire Diaries, I prefer Mel’s husband so it is hard for me to ship Mel and Jack.
  10. Would Val have lied about her life if her mother was caring for a Mexican girl with wealthy parents? I am sure Val would have still been resentful but I don’t think she would have pretended to be that girl. I feel she is feeling quite a bit shame of her life and heritage and I can understand why Emilio reacted the way he did. I really feel for Ella and while I may have felt unprepared and overwhelmed to be in a relationship with someone with such troubles, Beto seemed rather judgmental? I hope I read that wrong. Also, I kinda hate that everyone in the family seems to hate Ella.
  11. Replying to my own post, but I totally forgot that Miguel, Jack’s best friend and coworker, would have extensive experience in constructing houses. He could help Kevin. Among the 3, Kevin has shown the most animosity towards Miguel.
  12. In a typical teen show, Kate would have been wooed by a more conventionally attractive and socially desirable person, maybe a football buddy of Kevin or a college classmate of Randall. Who is an abuser. While Kevin, Randall and Rebecca all had their reservations, none of them initially viewed Marc as an abusive threat. The flashback nature of the show allows us to focus on the more negative aspects of the Kate/Marc relationship. I am not sure we needed Marc to charm everyone else.
  13. I agree. The building of that house will go a long way to help Kevin deal with his grief and to repair relationships. I can see Nicky helping Kevin with the construction, perhaps explaining why Jack drew the house the way he did. Maybe Nicky and Jack's parents had their own cabin. It would be interesting how Jack Sr. would have reacted to Marc. Jack grew up in an abusive home, but he never shared that to his family, even Rebecca. Kate could have learned some lessons had he been willing to share more about his childhood.
  14. The scene of a choking Jack made me glad I am not a parent. I would have no idea what to do. Do parents learn this? One under-appreciated scene is the one where Kate reassures Randall that he doesn’t need to handle Rebecca’s illness alone. It echoes last week’s episode. I suspects Teen Kate leaves Pittsburg, whether to stay with Sophie and Kevin or somewhere else. But it reinforces Rebecca and Randall’s relationship.
  15. The producers really casted this show well. I feel all of the actors are on top of their games. This was a very fun episode.
  16. It has been ten months since Jack was born. Is that not enough time to deal with the "disappointment"? If it were Kate, and not Toby, who was still holding on to these feelings, there would be a lot less sympathy for her.
  17. I don't get the character turning down the touring gig. If you get a big movie role that shoots in London or a tv show that shoots in Vancouver, you're not going to accept it?
  18. Sometimes, when you grow up with the same kids from elementary to high school, they still see you as a first grader. Maybe that was the case for Kate? I wonder what it’d be like for Kate if she went to school with Randall.
  19. In the current timeline, the specific diagnosis was only provided maybe a few days before Rebecca and Kate's trip with Jack. Maybe an entire week. Within that timeframe, Kevin was busy shooting a film and going to Sophie's funeral. And now going to the cabin. He is not available for Rebecca to tell him. If I were Kate, I would first talk to Randall and then maybe call/text Rebecca as to how to handle it.
  20. We know that Toby exists in the future and is present at what we think may be the last days of Rebecca's life. If Toby was not around for Jack's upbringing, I cannot see why the Pearsons would want him around. Interesting discussion about Toby's interaction with the Crossfit woman and Kate's with Gregory. One difference is that I don't think we've seen Kate complain about Toby around Gregory. Kate is sharing something she is interested in to Gregory. Had Toby and Crossfit woman just kept their discussions around crossfit (their interest), I don't think that'd be bad. Granted, Jack Jr and his blindness is a lot more personal than crossfit, but Kate seems to have kept the discussion at a distance.
  21. Kids on TV these days seem to be rather mouthy. The TIU kids don't seem as unruly as, say, the kids on The Affair. In this specific kitchen scene between Rebecca and Kate, Rebecca was probably more concerned about Marc, expecting Kate to lash out. It was the remark about Miguel where Rebecca mentioned Kate's behaviour, because it was unexpected.
  22. This is easily the best Kate episode ever. I loved child Kate, teen Kate (the first to notice Miguel!) and adult Kate. The coffee shop scene about Marc and Kate running off to write music, Rebecca must have felt LA flashbacks. She even kinda looked like a young Elizabeth Perkins. Mandy was truly amazing this episode.
  23. I like the actors so I will keep at it but the pilot was really bad.
  24. I am quite enthralled with the show. Superstore is the only clear cut renewal, I think NBC would want one more current show on the lineup. Anyone watch Indebted? Perfect Harmony is wayyy better.
  25. That talk about immigrants helping each other was so beautifully written. I am heartbroken about the dad. Not sure if he has always had issues with alcohol but it’s not surprising he would hit the bottle given his circumstances. They have done a very good job of writing the friends and girlfriends. The Kirstin character is split into two characters (both of whom are compelling). The Valentina pretending to be Amanda is sad on so many levels.
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