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  1. That is what is fascinating to me about many women in the fat positivity/ acceptance movements. Many will typically NOT try to date a man their own size. They will say it is because the sex would be difficult because you need one to be smaller or something along those lines. They will post pictures of an obese woman drawing being held by a classically good looking/build man and say that men should love them for who they are... but it begs to question why are they not drawn to men who share their same lifestyle of obesity? I still have about 40 lbs to lose - so I am still obese although definitely pass for just overweight. I stay very active, I watch my food intake, I work out... I can't fathom being with a man whose life revolves around sedentary activities and food. My boyfriend and I spend a significant amount of time training for rifle matches, playing golf, playing frisbee golf, hiking, skiing in the winter, etc. Neither one of us would be attracted to someone who cant ski, cant easily handle a brisk 2.5 - 3mile dog walk daily, hike, golf, etc. The reality Whitney is trying to delude herself in is that even with a wonderful personality most people do not want a partner who is so completely divergent from them in their interest and activity levels.
  2. Lord you can never tell when women overly filter, face tune, and photoshop their faces.
  3. This. Whitney so desires for others to truly believe that she is fabulous and has everything she could want. That her size is not a detriment at all. People declaring how much sex they have is to convince the rest of us of just how desirable they are. The reality is that at her size most men are going to either be just as obese, just wanting to bang ANYONE, or they have a fetish. With her in the public eye she may just very well also attract users seeking their own fame or money. An average sized guy is not going to find her appealing. She clearly doesn’t care about her health not in a way that actually makes her wish to change herself. I know a girl a similar size she shares her dating or attempts at dating stories. The only real responses she gets are fetish seekers or guys who think she is so desperate they can bang her within an hour of meeting. It’s pretty bleak.
  4. No doubt. My boyfriend never watched the show but he knew of her. So Ryan May have seen the opportunity and swiped right.
  5. I am sure he did. My boyfriend showed me her on Tinder or Bumble - I can't remember which one. It was before he and I were exclusive - and he knew I watched the show so he saved it to show me *lol* I found it interesting that she had her mileage range set pretty far - we are near Raleigh. I swear this was around... summer of last year
  6. This makes me irate. Calories MATTER all the time. When I started my weight loss I actually went to a doctor from Duke University he is really big into ketogenic diets, does research on them, and prescribes them for his patients. He does a wellness clinic. At the time I thought I had to do ketogenic since I had PCOS. I asked him if I needed to count calories. He told me frankly the ONLY time he has patients log food and track calories and prescribes calories is when they fail at losing weight. He explained that the positive part of the keto diet is that generally high fat and moderate protein is so satiating that patients tend to start eating at a calorie deficit and then lose weight. But if those patients still overeat even if on bacon and cheese and whatever.. ultimately if they consume more than they burn then they will indeed not lose weight or gain weight. Organic is rather hoodoo in my view. I think Jessica in order to still get her check from the show is going to placate Whitney. Whitney is not prepared to really look at her issues in the mirror. Whitney is like many in the fat positive movement - they believe all of the myths that they became obese because of their body's set point, eating at reasonable calories is depriving their bodies from the intuitive eating, nothing is wrong with being obese, they cant eat 1100 calories a day and go into starvation mode and then still gain weight, etc. Like if obese people REALLY ate below 1200 calories a day consistently every day and still gained weight or maintained a weight of 333lbs then NASA needs to study them diligently because it would be a much better way to create power and fuel than any technology we have today.
  7. I think they were thinking it was more of IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) or small cell lymphoma. They present the same way but the ONLY way to see which one the cat has is to do the sample from the small intestines. I had a cat who had probable IBD (he was also diabetic) but he was too frail and elderly that I would not put him through the sample. The first shot at treating small cell and IBD is predinsolone which is a daily med. I am guessing MAYBE she can give it as a shot but not sure. My little old man lived as a diabetic for 12 years (yes that requires 2x daily insulin shots and blood testing - he would let me test his left ear). Most likely his IBD changed into small cell lymphoma which later took him. By that time I only did palliative care since he was tired of constant hospitalizations and medications. If Henchi had an aggressive cancer such as large cell - he would already be dead unless he went through the platinum care of a CHOP chemo protocol (26 weeks with various chemo drugs). I have another cat who did CHOP for over 30 weeks.. she was VERY fortunate as her lymphoma presented within a day in her lymph nodes under her jaw. Some cats do well with CHOP - my little girl has been in remission for 2 years - many die within months and the vast majority get an extra 6-9 months of life. I am sure if he had had that we would have heard all about it. Some folks who may not be as fortunate to do CHOP can do a daily oral chemo but the outcomes are not as positive.
  8. The PCOS thing gets on my last nerve. I also have PCOS although mine is in remission (no signs of cysts, my symptoms of are significantly controlled, I do not take meds, etc). It infuriates me how so many obese women blame PCOS for all of their ills. We don't know the full connection of what comes first - obesity or PCOS but we know they are related. You know what helped me more than any other med? Losing weight. At my highest I was 290. I am now 200. Has it been a cake walk to lose weight? No. But it is possible. What PCOS does do is it can make you insulin resistance, it can lower your metabolic rate, but it does NOT put the fork up to your mouth. I had my resting metabolism tested and I was shocked when I found out my metabolism was ONLY 150-250 calories less than the anticipated level (based on the various formulas out there). Mine is now normal. I stopped going on kept, whole 30, vegetarian, or any other kind of I WILL LOSE WEIGHT diet and I signed up for a program via Stronger U where I had macro coaching. Easiest "diet" I have been on in my life. I don't eat low carb, I eat just balanced macros. On holidays I don't track really but I immediately go right back to my plan and I have been doing this on my own for a year. The reality Whitney is you drink too much, you don't take into account every lick and bite, and you are delusional if you think you don't eat enough. You are not a miraculous example of a miracle of not following the laws of thermodynamics. You eat more than you burn - whether it is mostly booze or coffee drinks or hiding in your house when the cameras are not there. You binge probably (Hell I will if I put certain foods in my house) and are deluded with just how much you consume. Guess what? I lose weight at a normal clip now, I don't have cysts, my hair stopped falling out, my skin is vibrant, I don't have tons of hair growing in the wrong places.. I am not even close to being prediabetic or resistant.. and even at 42 my GYN wants me on birth control as she feels I am pretty damn fertile at this point.
  9. I think it doesn't help that there is a push now to normalize obesity. You can be fierce gurl... even if 250+ lbs. I am in awe (and I say that as someone who is obese) that people think they get to obesity on their own and they are NOT eating an excess of calories. The amount of "fatlogic" that occurs daily makes it clear to me that sometimes when these people get to a certain point it is way beyond their control. I have an acquaintance who had to retire early from her job because being a SSBBW is not sustainable. She doesn't *get* that her addiction is just as horrible as another vice she overcame many years ago. While her mobility was suffering (and continues) she was considering surgery but she snapped out of those thoughts and doesn't think she has a real problem. Meanwhile she struggles to do many basic household things - she is always asking for some help from folks who may need some extra money to help her with decluttering, cleaning, etc. When in reality I would love to be like.. no honey, humans don't get to over 450-500lbs by having slow metabolisms, PCOS, thyroid issues and the human body is not meant to hold that weight. God forbid if you say anything to people then you are fat shaming, etc. What I find interesting i the HAES world is that as they begin to age... they disappear because lets be real nothing says "healthy" when you are full of arthritis and becoming increasingly more immobile.
  10. Agreed. She can dance mediocrely for a ballet student her age and years of practice. If she were a normal dancer's weight, she would be unknown and ignored and considered like any other middle school - high school chick taking dance lessons. Because she is fat? It makes her "special" but in reality the technique is mediocre.
  11. Agreed. I have an Egyptian friend (who now works and lives in Paris) and his English is almost flawless. Much like Nada he has a very subtle accent; he has never lived in the US or any English speaking country. His family comes from quite a bit of wealth and he always had a stellar education, lots of international travel opportunities, and many tutors.
  12. I think the trade deal can mean a few different things and not necessarily that they are going to "remove" the current handmaids and send them to Mexico but rather help Mexico to start their own program this could even mean helping suss out those women in Mexico who need to be sent to Gilead to be "trained" to be a handmaid. It would help Mexico not do their own dirty work.
  13. Uh unlike the people on My 600 lb Life, Whitney has a dancing career though
  14. Actually, there are studies that show the more you hang out with those who drink too much, those who overeat, you tend to also start replicating their behaviors. I have a friend who is very obese and REALLY overeats. I always end up eating more when I am around her, there is passive "peer pressure". Ironically my behaviors don't tend to rub off on her even when i try to encourage her to go on hikes, come to spin with me, get out of the house or do other activities other than going to restaurants and eating.
  15. Roy bless him looks like he has packed it on as well. I hate it for him, I know I sure as heck would not want to be on this show
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