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  1. I was annoyed that the group kept telling Molly to go for Shep. The guy’s moping around after some other girl and you want to be his “for the moment” girl? Plus, he’s 🤮
  2. Yeah, it’s a Shep redemption tour event, as far as I’m concerned. 🙄
  3. The pressure Joe is putting on Maddie is giving me the creeps. They’ve only been dating 4 months and he wants to move in together? I feel like he doesn’t listen to her. I hope the talk Leva (sp?) had with him grounds him more to reality.
  4. I’m not sure I understood the conversation between Jesse and Lexi. (Or maybe I just didn’t hear it well!). Was it about their relationship and being exclusive? Not excited about Lindsay’s pregnancy being a major topic this season.
  5. Conclave!! A surprise to me, but I am happy. Also, it is the only one I have seen. 😁
  6. A whole season of two not-awkward awkward broken relationships? 🤯😵‍💫 🙄
  7. I liked him, too! There were several people I did not recognize last night.
  8. Sorry, but can someone explain this?
  9. When I click on that link, it says “page not found.” Bravo removed it?
  10. Shep is 46???????😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😂 Does Molly have a tattoo on her upper thigh by her bikini line? If so, strange placement as I thought something was hanging out of her suit. If not, my TV is bad. 😁
  11. I thought I might be the only person watching this show, and I’m only half-watching! 😁 That Lily (the bad singer) is really something, isn’t she? Seeing herself as the “star,” so she’s allowed to be late? 🙄.
  12. Lindsay looks different — fuller faced. Hmmm … what could it be? 😉
  13. I’ve heard it for a while, but when did “cheers-ing” become a verb? 🙄. People don’t “toast” anymore?
  14. I thought Craig handled Andy’s questions well. He’s had some time to process, said it’s been difficult, but that he is trying to move on. I didn’t expect him to break down in tears on WWHL. Three years is a long time to spend on a “fake” relationship. IMO, Paige just kept putting him off. He seemed ready for more, and she was not. It happens.
  15. Shep has had an eye lift and new teeth? I haven’t noticed. I do think his hair when combed and greased down (looks like it) is not a good look. Maybe an updated style would help? And yeah, the girl doesn’t seem too excited about their visit. lol Whitney sounded drunk (slurred words) at his mom’s dinner for the guys. And what’s with the Grand Inquisition of Craig? Maybe that is done every year at this dinner; I don’t remember, but I wanted him to tell them to mind their own business.
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