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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Exactly. The Bach Franchise is what made Neil Lane a household name ... in Bachelor Nation anyway.
  2. OMG! Budget is so tight they can't even afford for Neil to come and show his own rings. WOW!
  3. I am so NOT impressed by them torching a big bonfire with the wind blowing like a banshee in the middle of that dried-out desert. Not a good look, show. Especially after you used up all the resort's water with those fake rain showers.
  4. I'm tellin' ya, the budget is so shot for this franchise, can't afford drinks for cocktail parties -- cancelled -- can't afford fresh roses for a RC -- cancelled. Can't afford dinners on dates -- cancelled -- send the guys home before they get fed. Get the rest of the guys to leave before they eat or drink more, get a refund on their rooms. It's brilliant for the budget!
  5. Oh, no, another Love Guru. I hate this crap.
  6. Maybe as a side hustle, a dildo pyramid scheme. But seriously, google says she's a bank marketing manager. Whatever that means.
  7. Geesh, I just did a google search and Katie's net worth is between $1 and $5 MILLION! Holy CATS! So yeah, she can go to Africa and hang around for a few months.
  8. So we find out that Blake is unemployed but when the show is over he'll go to Africa for a while to work for some non-profit. Dude's occupation is Wildlife Manager, isn't it? And what's Katie's job? I've never thought about her actually being employed. And not sure either one can get back into Canada right now, if ATFR was filmed recently. Or even a while ago. And good luck getting into/out of Africa kids.
  9. OMG, Justin is crying. It seems real and not a Bachelor audition, but maybe ... I'd be up for it.
  10. Hey Justin, dude, I can get a FS key. Call me.
  11. Justin going on and on about his "connection" with and "love" for Katie means she sending him home.
  12. Yet another reason I wish CH would come back. Will Blake go into competition with Windmill Peter? (Writing that feels so bad.) And wasn't it Blake's mom who sent Katie that dildo gift?
  13. Good lord, they're casting for yet another season of this dreck show.
  14. As Tina Turner said, "What's love got to do with it?"
  15. "And if you can't be with the one you love, honey, Love the one you're with." -- TM Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
  16. I'll miss CH saying "Most DRAH-matic finale EVER!" when all the guys leave and Katie is standing alone out there in the desert ...
  17. He'll feel better after the FS date.
  18. Show is back! A water balloon fight would be so great right now it's so freaking HOT here. LOL that Katie is over being all verklempt about Greg leaving and is all primed for the FS with Blake and Justin. Woo hoo, right? (Blake looks like he's going to barf as Katie tells him about all her "strong relationships" who bailed on her. Sorry dude, you are ranking no better than No. 4 right now, if that. But OVERNIGHTS, right?)
  19. You must live near me. The weather interruption is so irritating because typically when tornadoes are east of the tv station and heading to my town, coverage stops. Now tornadoes are way further east of me and heading to Chicago and coverage continues. *sigh* But to answer your question, the first 10 minutes was a replay of the Greg melt down from last week, shown a couple times. Then voilá, it's Katie on stage at the ATFR and Greg is suppose to be there. And that's all I know. -- cut to weather coverage --
  20. Are there two guys left? Blake and someone else? Big weather going on here so now show is preempted and all I'm seeing is radar and where the tornadoes are. At least I got to see the first 10 minutes. Keep me up to date here on what's happening guys.
  21. For anyone who missed ALL.THE.DRAH-MAH last week, you get to see it two or three (or four) more times tonight.
  22. @Ailianna it's good to see you, hope your weeks are going better. I am missing your scores for Weeks 43, 44 and 45 (July 5, 12 and 19) and need them to keep you in the running for FJ Contest prizes. No need to watch an entire episode to find FJ. The clues are posted here if you scroll back, or you can go to TheJeopardyFan.com, click on the days, and the answers will also be there about halfway down the page. I don't want to lose you in the contest at this late date!
  23. WEEK 47 • August 2, 2021 — TWO asterisk * * 231. Historic Businessmen. Born in the village of Waldorf, Germany, in 1763, he arrived in the U.S. in 1784. * 232. Asia. This country became independent in 1946; in 1964 it officially switched its independence day from July 4 to June 12. * 233. The Declaration of Independence. The first published announcement of the Declaration was by a Philadelphia paper that reported it in this foreign language. * 234. 1930s America. Unpopular at the time, the man for whom it is named wasn’t invited to the September 30, 1935 dedication of this landmark. 235. Literature & The Animal Kingdom. In 2020 scientists named Trimeresurus Salazar, a new species of this, after a character in a book series.
  24. Although there is this to consider: "I've never been on national television before and now I'm gaining X zillion followers and am a cinch to be on BIP and maybe DWTS and will be able to sleep with models and D-list actresses and TMZ paps will follow me ... all because YOU keep giving me roses and letting me have even more air time! I've never felt THIS WAY about ANYBODY before! I think I LOVE you!" Reading between the lines is essential for this franchise.
  25. The montage at the end was hilarious because all the dramatic shows do that for characters leaving the series, never to return, and main characters who have been killed off. I think TPTB applied both those scenarios to Greg with that ending clip. All that was missing was the "RIP Greg" at the very end.
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