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Posts posted by HelloooKitty

  1. I feel like either Steve or Eddie is going to sacrifice himself to save Dustin. Or Steve will try to and Eddie will intercept so Dustin won’t be without Steve. And any of those scenarios makes me sad. I truly didn’t expect to like Eddie as much as I do. 

    the only way I see the adults getting back from the USSR in time is if the storylines aren’t concurrent. They started that way, but maybe the pace of things overseas is happening faster than it seems?

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  2. Well I didn’t get that either if the Doctors were biracial. Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention. I’m sorry Clair Danes was married to an abuser, but she’s still annoying and boring in turns. 
    All I can think when I see Stella is “look, it’s Fleur!”

    I like Tom Hiddleston a lot but he needs a good scrubbing. I know regular baths weren’t fully a thing yet, but you’d think the clergy would keep a bit neater. 

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  3. Alison might even be worse than Sparrow Ben. 

    Klaus is still best. 

    why is Luther pulling a Disney Princess and marrying someone he met yesterday?

    way to go Fai you idiot. 

    so Sloan and Ben are the only sparrows left? Are we replacing Ben with sparrow Ben? And trading Allison and Sloan? I don’t think both are going to make it. 

    is Lila really pregnant? And is it Diego’s? 
    time travel is confusing. 

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  4. So whatever causes Alphonso to look the way he does apparently gets/got worse. And Sparrow Ben was a dick from the get go. 

    I wonder when they started drugging Reginald?
    wait, Pogo gave them the drugs?! I wonder if it started right away?

    As messed up as umbrella crew is at least they had Pogo and “Mom” to temper some of the abuse. The Sparrows didn’t see “mom” as mom and pogo left. 

    Yeah, really not liking Alison. 

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  5. Oh thank goodness!  I was worried about Klaus! 

    Oh my gosh the obliviousness is KILLING me!! 

    also, pretty much hate Allison right now. I don’t care how upset she is what she did to Luther wasn’t cool. And I don’t trust her with Harlan. 


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  6. “Flock of Shegulls “ Hee Hee!

    death runs a hotel now. Who knew?

    I know none of them had proper home training, but why are they pretty much all so horrible at actually thinking things through?!

    Harlan is Sissy’s boy that Viktor resurrected, correct? That explains the tapes of “white noise” sounds. 

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  7. So, I guess we never get the full story on Josh then? Or what happened when Gretchen went in his room? And where did Nora end up? 

    leaving Seth “in charge” seems like a really REALLY bad idea!

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  8. Clarification please? The boy at the end knocking on the door was Leah’s friend from school last seen in season one- the one she thought leaked her birth certificate? 
    the boy in the apartment was “DJ”, Gretchen’s son that (1) killed Nora’s boyfriend, and (2) she planted on the island and then made it seem as though his face was eaten off and he died?

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  9. There is no excuse for his actions. I do wonder what is in his past that caused the “pantsing” to be such a trigger and caused him to escalate to such an extreme.  

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  10. Here’s my theory:

    the upside down already existed as some sort of alternate, monster dimension possibly ruled by the mind flayer. 11 made an opening/gate that reached there and pushed 1 through. Once 1 was there, he begin to use his powers to shape that world into the world he remembered- his house, Hawkins- but they are all twisted and broken versions. Hawkins exists on a thin spot and thus the created upside down Hawkins is able to change and update itself via what leaks through from the real Hawkins. Maybe the world creates creatures and models them on what it hears, like say a d&d game. Maybe 1 is doing the creating. No matter how powerful 1 may be in that world, the “vines” connecting him seem to imply ( to me at least) that he is not in complete control of himself or the upside down. 

    11 grows more powerful, the experiments being conducted continue to rub against that already thin fabric of reality. Eventual a full tear/gate is formed. Enter season one. When 11 closed that first gate, she damaged the upside down. It was no longer able to change and grow- thus it being stuck in ‘83. 

    Every gate that is closed damages the upside down. No wonder the mind flayer is so desperate to get out! And now it’s running out of gates to do so! (Seasons 2-3)

    as the henchmen are done away with and the gates sealed off the mindflayer is stepping up its offense. If our intrepid gang can stay enough steps ahead they may be able to seal it away for good.  

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  11. On 5/29/2022 at 6:38 PM, overtherainbow said:

    That would be quite a twist if he actually ends up being El's biological father, but it would make sense seeing as they both about match each other in terms of power

    That would be a MAJOR retcon as the first companion novel makes it clear who her father is. 

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  12. On 5/28/2022 at 8:27 PM, Blue Plastic said:

      Why are/were there so many telekinetic kids around for Brenner to get his hands on?

    This is kind of explained in the 1st companion novel. He was conducting experiments on persons of all ages originally. One of them was El’s mom. He gave them drug concoctions to try and help elevate their seemingly dormant psychic abilities. He discovered that young children responded best and were most mailable. So, when it was is discovered  that El’s mom was pregnant and had been while the experiments were going on, “papa” made plans to take the baby at birth as he felt her potential would be tremendous. 

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