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Posts posted by HelloooKitty

  1. On 5/28/2022 at 6:36 PM, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    Yes, book form at any regular book retailer (Amazon, B&N, Target, Walmart). It's the third of four official novels there have been so far.

    Suspicious Minds - how Eleven's mother got involved in the project

    Darkness on the Edge of Town - Hopper's past as a detective in NYC

    Runaway Max - Max backstory

    Rebel Robin - Robin backstory

    Lucas on the Line, from Lucas's perspective after Season 3, will come out in July

    There’s also a rebel Robin podcast. 

  2. 54 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

    Beside “Caboose” being the word Rebecca couldn’t remember, one of the kids was reading the Little Golden Book “Caboose” that Rebecca’s dad read to her. Which started the whole caboose story.

    Beth was reading it and set it aside as she spoke to Rebecca. 

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  3. 33 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

    He was an asshole. How do you hold a lawyer in contempt when he’s trying to defend his client.?

    Yeah, there should’ve been a change in venue. The judge was biased against the lawyer and I think the jury was influenced by how popular Candy was in the community and how unpopular Betty was. 

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  4. People who know more about legal stuff than I do- can a judge hold a lawyer in contempt for objecting like that? 

    also, it was totally the lawyer Candy had the second affair with, right?


    ETA after seeing the last “update”: holy crap she became a mental health counselor?!

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  5. On a much less serious note, I’m actually loving the fact that Candy has a panty line when she’s wearing her volleyball shorts. Bc, she would! That mom/granny panty line was the norm then. When you wore your hose on Sunday you probably didn’t have one but most of the other times? Yep. 

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  6. 12 minutes ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    I gotta say, this show is difficult to watch when you think about the kids.  First, the baby left alone for hours to cry.  And that sweet little girl who has no idea the woman she's staying with killed her mother.  

    And in the second episode -- poor Davey!   Maybe there was more to the story in real life, as to why the Gores couldn't care for him, but this was just appalling.  Betty decides to "return" him on his birthday and Allan just goes along with it??  The kid is obviously struggling and acting out, but they had no business taking in a child if they weren't willing to deal with a seven year old having a tantrum on a disappointing birthday (and, honestly, even the most well-adjusted little kid is going to have bad moments sometimes).  I was feeling for Betty up until this moment, and she's certainly not getting the support she needs, but good grief.  You can't just return a kid like you're returning something to the store!  

    Other than that, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills watching this show.  It has this very odd, dreamy and slow quality ... and this relentless focus on early 80s kitsch ... and yet it's about an axe murder.  It's so very, very strange.  


    Well I certainly don’t agree with the choices the Gores made re: Davey, I am glad that Betty recognized she was not equipped to handle the situation and that it was in his best interest to be placed elsewhere. I don’t think she was prepared for the emotional trauma that comes with fostering. Her statement “I just can’t handle one more person in this house that doesn’t want to be here” shows she’s feeling completely overwhelmed. I honestly don’t think she trusted herself not to get physical with Davey the next time he acted out. Her body language as well as Allen’s (I felt he moved closer to her in order to head her off if needed) when Davey acted out over the birthday indicated she was barely restraining herself IMO. Having him leave before she became physical with him was the best she felt she could do at the moment. 

    that said, she is woefully underprepared to foster and doesn’t seem to understand children AT ALL. Who would think a boy would want to give out birthday invites with raggedy Ann? He’s already “different”, there’s no way he’d want to appear more so!

    • Love 14
  7. On 4/6/2022 at 7:10 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    I think Steven/Marc has the most messed up superhero life in the MCU, and that’s saying A LOT. I am loving F. Murray Abraham as Khonshu.

    Yeah, at least Wade is aware of his voices and chooses to lean into the crazy. He makes it work for him. 

    Steven still has very little idea what is actually going on and is actively working against his alter. Which doesn’t seem to be going very well for him… embrace the insanity, Steven! Then treat yourself to a chimichanga! It works for Wade!

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  8. 30 minutes ago, cdnalor said:

    Salieri, yes.

    Yeah. That one. 

    3 minutes ago, RedElf said:

    Poor Gus.

    If you don't have a little background into the character, the first episode might be maddeningly confusing.

    The music is awesome, though.

    And poor Steven.


    Steven (with a v) is SO confused. Bless. 

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  9. On 3/11/2022 at 6:12 AM, paulvdb said:

    Hey, it's Dr. Hirai from Star Trek Discovery. I know he's been in lots of other stuff, but I just saw him on that earlier today.

    That was my thought too! Well, it was more like, “dang he got back to earth fast”

  10. 2 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

    Briscoe/Green will always be my favorite partnership, they were a fantastic pairing with outstanding chemistry, they will never be matched IMO. I would love to see Green appear again and find out what he’s up to, as long as they don’t shit on him they way they did on Jamie Ross in the premiere. It really pisses me off when they bring back a character just to make them look bad or OOC. 

    I think partly it was because Jerry and Jesse were so close in real life. Their care for each other off screen carried over on screen. 

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  11. I am really curious how they are going to handle the wedding with no Murray. As uninvolved a parent as he was/is, no way do I believe he wouldn’t walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. 


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  12. When I watched the first episode and saw that Harold was a father separated from his son, I’ll admit I wanted him to yell “Waaaaaalllllt”. 

    I watched the first three episodes on Prime and enjoyed them though I could do with a bit less of the flayed bodies thanks ever so much. I hope the rest will be available there as well. 

    Also, I know that there is a lot of talk about it being similar to Lost, but I get much more of a Wayward Pines vibe. 

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