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Posts posted by HelloooKitty

  1. So I realize that I am not at all the person to speak on or even have an opinion on this, but I’m not a big fan of the dad jumping all over Nicey’s case about “turning her back on her community” every episode. 
    maybe others enjoy this, but I do not. Especially when it seems the formula is dad is up in arms about her actions, by the end of the episode her actions prove she is doing her best for her community. 

    im enjoying the other parts of the show though. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    There was an adult with Imani; maybe they were the interpreter? I don’t remember anything about the adult except that there was one present.

    I assumed it was her parent but it could’ve been the interpreter. 

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  3. Did someone other than the rabbi ask her not to sing? Not that I think she should’ve done it either way, but I could see her justifying it to herself as that it was something special she wanted to do for her son and something she had planned and dreamed of doing at his wedding since he was a child. However, she should have asked her son first. In the end she only ended up embarrassing him in front of those he looked up to and respected. 

    There is no excuse for the favoritism she showed to the two grandchildren. Im sure she would say that she would love to be able to treat her other grandchildren to ice cream as well, but she can’t. The reality is that she doesn’t care enough to spend time looking for a special treat that all the grandchildren could share. 

    I wonder if her problem is with orthodoxy in general, or her son converting? Does she have issues bc of the restrictions they place on women? 
    Did her son convert by his own choice? Or did he fall in love with his wife and convert for her? Does the mom have issues with her daughter in law and does she make this obvious?

    I may be more interested in Alan’s family dynamics than in Sam. 

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  4. My guess is the pee thing is related to him not having many opportunities to go during his work day if he is out in the field. 

    I thought the flashback scene was very interesting. I’m curious as to how Alan viewed his wife and the tension between her and their son prior to this and if he is revisiting that since his kidnapping. We have a tendency to elevate those we love to a type of sainthood after their death especially if the death was very tragic or following a lot of suffering as hers was. I wonder if he is rethinking his view of her. 

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  5. I’ve decided I  want Madisynn to just randomly turn up in the background of scenes.

    Spidey is battling a bad guy? Hey look! There’s Madisynn grabbing a bottle of vodka before running out of the bar!

    Another battle in NYC? There’s Madisynn picking her way over all the rubble in her 4 inch heels! 

    Wong and or Strange are jumping through dimensions? Madisynn is just randomly hanging out in a fire world with the talking goat.  

    Madisynn in season 2 of Loki trying to explain her TVA name tag is spelled wrong! 

    Madisynn with Morris the hundun in her lap telling him he’s a good boy, yes he is and petting him. 


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  6. 17 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

    In the post credit scene when Wongers and Madisynn were talking about drinks, Wong mentioned something about having some alcohol left over after the wedding. Do you think that wedding will come later in the show or some other show/movie or am I just reading too much into a throwaway line?

    Is it Mephisto's wedding???

    Oh, I just thought it was Christine’s wedding from the last Strange film. But that wouldn’t make sense bc why would Wong have the left over booze? Unless he “borrowed” it. 

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