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Posts posted by HelloooKitty

  1. Theo!!! I’m so glad you’re back! 1) bc I like Theo and 2) diversity on screen!


    I am now even more certain in my theory that Dickie is Loretta’s son. 

    and im still clinging to the multiple Ben’s theory. I mean, if you can’t have kids and you try some sort of infertility treatment, your chances of multiples do go up…

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  2. I love (most) Hitchcock movies and that whole “suspense” genre so I loved this one. Especially all the nods to Hitch in styling. 



    edit bc the I and o keys are close together and my fingers are fat. 

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  3. I want to like this. I really do. But I’ve never watched any of the animated series and I feel like you need a pretty solid understanding of ALL of them in order to follow this. 
    I’ve read some of the novels (including the series on Thrawn ) but stopped when Lucas basically said none of it “counted” any more. (He honestly killed some/a lot of my passion for the universe with that. It felt like all the time and effort I had invested in reading the expanded universe novels was worthless)


    I find it hard to care a lot about these characters bc there’s so many that I don’t know who they even are or how they fit and the few I am familiar with I only know the most basic info about not the extensive minutia I seem to need. 

    I feel like the writers are expecting me to recognize every single character, no matter how minor, introduced and get all these levels of nuance bc of that knowledge and it’s not happening for me. 

    it’s just a lot of work to be put in in order to be entertained for less than an hour a week. Maybe this show just isn’t for me. 


    I love the space whales even if the make me sad bc things never seem to go well for space whales. (See: hitchhikers guide, Dr. Who, etc)

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  4. Mmmbop huh? Didn’t expect that. 

    so we know everything except who the poisoner was? 

    i’m guessing either aniq did it somehow accidentally or Edgar did it to himself, also accidentally. 

  5. I don’t know if Loretta is Ben’s mom, but I think she is definitely related to him somehow. Aunt? Half brothers mother?


    my guess is that Dr. C was either passing allergy meds or something throat related to Jonathan. Is Jonathan part of a union? Does he have enough credits to qualify? Does he have health insurance? If he doesn’t, it’s possible Dr. C is selling meds at cost or selling/giving samples in order to help him out. Maybe it’s a thing he does, helps artists who need it. 

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  6. Ken Jong can be very polarizing where his acting and persona is concerned and my enjoyment of him varies wildly. That said, I really liked this episode. He made Feng very relatable and sympathetic.


    I also liked that Vivian cleared up any uncertainty about their future. Her affair was an emotional lapse is judgement. What she and Feng have is a true, deep love and appreciation for each other. 

    I still have no idea who did it. Right now my theory is Edgar accidentally killed himself- death by misadventure. 

    ooo, what would be really ironic is if Aniq did something that accidentally caused Edgar’s death! He’s trying to find the guilty party but the guilty party is him!

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  7. I don’t enjoy it when our trio isn’t in sync- it stresses me out. 

    I also think Ben (or Ben’s twin) left the message on the mirror. I  think that the reason he was so stressed about the  red mark is bc, if he’s sharing the role, the sibling doesn’t have the mark and they can’t switch out. 

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  8. 24 minutes ago, SHD said:

    Why did Funcle want to get a DNA sample from Feng? All he really needed was Grace's and his own. 

    Maybe bc he thought the fact they they are half siblings might cause issues? Or he doesn’t understand how dna testing works?

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  9. 100% the video in tonight’s episode of Ben in his dressing room? He was talking to a plate of cookies. I do not believe there was another person in there. 

    someone in the episode thread speculated Ben GlenRoy is/was actually triplets who shared roles- Ben, Glen, and Roy. The way MaryKate Ashley Olsen was the billing on Full House. He got his start as a child actor and they usually hire multiples so they can switch kids out for work limit reasons. And then we have the triplets in the “play”. 
    I know it’s insane, but I kind of really like this theory. 

    The death of stage was one of the triplets, the elevator shaft was another. And there’s a third in hiding. Or maybe the third killed the elevator shaft one!! Jealously or something. 

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  10. 13 hours ago, peeayebee said:

    It has a great double meaning.

    I didn't love it either. I thought the best part was the monologue Donna did. It was awesome. Right now I think Donna and Cliff are the best part of the show. And can their relationship get any ickier? Stay tuned.

    I was distracted by that, too. I guess that sort of thing happens frequently in shows and movies. Suspending disbelief once more. 

    My initial thought for who Ben was talking to was himself. After all, there are images of him everywhere. But since he was looking downward, I really like the idea that he's talking to cookies on a table.

    That Fairey poster of Ben with "Talent" underneath was hilarious.

    I also laughed when Oliver said, "But we do have champagne!" followed by Howard dropping it. Also loved when he did his mother's voice. "Momma
    was a smoker.”

    I don't think I liked any of the scenes with Mabel and Tobert. I thought the whole thing with her stealing his drive and demanding the password so SHE could solve the murder was stupid. It was his drive. He was the one who got the bit of evidence. I just didn't much like Mabel in this ep. Well, I did like her impression of Oliver.

    I liked the lullaby. I thought it was beautiful.

    "Creatures of the Night." Why does that sound familiar? I just did a quick google search and see that it's an album by KISS, but the title reminds me of something else.

    Are you thinking of the line “creature of the night” from Rocky Horror? Bc I was. 

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  11. So it’s early and I’ll probably change my mind a million times but here is my initial theory:

    the producers (1 or both) did it
    for “The Producers” type reasons. 

    They thought a big name Star making his debut would bring in big money. But he was bad. So bad. Bad enough to not sell out but not so bad as to completely tank the show. People would still come to see him, fans anyway, but all the “true” theater people will skip it. 
    so they needed to end the show in order to recoup their money. 

    maybe the first “death” was a publicity stunt? But I think they realized either 1)  (if it was the producers idea) it wasn’t going to work or

    B) (if it was Ben’s idea) Ben had jeopardized everything out of selfishness  and they were fed up


    either way it led to the second REAL death

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  12. 27 minutes ago, Driad said:

    The faux suicide was after Morse's hallucination(?) at the wedding, of him and Joan finally getting together.  From then on I figured anything might be symbolic or not realistic.

    What’s funny about that to me is that I wasn’t sure if it was his imagination or Joan’s in that scene! I thought it could as easily have been hers. 

    oh, also, he collapsed bc he had been beat up? Right? And probably also not eaten. 

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