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Posts posted by HelloooKitty

  1. In the pilot, I got New York from Wills accent. In this episode I got sort of general southern that was sometimes stronger and sometimes less pronounced. But as a southerner, I’m used to most actors lumping all regional accents together into southern. Unless they are going for Cajun. 


    I also liked Angie and Will, but I think they are both not heathy enough for a relationship right now. I think there’s a lot of codependency there and very old roles that they fall back into when they are together.  Each feels “safe” with the other bc of their shared trauma but not in a positive way. More like, I don’t need to work on myself or my issues bc he/she knows what and why they are and will excuse them. So there’s no encouragement to grow. 
    I’d  like them to be eventual endgame, but I hope there’s a lot of therapy between now and then. 

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  2. I would just like to say that “Will Trent” works in the Ted Lasso “Roy Kent” song and whenever I think the name of the show or character my brain insists on singing it that way. It’s a bit annoying. 

    I did find the show interesting- especially the tidbits we found out about Will and how you see he has learned to integrate  them into and work around them in his life. 

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  3. I think I’m out, guys. The constant piling on Kat is somewhat triggering to me. Do any of them even like her? Really? They are supposed to be friends but it seems like the only one that gets “dissed” is Kat. Kat is who she is and she seems happy with herself. If you don’t like dinner Murder mysteries and puns, maybe you should find a new friend. Obviously none of their interests or ideas of fun intersect. Even Max got in on the putting down Kat this time. I suppose we could hand wave it that it’s his sudden drinking problem, but he acted like he’s always hated going to parties she’s thrown and in the past they were shown to have the same punny cheesy sense of humor. 

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  4. I feel like Dominic West is so horribly miscast. It pulls me out every time he’s on screen. It’s not just his looks, his body type is wrong-West is much broader than Charles- and the way he carries himself and his mannerisms are off to me. 

    when you see “Diana” it’s her. The way she looks up through her lashes, the way she curls in on herself as though to hide or seem smaller…all of that is spot on.  But “Charles” doesn’t do that for me. 

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  5. The toxicity of the mother daughter relationship on this show is so awful. The 10 seconds of kindness do not make up for the other 22 minutes of horrible. I don’t understand how the writers think that’s funny. It’s just sad and heartbreaking and I want Kat to get some much needed therapy and learn to set boundaries and go low contact with her mother. 

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  6. On 10/20/2022 at 9:17 PM, rtms77 said:

    Was it just me or did Luthrn assistant look like a young Carrie Fisher?

    Not just you, I was wondering if the robes figure was supposed to be a young Leia. 

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  7. Calian is still very pretty. 
    Abby’s manner of speaking is off putting to me for some reason. 
    I like Kate more than Abby and find her more interesting as well. 
    Lucia deserves so much better than Hoyt. 
    Kai is very talented and a quick worker!

    I don’t care if they are in the “Wild West”, an unmarried woman wouldn’t go to a single man’s home alone in this era. And I don’t believe this wouldn’t have given Abby pause. Not as much as eating with her husband’s killer, but still. 

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  8. I too thought the father was dead. I had assumed Sam had a lot of anger at his mom for not protecting him and her guilt over that is what led to her covering his crimes. I didn’t see her as someone who got the courage to leave. And abusers don’t normally leave their victims unless they become “inconvenient” and start fighting back. 

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  9. I like Mayim, I like Leslie, and I like Cheyenne. I want so badly to like this show. But Swoozie’s character is so bitter and hateful that she ruins the show for me. I mean, the show is never going to be the pinnacle of entertainment, but it would be so much more enjoyable without her. 
    And she seems so much worse this season. 

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  10. Well, I really liked it. I totally am on team Jent. Mant? She devil? Dare hulk?

    Did not expect Skarr. So that’s 4 original Avengers with kids now? Clint, Tony, Thor, Bruce? Not to mention all the kids they’ve “adopted” into the fold, Peter included. 
    we definitely have enough for a couple of young Avengers teams.

    I liked that Jen has our back in the X-men thing!

    we didn’t have to see Madisynn, we could’ve just heard a “Wongers!” As Emil stepped through  

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