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Posts posted by Trillium

  1. I’m enjoying this. I don’t think it’s at a Ted Lasso level, but it’s funny. I’ve never cared for the actress that plays the neighbor but she’s not too bad here other than the face fillers, they are very distracting. Considering she’s the wife of the show runner, I’m going to have to deal. 

    I do wish they’d give Michael Urie more to do than be the funny gay BFF, but I do appreciate that they have a gay man and a straight man being best friends.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, SMama said:

    They had 14 people in one hotel room? WTAF.  Unless it was a suite the maximum occupancy is usually four. We usually stay in a suite because I struggle with insomnia and SGirl likes darkness and silence when she sleeps (I use the TV for white noise). Plus she gets her own TV. 😃

    Seriously, did I misunderstand? They crammed 14 people in such a small space? 


    8 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

    I think 2 adjoining rooms, but still 14 people in 2 rooms??

    15..13 is just the kids. I can’t believe the hotel allowed that. Not sure where she got 14 unless one of the older kids wasn’t there but this was back in 2017. 

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  3. In accredited schools, you typically cannot white space your way to a longer paper, you submit them electronically because there’s software to scan for plagiarism. I was always given instructions like “Times New Roman 12pt, double spaced 1” margins” and yes that was checked. And sometimes it’s word count vs pages that’s the requirement. 

    *I did print my master’s thesis for my defense presentation, but I was still required to upload it the official submission page. 

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  4. 27 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    She has a paid partnership:


    Even with those, the company doesn’t just give them free stuff upfront. Typically they need X number of people to purchase with her code then Jill would get a credit for future orders or a refund on what they bought. Companies don’t give away free things unless the “influencer” actually gets people to buy the product, unless you are super famous. None of the girls stick with any of these for long, probably because not enough people use their code to make it worth continuing.  

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  5. 15 minutes ago, floridamom said:

    These products that Jill advertises, I assume are given FREE to her in exchange for the ads...she gets them for free; WE have to pay for them. I believe the same is for all of the Duggar ladies and Bates ladies. I don't like them doing this. It just doesn't sit right with me.

    I wouldn’t be so sure. I get a promo code to share with people automatically from various places (Bombas, Home Chef) and I’m a nobody who barley uses Facebook and never Instagram. They could just be simply sharing those codes. You get a credit if someone uses your referral link.  Maybe these are exclusive deals they have been given to promote, but a lot of these companies give them to anyone.

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  6. Ugh. Ignoring the fact that is super tacky to have each person pose with their gifts, there seems to be a wide disparity in value. Some got some nicer, clearly pricier items, and some got a random $2 toy that’s suited for someone half their age. 

    I get that Christmas isn’t about gifts and clearly they have limited means, but then some of these gifts are soooo low effort. Add in the freaking puppy she got the newlyweds, it just feels like some kids clearly got way less than others. 

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  7. That poor puppy. I fear that has health issues too, because no breeder is going to give someone a perfectly healthy puppy they could sell for thousands. I don’t care how “sweet”’of a friend they are. This is either an oops litter for the breeder (that does NOT look like yorkiepoo) or there’s another reason they couldn’t sell. 

    Now Panda, with an experienced dog owner could thrive. But no, she was given to two people who have only lived as adults for 15 minutes, with a human baby on the way. Did they even WANT a dog? Maybe John Boy had one on the farm but I doubt he has experience training a puppy. Mr Trillium and I had dogs as kids, but our first puppy together was a lot different. We managed, but we also had been married for 6 years at that point, had a fenced in yard, steady income, and weren’t freaking pregnant. 

    Jesus Christ. Jillpm has a long track record of poor decision making, but this is very high on the list. #savePanda

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  8. He sold his business and is training to be a mission pilot, so how is he going to support a wife and kids? Go begging with his Ma? What kind of parent would ship their daughter off the second she’s legally an adult to a guy how lives in a camper on his parents property and doesn’t have stable income? 

    It’s sad when you’re hoping it’s a pregnancy to two people who just started being alone together and not Timcel courting a poor girl. Ugh. I hate these people.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

    1. Jill wrote all that herself 

    2. Jill really feels persecuted lol. 

    3. she is definitely reading what we her non admirers  write about her on the internet 

    4. she is pissed no more babiez 

    I don’t think even Jill wrote that, there’s too many big words like authenticity and zero mention of Lord Daniel. She just found a quote. 

    To quote Rod or Todd Flanders “Lying makes baby Jesus cry”

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  10. 1 minute ago, oliviabenson said:

    I think Jill used filters/photoshop 

    The picture was originally posted by the stylist, who 100% used a filter, Jill just reposted it. 

    As for the dramatic style difference…the stylist probably has ring light and fluffed everything right before taking it. Jill’s hair seems like mine, it loses it shape the second I step out of the salon. I don’t know how many times it looks great when I leave and in the 15 minutes it takes me to get home it’s totally flat and stringy. 😐

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  11. 1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

    The dollar stores out by me are now $1.25, so if she did buy them there that is a little over $20. If they are from Walmart, I saw plaid stockings for nearly $10 each. 

    I had to look and yes they are 100% from the Dollar Twenty Five Tree. Which again no shame if that is your budget. But Jillpm is just the poster child for cheap unnecessary consumerism. Very Jesus.


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  12. I don’t get new stockings often, but I have if they no longer match my decor. We used to live in a house built in 1900, so we had some that fit that home. Then when we moved I bought a different set. At the time we just had one child and another one didn’t seem likely so there was only 3. Then when we did finally have a second child, Mr Trillium and I shared just shared since I was the one who filled them and I was never going the find a 4th that matched.  Last year the kids said we needed new ones, and each of us had to have our own. I said fine, with the expectation that if I was going to have my own, they needed to make sure something, even just one thing was in it that I didn’t put there myself. They agreed, so now there is 5 stockings since they said the dog needed one too. 

    My mother isn’t sentimental about things, and she passed that down to me, so making a switch isn’t a big deal. I’m more about things going together than I am about sentimentality, and I’ll own that. But I also make a very good living, feed my kids, and can afford to do so. Jillpm can’t pay for car repairs on their own, nor proper clothing and for the kids. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if those were dollar store stockings that they added names to. Who cares about taking care of your kids when there’s god honoring matching stockings to be bought! 

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  13. 22 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    Why did Kaylee bring a white wedding dress on her honeymoon? Was she not feeling married enough after her first wedding?

    They need to let the strangers at the good church know they are NEWLYWEDS or some Jill type might think they are having the sex without Jesus approval. (Because you know if a young couple showed up at her church she would launch an inquisition) 

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  14. 30 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Nah, he's probably a 33" inseam or thereabouts. My husband is only 5'7" with a 30" inseam, and his legs aren't overly long. I think the idiot just didn't edit his copy. He was so proud about the 29" waist that he screwed up his inseam. 

    My son is 16 and is a 29 W X 30L  at. 5’ 8”. He is a skinny kid. No way JBoob was a 29 any time recently unless he’s going back to his HS days. Thats like me saying I went from a size 00 to a size 10. I mean technically I did but I’m not counting the size I was at 18  

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  15. 11 minutes ago, SMama said:

    Same here but we didn’t grow up with cameras following us around, boom mikes above us, sitting down to record talking heads, set lighting and window covers. More important, we were not raised to believe we are a model of godly behavior that others must emulate. 

    I don’t even think it’s that. I can’t tell you how completely normal this type of pose is for people her age to post. Religion really has nothing to do with it. I don’t get it but I’m a “geriatric millennial” but all my younger family…this is just what a lot of them do. 🤷‍♀️ At least she’s not doing duck lips too. 

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  16. 5 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    I wonder how Kaylee managed to keep her mother out of her wedding party. That can't have been easy and Jill doesn't take no for an answer.

    I think it’s as simple is Jillpm doesn’t care about (andKaylee), Nuire has always been her very clear favorite. She was too busy with the grifting and her trips to be involved in the details. I also  think a lot of the things were donated or given to her from people in the church who were previously married (I think reusing wedding decor is great!) and Jillpm likes free. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Lisa418722 said:

    They should have just cut Trish's hair short. It would look much better than the mullet. But I guess Jill thinks if part of Trish's hair is kept long, that keep her "womanly glory."  

    I know it was grape juice, but the picture of it in wine glasses and the actual food rather than snacks makes it seem as though they are trying to be more normal. Of course, I grew up Southern Baptist so a lot of the weddings I've been to over years have snacks rather than a full meal.

    Who else helped with this wedding because we know Jill wasn't going to pay for this, especially after her 25th anniversary trip.  Also, Jill wasn't a part of the wedding party? There has to be more to the story.  Maybe Kaylee and Jonathan are trying to break free, as much as they can considering they are only going to be living a few miles away.  

    I am willing to bet people gave Kaylee things they had from previous weddings. And since Johnathan has a job he probably had some money. She’s NotNurie so Jillpm didn’t care what she was planning and was far to into planning her own various trips and fawning over Nurie and her “baby” to notice or care what the wedding planning was. Which good.

    But for breaking free…the newlyweds will be summoned whenever BME needs something from them. But only then.  Even if they are 5 miles away, she’ll still talk more about her Bestie Nurie.  There is an outside chance that Kaylee has asked Jillpm to not post much about her. But this is a woman who took a selfie at a funeral for stranger’s children with the grieving parents, so I’m doubt this is Jill respecting boundaries. 

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  18. Ironically the most sexual innuendo lace showers I’ve ever been to were the ones I went to with my mom for ladies in the church. Lots of wink wink “wedding night” talk and focus. 

    The ones I went to as an adult, none were religious and sex wasn’t discussed really at all, because the couples have been living together for a while. No one gave a fuck. 

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  19. 50 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

    @merylinkid I love your retelling of this Bible story! Was it Pa Keller who was so insistent that it was Grape Juice? It was ridiculous then and is still ridiculous.

    He did at Anna’s wedding, but it’s not a unique POV in more conservative Protestant denominations. 

    I mean these are people who think the earth was created in a literal 6 days, and is only 4,000 years old, and dinosaurs aren’t real or they existed with humans (that fluctuates) so not understanding that it was absolutely wine because of Science! is on brand. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, merylinkid said:

    Of course Jill has to take something from the secular world and make it all holier than thou with Kaylee's "clean" bachelorette party.   Of course, by putting it clean in quotes she is kinda implying it will be the opposite.  

    BTW, the Bible features an absolute rager of a wedding reception.   Just so ya know.


    I wonder if the girls will have sparkling juice (not knock it, my 8 year old loves it so we always have some for breakfast on holidays) or is that only for Jillpm? 

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