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Posts posted by Trillium

  1. 11 grandchildren in heaven??? I am guessing most of these 11 were early term miscarriages. Still sad, but I’ve never seen them listing miscarriages in obituaries, which the beginning reads like. 

    Jillpm really is trying to drum up the tragedy of it all. Disabled sister, dead babies, knee surgery! OUCH! I’m sure he dad wants to be with her mom, but at their age they qualify for Medicare. It’s not always the best care but they have options and resources. Sadly this is as situation many elderly people face. Which is why we need things like universal healthcare and social safety nets. 

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  2. On 7/6/2022 at 5:16 PM, ferjy said:

    I can’t believe they went there. I was afraid he would turn out to be a bad one  but really hoped in the end they wouldn’t use that extremely overused trope... someone close to you is the bad guy. How many times can they use that in shows/books? Do they really think we’ll be shocked at this point? They might as well have made Wu a villain, at least we would have had a WTF reaction. 

    Yeah I called it in like the 3rd episode. Only because it’s such an overused troupe and the writing was already pretty surface level, of course it would go with the best friend betrayal. 

    This was not a good show. I was bored and I gave it a go because I thought  James Reece was funny name choice, because I loved Person of Interest, and John Reese would have kicked this meatheads ass.  POI was a much better show. 

  3. Things we can always count on Jillpm to do:

    • Make someone’s situation all about her

    • Be inappropriate in medical situations

    • Lie and grift

    She’ll do it this time. She will play the martyr. Not saying she’s thinking “Yes, $$$!!!” I am sure she is concerned for her parents. But since I cannot imagine how they make any money through whatever it is they do for income, playing up tragedy is her go-to move. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

    Nothing from Jill? No one gifted them a bbq  or invited them anywhere? Or she was too full/tired and was napping with beau in front of the map. 

    Also no mention of when/where the wedding of Jonathan will be.

    And no mention of Jill’s upcoming wedding anniversary/vowel renewal party…

    Wonder if they have cable tv?

    Oh don’t worry. In a day or so they’ll be many photos from their Christian Nationalist celebrations.  Complete with terrible flag shirts and manly arm wrestling matches. 

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  5. 16 hours ago, Absolom said:

    The Federal Prison Industry makes UNICOR products sold to entities of the federal government.  They make clothing, furniture, pens, and a whole catelog of items.  The manufacturing of items is spread over the many participating prisons.  

    Years ago I worked for a commercial furniture manufacturer. UNICOR was one of our largest accounts. We’d just ship them parts, the inmates would assemble the finished product.  Not sure who the end user was, it was office type furniture, so maybe for the prison system or other government buildings. (We had GSA and veteran owned business contracts too separate from UNICOR)

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  6. Oh do shut up, Jillpm. We are in WI and had some very bad storms come through too. We’re on day 2 without power. They are saying it will be at least Saturday night before we get it, but it could be Monday. And we live in a largish city. We lost a large tree but our house is ok. And we don’t have a generator like they do. We are managing fine. Sure it’s inconvenient, but we’re fine. 

    But of course, Jillpm has it the worst and will use the opportunity to grift whenever she can. It’s how they make money. She’s probably actually super happy she has another reason to ask for a handout. 

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  7. 54 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    Yes, the “2 months “ is calculated and stated by LinkedIn. 

    Yep. Zero control over it on the users end. I’m starting a new job on June 27th, LinkedIn will have me there two months before I’ve finished a week when it turns to July. It’s dumb but it’s a known quirk with the platform (and like all social media has become a hot mess)

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  8. 5 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

    Just ewww on the purity thing.   For such "modest" folks, they sure do talk about sex a lot.   But then I guess a lack of occupation with leads to a preoccupation with.

    Probably 12-15 years ago (back when I was religious) the pastor of our church told the entire congregation that he gave his teenage daughter a purity ring and if she had sex before marriage, she’d have to give it back. This was at a “cool, modern” church. It was gross. 

    One of a hundred reasons I finally left that. So much happier being a heathen. 

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  9. Never any kind of Baptist, but growing up in a evangelical church, there were occasionally times when men would serve the women and it was always “Look at how NICE the men are, doing this for the women!” as it was some massive favor with a not so subtle misogyny that “herp derp, how do you operate the crockpot/dishwasher, I’m a man and don’t know! Lolz” 🙄 Of course someone like Jillpm would just think that was just so nice. 

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  10. Josh got married for the same reason young fundies marry, to have a God approved three way with Jesus. Except Josh never seemed like the type that actually believed any of it, but he fucking loved being the Prince of ATI, so he did and said all the right things. Anna was just an available female that clearly has no self respect and dank the Flavor Aid hard. I think he does whatever he wants and never gives any fucks about his family. Whatever minor affection he has for them is only to maintain his self image. Even after all this, playing the wholesome White Christian is his only move. If he says screw all of it, he’s going to be an unemployed felon off Daddy’s good graces. If he ever wants a donut burger again, he needs to play the game. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    “ Knowing” their house from posts of theirs, the pictures were pretty good. There’s some “stuff”  I would have eliminated in them, but it looked like a home. I’ve seen listings  that look so freaking staged, that they come across as  fake, and would come under false advertising in my mind. Then there are the stretched out pictures that are an attempt to make rooms appear larger than they are. I saw one of a kitchen once, and the photo made the refrigerator look bigger than any known in real life because of that.

    I agree with this. When we were searching the first house we visited had great photos, looked amazing. We got there and yeah, everything was way smaller, finishes were cheap and cheap looking.  On the flip, the home we did buy, I didn’t even want to look at it based on the photos, but our realtor said to give it a try. I knew pulling into the driveway it was the home for us. The neighborhood was beautiful and the online photos did not do the home justice at all. The finishes were much higher quality, it was just the previous owner had a very eclectic style, so a lot of cosmetic changes were needed. This was at the bottom of the housing market, so buyers had tons of options, and anything not move in ready sat for months .

    Homes are selling so fast that everyone I know who’s sold in the past year was basically told they could list as is with minimal staging. The Dillard’s home looks like a very basic standard newer build. Nothing remarkable but oki Obviously good enough to get an offer quick.

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  12. Timing actually seems pretty good if the last day is the end of May. They could have also stated the closing date be after that too. Pending sale doesn’t mean moving out the next week. Our current home was vacant and we had all our ducks in a row, and it still took 3-4 weeks from accepted offer until close/move in.

    My neighbors are selling and moving several states away. Their house sold within days but one of the stipulations was the new owners are “renting it back” to them until the school year is over. This is not uncommon. Our first house we ever bought we bought and rented it back to the previous owners because we weren’t moving to the area for a few months and they hadn’t found a new place yet. Something like that could be going on too. 

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  13. 45 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

    Yes, I'm sure they were having sexual relations on the beach.  Who knows, they might have even been married so it wouldn't be fornicating.  They were probably, to use a delightful British word, snogging.

    Knowing them it was people in regular bathing suits holding hands. Or worse, kissing. 

    I would laugh though if they did actually witness p in v intercourse.  

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  14. 3 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    Hi, Jill. Does she know that King James was likely gay?



    She’d cry FAKE NEWS if she did. Every KJV worshiper acts like that was the version bless by Baby Jesus himself in the manger. Any other version is literally liberal garbage in their POV. When I was a teen in the early 90’s there was a family in youth group and their mom was the leader and she made it no secret that the KJV was the “correct” one and the NIV (the one our new pastor used) one was changed to be more modern. Even 13 year old me knew that was bullshit.  They eventually left because of how modern the church was becoming, because NIV and the worship service was not entirely old hymns. You know, because Jesus and the disciples  definitely sang Old Rugged Cross at the last supper. 

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  15. To their credit, J&D are less aggressive about deleting less than flattering comments than some of the others. 

    I do feel bad that the girls trauma was made public against their will. But the blame doesn’t lie with the people who were just doing their jobs, so the decision is correct. 

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