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Princess Consuela

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Everything posted by Princess Consuela

  1. Seeing those pics makes me really miss Sami & her snark ( I really miss Lumi as well (they just sparkled together)) Oh look Abifail is back with her grandma outfits - the wardrobe people must hate her to put her in such ugly clothes. I FF thru most of her just because I'm sick to death of seeing her cry. And it pains me that Kayla is falling all over herself to help that twit. And Stefano - instead of having Chad chase after the hose beast - just take the land from her & be done with it - then we won't be forced to watch Chad pine over her Not sure why they have drug out this Xander story - as much as I like the actor - they needed to get rid of him after Eric & Nicole were saved & not done what they are doing now - hopefully it won't last too much longer.
  2. I'm only intrigued by this murder mystery is if they kill off Dr. Tan, Abifail, Paul & Clyde & maybe Ben too - other than that I don't want to see anyone else die.
  3. The one good thing about the last two days is no Abifail - that is a positive - think we can go for three? I do love Rory & wish they would give him more to do than just continually ask JJ to get high - I do hope we get some Steve/JJ bonding instead of seeing JJ slobber all over Dr. Tan. I'm also all for JJ & Joey wreaking havoc all over town. I do hope we get some Chloe/Brady scenes before she leaves town again - I used to love them (when Kyle Lowder was Brady) Still hate that Theresa is doing all kinds of crazy shit just to keep Brady - they are a couple that makes absolutely no sense. The only woman he's had chemistry with is Nicole & that's because she's a chemistry magnet (except for with Dr. Tan)
  4. Ugh watching Chad cry over Abifail makes me mad - he should never be crying over her - she's not worth his tears. And she is a stupid twit for even thinking that Sami was mean to her - Sami should have ripped Abifail's hair out. I will always be Team Sami I'm actually surprised that Dr. Tan is staying with Nicole - she did have to cry & beg which was not surprising since that's all they ever have her do. I still wish they would hook her up with Rafe. Can someone please give JJ a haircut???? And have him stop moping over Paige??
  5. As much as I love Kayla - I hate that she's being used to prop Abifail - I'm over her baby drama & her constant crying all the time - can't she go on an extended vacation?? And why haven't Theresa & Chad met yet? They would be a much better pairing than watching her pine over dimbulb Brady & him pining over Abifail. Why isn't Serena gone yet? She's just a waste of space now - can't we have Nicole just push her into the harbor - would anyone really miss her? Not looking forward to seeing Nicole grovel for Dr. Tan's affections or seeing both her & Eric say how sorry they are for daring to almost make love while they were trapped & not thinking solely of Dr. Tan & how he feels. Blech - thank god for the FF button. And as much as I love James Read - Clyde needs to go - he's become a creepy stalker & it's not entertaining to watch.
  6. I don't want to see this show get cancelled either. Have been watching for over 30 years (wow that amazes me) & I just can't seem to quit watching even when it's bad (it also reminds me of my aunt who used to watch as well & we'd always discuss the show whenever I saw her & everyone laughed at us because we talked about the characters like they were real people) I'm cautiously optimistic about where the show is headed especially when the actors are tweeting about how they are loving the stories & that they can't wait for the audience to see it Weirdly enough I enjoyed Paul hanging out with Brady & then with John - he's a lot easier to take when he's with them (although I still don't understand the use for John having another child)
  7. NO Chad - stay far far away from Abs - she's not good for you - go find Theresa & commiserate with her!! I guess the only good thing about Serena staying around a little while longer is her spilling the beans on Eric & Nicole to Dr. Tan - could we get lucky enough that once he finds out - he'll be so distraught that he'll have to leave town for months & months???
  8. Please show don't ever recast Ari - those girls are just adorable & it was so cute watching her talk with Chad I really think I'd like Abifail a lot more if a different actress was playing her- if they'd just recast with someone who can actually act & has chemistry with the guy who plays Chad - then I could get behind a Chad/Abby pairing - until then - I want Chad far away from her. Please tell me Serena will be gone soon? She's a waste of space. Didn't even bother watching Nicole & Dr. Tan - I adore Nicole but absolutely loathe Dr. Tan & don't care if they get engaged. Ben's an idiot How much longer before Steve comes back???
  9. Man Abigail is an idiot & although the anvils are falling everywhere that her baby is Chad's - I'm still hoping it will end up being Ben's - I really don't want Chad saddled with that twit. Chad & Ari were adorable - can we have tons more scenes with those two? I actually enjoyed the Kate/Justin scenes - I don't want them hooking up but I do enjoy them working together. I really hate that Lucas is going to get his heart broken (even if he should know better going after Adrienne) - I adore Lucas & want him happy & in a good story. And so now that Clyde has snooped & knows Abifail is taking prenatal vitamins - how long before he blabs it all over town? And can Abifail stop her damn crying?
  10. The Eric & Eve scenes were fun - had totally forgotten that they had become friends - can we have more of that? Am tired of Paige harping on JJ EVERY TIME she sees him - I get it - you were wronged & humiliated & want to see them pay - it was fun when she first found out but am tired of her harping now. I did kind of love Hope & Aiden's date - they are a little boring but it was still kind of sweet.
  11. it's too bad they couldn't get Jay to come back - he would definitely be my first choice for Phillip but don't actually mind JPL & I think he could be good as Phillip - I'm glad they are bringing him back. I'm cautiously optimistic about where the show is headed - some of my favorites are coming back & I'm really hoping the new writers do the stories justice.
  12. Loved Jen's blue dress - it was gorgeous!! That said - the whole Eve drugging Jen is ridiculous - she does realize this plan is going to backfire on her doesn't she? Still don't understand why they have Nicole with Dr. Tan - personally I think she has more chemistry with Rafe than either Dr. Tan or Eric I really wish they had Theresa in Chad's orbit instead of Brady's - would be so much more fun to see her & Chad scheming together Really wish they would end the Serena/Xander story - as much as I liked Xander when he first came on - I'm now just ready for him to leave. Really looking forward to seeing Steve/Bo/Andre - heck even Shawn D & Belle - it will be nice to have familiar characters back in the fold
  13. I enjoyed this movie. i thought Emilia & Jai were good as Sarah & Kyle. I liked the references to the first two movies & that John ended up turning into a Terminator. Terminator movies are always convoluted but they are still enjoyable. I will watch this one again ( and yes it is because I love Jai)
  14. Loved the Eve/Paige smackdown - actually felt for both of them. Man JJ really has turned into a vile creature - I do hope Paige really lays the smackdown on him in front of EVERYONE. I hate that Xander is being thrown under the bus to make Dr. Tan the hero (again) - everytime the show shoves how great Dr. Tan is down my throat - the more I loathe him. Weirdly enough - I'm enjoying Adrienne & Lucas - I know she'll eventually go back to Justin - but am going to enjoy them while I can. I just love that Lucas is finally getting some kind of story. Looking forward to having Bo & Steve back - have missed them both.
  15. Ugh very sad to hear that Paul Telfer may be gone - I'm going to miss the pretty - it still boggles the mind that they didn't make him Sonny's brother.
  16. Ugh it upsets me that Xander is not actually Justin & Anjelica's child but some random nephew we've never heard of before but who is still also named Alexander - GRRR stupid writers - I guess it's good he's still a Kiriakis but I would have liked it better if he was Sonny's brother. Does anyone care about Bollie being wanted by Florida police? He needs to follow his sister out of town (he can take Abifail with him until she's recast with someone who can actually act) I really hate that Chad is saddled with this stupid story. Oh Will - Paul DID NOT seduce you - you willingly had sex with him - the more you tell your sad sob story the more I want to punch you.
  17. i LOVE LOVE LOVE that Xander did turn out to be Alexander - I actually screamed when they showed him at Victor's. Looking forward to seeing him interact with Sonny, Justin & Adrienne. And it will be fun to see Victor go crazy when he realizes that Alexander has been flirting with Nicole (I really do hope the show explores a relationship with Xander & Nicole - that could be all kinds of fun) - I'm assuming there is a reason why people don't actually know him as Alexander Kiriakis. Now can we just bring back Phillip as well? And it actually might be kind of fun to see Alexander mixing it up with Brady (although he'll have his hands full with Paul) Zoe's a real bitch - it was nice to see how both Sonny & Marlena handled her. Really not sure where they are going with JJ/Eve - it just makes no sense.
  18. I thought Ciara & Chase were super cute - they've both grown on me. And Sonny is just awesome - there are not enough words to describe how much I enjoy him & he & Paul do have some weird chemistry that I sort of like - I don't know that I'd be for Paul & Sonny if old Will was still around. Lucas & Adrienne - weirdly enough I'm not disgusted by them - I love both characters & while I think it's weird they are hooking up it doesn't disgust me that they are - I do think Lucas will end up hurt once it's all said & done because I can't imagine Adrienne not going back to Justin Oh & I did enjoy Xander & Nicole's scenes from a few days ago - I would love for her to hook up with him - I want her away from both Eric & Dr. Tan.
  19. Finally caught up on a week's worth of shows Loved seeing Paul Telfer as Xander - he's so yummy - loved the interactions with Nicole (I really hope we see that double date) & I do hope that he's actually Alexander (there are many ways they can explain the accent & I would accept whatever they choose just as long as he's a Kiriakis) - we need a bad-ass Kiriakis in the house to take over for Victor - plus I'd love to see his interactions with Sonny, Justin & Adrienne. Nice scenes with Chad/Theo & Chad/Sonny - can we have more of those over the scenes with Abifail? Can't a bus be dropped on her? Can we also have more scenes with Eve & Theresa? Those are more enjoyable than the million scenes of Eve with JJ & Paige - I need her to stop butting into her daughter's love life. Loved Jennifer's gray dress with the flowers - just gorgeous - I want one. Hate Dr. Tan - he can fall off a bridge with Abifail anytime now. He's just a waste of space. Ignored the scenes with Abifail & Bollie - makes my enjoyment of the show better when I breeze thru them Will, Will, Will - I want to like you but every time you screech about Paul - it makes me want to stab you - he didn't force you to have sex with him - own up to what you did & stop whining & crying about it. Sonny is really the only one that I care about in this stupid triangle - he deserves so much better. Nice to see T again - wish he'd be on instead of Bollie Loved the Lucas/Kate scenes - those are always enjoyable & I liked the scenes with Adrienne - still not sure if I want a romance between them but I will say I'm kind of intrigued by it.
  20. Paul is actually starting to grow on me - I'm liking him better than Will at this point - Will just makes me want to throw things - I do love Lucas calling him out but I still want someone to slap him a few times. And it really does look like Paul is John's son - but I would like it better if he turned out to be Peter's son (and I wouldn't mind seeing Peter again - but I don't know if Jason Brooks would come back) I hate what they are doing to Adrienne & Justin but it's not a huge surprise that Justin cheated on her And this whole thing with Clint is weird - why exactly does he need Brady's blood or Theresa's for that matter? I'm assuming it has something to do with Kristen but it still seems weird.
  21. OOH I'm all kinds of excited that Paul Telfer is back & he'll be Alex Kiriakis? Finally we are seeing at least one of Sonny's brothers. So will he be showing up soon?
  22. I am super excited about Bo & Steve coming back for the 50th - let's hope they have a good storyline to go with it & aren't showing up for a couple of days then leaving again. I'd also love to see Calliope & Eugene & Shane & Kim for the 50th & it would be wonderful to figure out a why to bring Jack back from the dead.
  23. I adore BF/NuChad but have no desire to see him sniffing after Abifail - she needs to stay with that block of wood she calls a boyfriend - I'd rather see him hook back up with Melanie or Theresa (why exactly have they not crossed paths yet???) - they are wasting his character sticking him with the perfect princess. And while I love James Read - am sick to death of Clyde - how soon is it that Jordan will be leaving?? Can she take Clyde/Ben & Abifail with her when she goes (Abifail can come back when she's played by a better actress)? I actually liked Roxanne - I do hope we see more of her - anything's better than Paige - I hate that JJ is wasted on this stupid storyline (and does it seem that Eve actually might have feelings for him? I just don't understand where this story is going - the writers have done a piss poor job with it & the actors are doing the best they can with what they are given) I'd love to see Eve playing with the adults for a change instead of playing in the kiddie pool And of course Paul is going to be John's son - like the anvils weren't falling all over the place when his mom saw Marlena - guess they have to figure out some way to tie Paul to the canvas instead of just being Sonny's ex And did Will really blame SONNY for his affair with the whole "you didn't tell me about Paul so it's your fault I slept with him" crap? Ugh I can't stand that kid - he is not the son of Sami/Lucas - he's a sniveling little brat - I do not want to see Sonny forgive him anytime soon.
  24. I'm glad Chad will be back (have missed his pretty face) but am not looking forward to seeing him with Abifail - can't they get it thru their heads that she's not the greatest thing since sliced bread - I just hate that once Jordan is gone we'll be stuck with Abifail - I really don't understand why she's being shoved down our throats. And why is Daniel the only man JJ can talk to? Where's Uncle Steve when you need him? Can't TPTB work something out & bring him back? Hell have JJ talk to Victor - anything's better than Dr. Tan. Don't really care about the stupid elephant thing - still think that Eric & Serena have zero chemistry & are another couple that have been slapped together (because of some mysterious past in Africa) - there is nothing about them that makes me want to watch or root for them. Ugh and Anne putting alcohol in Brady's coffee was dumb - why exactly is she drunk at work & why is that tolerated? Just another contrived way for Theresa to "save" Brady & then have him yell at her - why do they insist on pairing him up with every female they can throw at him? As for Eve & Jennifer - they are both idiots - yes Eve why don't you gloat to Jen that your sleeping with her son - that will go over really well - I miss spunky Jen - this Jen makes me want to throw things at the tv
  25. It was nice seeing Rafe again - I actually kind of like him & am glad he's working for Victor (still wish the show would hook him up with Nicole) & I really think Victor is playing Clyde - letting him think he's throwing in the towel & letting Clyde run wild only to come back at him harder than before & kick his smarmy butt back to Poplar's Bluff. Wow Freddie Smith really kicked it out of the park - you could see the rage simmering thru the entire episode - trying not to explode at Will when others were around. Looking forward to today & the smackdown that he will hopefully lay on Will. And is Dr. Tan the only man JJ can talk to? Where's Uncle Steve when you need him? Seriously if the show can't figure out a way to bring Jack back from the dead - can they at least bring Steve back? While I adore Adrienne & Lucas - still not sure I want to see them together romantically - I'd rather them stay friends. I do hope we have Justin for while & I'm still waiting for them to bring on Sonny's brothers - can't we at least get one of them???? So Paul's father is supposedly dead? Ugh you know they are going to make him John's son so that they can keep him on the canvas & tied to someone other than Sonny - (maybe he'll end up being John & Princess Gina's love child? - I hope not but with this show anythings possible)
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