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Princess Consuela

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Everything posted by Princess Consuela

  1. I loved this movie (and am planning on seeing it again) - I'm a big fan of the OT & also love the newer ones but LOATHE the prequels so wasn't all that impressed when they showed Darth Maul. I thought Alden Ehrenreich was great as Han - I was okay that he wasn't the same jaded Han we see in New Hope - he's got 10 more years to become that Han - he has the swagger & the humor & that's what I was looking for. loved all things Han/Chewie/Falcon/Lando - loved all the little nods to the OT
  2. Just hilarious that Theresa cries a little about why she left & that she didn't mean to hurt them & is very, very sorry about it & thinks that all should be forgiven & that Brady should jump back in her arms & that Eve should just step aside no questions asked. Doesn't matter that Eve & Brady love each other - Theresa's back & she trumps everything. And the fact that she hasn't even bothered to tell them that Chloe is now Mateo's prize & that she left her in his clutches (even as she's crying about how horrible he is) - I'm kind of looking forward to Chloe eventually giving her the smackdown (that is if she ever makes it back) - I am glad that she does at least have someone going down to try to find her. Will & Paul are just so super cute (I know that Wilson will eventually win out but am going to enjoy Horita while I can) Loved Jule/Ciara's talk - glad she shared her experience with Ciara. Tripp & Ciara's date was cute too - I do agree that Ciara should the one to tell him about the rape (especially since he wasn't around when it happened) - I do also wonder if Tripp will find out about Kayla's rape in the course of this story? I did enjoy his scenes with Kayla as well- both of them hesitant but still wanting to try & bond. so nice to have an Abifail free day.
  3. Yes Sean Kanan (Mike) tweeted that he was going to be in season 2 & has already started workouts for it. I do hope they can work out a way to get Elizabeth Shue to make an appearance in season 2
  4. Oh yes - I would love that too - I do think Kreese coming back could be the catalyst for Daniel & Johnny working together (because I don't think Johnny wants to go back to what he was when Kreese was in his life) And Amanda telling them not to get blood in the pool was hilarious & their reaction to it was priceless. They just feed off each other so well - this show really wouldn't have worked without them.
  5. OMG I LOVED this & it was a genius move doing the show through Johnny's eyes. William Zabka was amazing - he's the reason you feel for Johnny & want things to change for him. Just listening to him talk about his past & his life - Daniel saw him one way & never realized that there was more going on & that his life wasn't as wonderful as it may have seemed - he had two horrible father figures that turned him into that bully & then to have that loss just hang over him & constantly being reminded of it by Daniel's ads & to just never being able to get past it. I do also wonder if because of his own horrible father figures - he didn't think he could be a good one to Robbie & that's why he's kept him at arms length for all these years - thinking it's better for Robbie without him (even though you know he wants a relationship with him & vice versa) - I do hope if we get a season 2 we get more light shown on that relationship. While I loved all the episodes - 8, 9 & 10 have to be the standouts - from hearing Johnny tell Miguel his version of what happened in HS, the sweet letter he started to Robbie, the reluctant bonding between Johnny & Daniel (watching them sing REO Speedwagon in the car was the best!!) & then watching Johnny at the tournament - always knowing what was going on with Robbie - constantly watching, running to him when he got hurt - wanting to be Robbie's father & be there for him but not really knowing how to do it & being jealous that Daniel has a better relationship with his son then he does. And then watching his body language change & his demeanor drop when he heard Kreese's voice - he went from a 50 year old man to a teenager in that split second. I do hope that if there is a season 2 - we don't get Johnny backsliding & that he holds his own against Kreese.
  6. I actually enjoyed yesterday's show - it was nice to have a day away from Gabigail. With every passing day, I love Will & Paul a little bit more (and know I'm going to get my heart broken when they eventually put Will & Sonny back together - although I'm hoping that doesn't happen - I would like Paul to win for a change) While I think this whole Bella contest is stupid - I am enjoying the Tripp/Ciara part of it - I think they are adorable & I am all in on Bo's daughter & Steve's son becoming a couple. While I'm not a huge fan of Brady & Eve - I do enjoy their interactions (probably because I adore Eve) - just wish that he would give Eve the space she is asking for & not constantly push himself on her.
  7. My UO is that I really like this version of Ciara (and love her with Tripp) & understand why she hid Rafe's cheating from Hope. I also think that Claire was in the wrong for telling Hope on her wedding day no less about the cheating (especially since the only way she found out about it was by recording a private conversation between Tripp & Ciara because she thought the secret was about her - when she was told that it wasn't multiple times) While I don't mind Claire - I still think she's a self-centered brat
  8. The Steve & Kayla scenes were magnificent especially when she was taking off the Patch (reminded me a lot of when she did it the first time after he got hurt & how afraid he was for her to do it) - they are just magnificent - while I was okay with John & Marlena being there to help - I really wish it had been Bo & Hope instead. Ugh Claire really is full of herself isn't she? I really hope she loses just to wipe that smug look off her face. Am still enjoying Ciara & Tripp. Really hope that Eve doesn't forgive Brady anytime soon - her giving him grief as been magnificent. I am enjoying Chloe & Lucas - but really weird about her admirer - would be really interesting if he does end up tying back to Theresa.
  9. While I don't see Claire as a villian in this story - I do think Eric had valid points - she had ample times to tell Hope without doing it on the wedding day & obviously she knows that otherwise she wouldn't constantly be wanting people to verify that she was right in doing it at that time. I have zero problems with Tripp/Ciara - I think they are adorable - plus they aren't blood related & didn't grow up together thinking they were cousins (also I don't find it odd that Ciara just calls her Kayla - I always call my aunts/uncles by their name & not Aunt/Uncle so & so) The Steve/Kayla & Justin/Adrienne scenes were fantastic - can we get more of those? And weirdly enough I wouldn't mind Eve & Jennifer becoming friends.
  10. really loved everything about yesterday's show - one of the few times that I watched pretty much everything - loved Eve's wedding dress & loved her giving Brady hell for all he put her thru - not a huge fan of them as a couple but still good scenes with them. Yep officially on the Will/Paul train - they definitely have way more chemistry that Sonny/Paul ever did or even Will/Sonny I also love Kayla still being mad at John (which she has every right to - he is the reason that Steve is losing his eyesight) - all things Steve/Kayla are golden although did not like Kayla's coat or dress - too much orange/yellow togther
  11. So I enjoyed the fact that Steve & JJ had a scene together - wow someone remembered they were related. Now if we could just see Adrienne?? Please???? And yes I'm still on Ciara's side - Claire only found out about Rafe/Sami because she recorded a private conversation & then is upset that Ciara is mad about that. Yes she did try to pull Hope aside right before the wedding (which was still in poor taste waiting until then to do it) she also had other multiple opportunities before the wedding day to tell Hope & she chose to wait until Hope's wedding to try & tell her. I have zero sympathy for Claire because I think it was all about sticking it to Ciara even if she says it was because she was worried about Hope. I enjoyed Ciara & Tripp's convo (I'm actually on board with a romance for those two - I kind of like the idea of Steve's son & Bo's daughter hooking up) I also don't think Ciara is the villian because she chose to keep Rafe's infidelity a secret - I understand her logic on why she kept quiet. Ugh Gabigail - could do without her - although she did actually look pretty good yesterday - the red dress with the black wig looked pretty good (and she didn't seem as pale as she normally does) I hate that JJ is going to be the last to know about Lani/Eli - you know something will happen with the baby that will out the fact that JJ is not the father - that's always the way it works & I hate that that is more than likely how he's going to find out (I have no faith that it will happen any other way)
  12. I liked yesterday's show - I loved Eric going off when Jennifer started badmouthing Sami & blaming everything on her & completely disregarding that her precious Abigail did the exact same thing (but it's poor little Abigail - she's perfect - yuck) - I am glad that they realized they were fighting & stopped - that was kind of cute Julie really was a bitch to Gabi (but then what else is new? She would blame anything & everything on Gabi if she could) - can't wait for her to find out her precious Eli slept with Lani & got her pregnant. I for one loved Ciara punching Claire - little twerp deserved it - especially since the only reason she knows about Rafe & Sami is because she secretly recorded Ciara & Tripp because she couldn't believe that they would have a secret that doesn't revolve around sweet little Claire. While I do think Hope should have been told about it - there are better ways & times to do it then on her wedding day. If she was so worried about her Grandmother - she should have pulled her aside & told her then instead of doing it in front of everyone & embarrassing her with it. I do understand why Ciara didn't tell Hope about it - she just wanted her mom to be happy especially after everything she had gone through with Bo's death & then Aiden.
  13. I love that Vivian has discovered Gabigail (I adore Vivian & want her in everyone's business) - I still hate they are wasting Stefan on Gabigail - I would love for them to bring Stephanie back full time & have him hook up with her - anyone but Gabigail. Lani & JJ put me to sleep (as does Eli & Gabi) - lets' hope when the baby news comes out - JJ & Gabi drown their sorrows in each other The difference between what Tripp did & what Joey did is that Pamela was actually threatening their lives & would have killed Ciara & the rest of them if he hadn't been able to use that syringe on her - Joey on the other hand - killed Ava while she was in a hospital bed (and I was not a fan of Ava) & was pretty much helpless at the time - Yes she did a lot of heinous things to Steve/Kayla & Joey but I still don't know that she deserved to die like that & Joey should have guilt for doing it. And I do think that Tripp has tried to atone for what he did to Kayla & I do feel for him - they lied to him multiple times about how Ava died (plus he never knew her & had no idea how horrible she actually was - he was grieving for a mother he never got to know)
  14. I kind of love Kayla hating on John - I hope she keeps it up for a long time because she has every right to be mad at him for what he's done to Steve (especially since there is always a way for him to have not poisoned Steve) & yes while Steve forgave Bo for taking his other eye - he did hold a grudge for a very long time (not until he met Kayla did he start to forgive Bo) Ugh shut up Claire, the only reason you found out is because you snooped on a private convo between Tripp & Ciara because you had to find out what their secret was because you always think everything is about you (selfish little twit) FF thru Hope/Rafe - they bore the crap out of me - I liked her better with Aiden (before they turned him into a psycho) The less said about Gabigail the better Vivian & Victor were pure gold - their interactions are always fun
  15. Conor has mentioned a few times that he's a fan of Amazing Race - so I'm guessing when he got the chance to audition - he jumped at it (and it probably wasn't hard to talk Alex into doing it with him especially since it was filmed after they had finished the 2017 racing season) They live in the same town that I do & have been on TV & in the news a lot since the race started & have talked a lot about how fun it was to do the race even though they didn't end up winning.
  16. Ahh I loved the Will/Lucas scenes (wish we'd get more of those) & against my better judgement, I am totally on board the Will/Paul train (which I know will be derailed when they stick Will back with Sonny) - I do kind of wish that this time Paul would actually win though. Man Billie looked weird - her checks seemed way too full (she doesn't look that bad on Real Housewives) I do hope Gabigail's split personality goes away soon - I really really really don't want her wasted on Stefan (who deserves a real woman not Saint Abigail)
  17. I actually really like Tripp & am happy he's making amends with both Steve & Kayla. The scenes with them at the hospital were sweet. (I do hate that he's Ava's child & not Kayla's) I do hope Steve not being able to see is not a permanent thing. I am also kind of liking Tripp/Ciara - they actually seem to fit better than he does with Claire (and I loved him yelling at them to shut up & stop fighting) Eric & Jen are sweet. Brady needs to STFU The whole John poisoning Steve thing was just so random & am glad it's over. I am kind of liking Will & Paul & would like to see them explore a relationship before they ultimately stick him back with Sonny This whole Gabagail thing is ridiculous (and I hate they are wasting Stefan on that twit) - while this new Abby is better than the old one - I still hate that character & wish she'd drop off the face of the earth. Why can't they bring Stephanie back to mix things up with Chad & Stefan instead of Saint Abigail?
  18. ITA - it annoys me listening to the sanctimonious Horton's talk about how Chad's the one in the wrong & that precious Abigail is all he should be thinking about & that he should have never fallen in love with Gabi. It's like they've conveniently forgotten that she made them believe she was dead for MONTHS & he had every right to move on for himself & for Thomas. The faster he dumps that sanctimonious harpie & hooks up with Gabi - the happier I'll be.
  19. The bar didn't serve her - Tripp gave her his drink. I do like Tripp (he really does resemble Steve & is believable as his son) but I do wish they would just tell him everything instead of hiding the fact that Joey was the one who killed her. I think telling him everything that happened might help him understand & bring him around to actually wanting to know his father & his new family. Loved Marlena going all Mama Bear on Victor - he deserved that plus Daniel's DEAD - can we stop acting like he was the most perfect man ever & knock him off that pedestal everyone has him on??? I thought once he died - we wouldn't have to hear about him all the time - but it seems to be worse now - I would love to never have to hear about him ever again. I am happy to have Eric back & kind of like him with Jennifer.
  20. Ugh watched a couple seconds of Jen & Hope & had to FF - they annoy the beejesus out of me - I actually liked Hope until they stuck her with Rafe. Weirdly enough I kind of like Gabi & Chad (I liked Gabi with JJ too but I think I like her with Chad more) - I do hate that more than likely they'll be ruined when precious Abigail shows up alive & well I also enjoyed the twist of Deimos helping Xander get out of town (I like Xander so am glad he's not in jail or dead) - I'm pretty sure this will come back to bite Deimos but at least Xander is still alive. Now to tell with Orpheous - who is definitely the most dangerous of the three
  21. I loved that we finally got scenes with Steve & Adrienne - it's about time - would love for us to get more of those two. I did also love the scenes with Chad & Sonny - was wondering when we'd get any - hopefully we'll get more (although I think that whole parents line was a mistake that nobody caught) I do agree that Billy Flynn should win an Emmy - he's been stellar in this storyline (even if he is grieving for that heinous troll) I hate Laura being such a bitch to Chad - yes I understand he's a Dimera but he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment - he's grieving as much as the rest of the saintly Hortons are. I did love Kate throwing shade at Laura - was fun watching those two sling mud at each other. I also like Victor & Deimos working together - this is what should have been happening all along - now if we can just get Justin in the mix & maybe even Philip (if he turns miraculously back into Jay Kenneth Johnson) I don't like the idea of Kate being behind the kidnapping though - would definitely be better if it turned out to be Xander. I did like seeing Orpheus again & don't mind him conspiring with Clyde - I'm just hoping for lots of flashbacks from the Stockholm storyline & to see what kind of havoc Orpheus wreaks on Salem.
  22. I know I'm supposed to hate Chase & feel for Ciara - but I don't - I feel for Chase & watching Ciara try to emote just makes me cringe Didn't watch any of the Hope/Aiden scenes today (was not in the mood to hear Hope rail at Aiden for all his lie) Oh & Roman - listen to Justin - it's highly inappropriate that HOPE is in there interrogating Aiden - but then this is the Salem PD - they have not idea what's appropriate & what's not. I am firmly on Chad's side in this stupid custody case - while I usually like Jennifer - she was making me want to throw things at the tv with all her crap about because Chad's a Dimera - he shouldn't have custody of his child - because he may or may not become evil like the rest of his family. I'm glad he said something about her drug addiction because that will factor in the court's decision. And Jen - it's not Chad's fault your precious Abigail took off - she did that all on her own.
  23. Where in the hell are Steve & Kayla?? I'd rather see them then watch Rafe & what's her face. I do kind of love Deimos & Nicole- just wish the storyline for them was better (but am going to enjoy them going after Kate) - I do think he has chemistry with Chloe but like him a lot better with Nicole. And can we have JJ/Chad teaming up every day? I'd easily watch the two of them every single day. I really hate Ciara - I would love to see them recast with someone better. Summer needs to go away. Maybe eventually we'll get writers who actually care about this show & the characters & we'll actually start getting good storylines (I know a girl can dream)
  24. Yes it happened in the first episode - right after Wynonna got Peacemaker out of the well & left - you see Doc's hand coming out of the well (you know it's Doc's hand because they show the ring he wears) I do really love this show - I like Wynonna & Waverly but absolutely love Doc (he reminds me so much of Timothy Olyphant in Deadwood)
  25. Ah it was so nice to see Rory again although it took me a minute to realize who it was!! I really do love Deimos & Kate (actually I just love Deimos in general) - but can we somehow fit in for Adrienne to run into Deimos & have "don't I know you from somewhere" moment?? although I won't hold my breath since we've only gotten one scene with Adrienne & Steve since he's come back. Ah so Saw Daddy has Paul now to force John to give up his blood - I'm only watching bits & pieces of this storyline but that's what I gathered from the little bit I watched. Okay so Dario & Summer worked together to steal money from people & now he wants her to do that to Maggie or was it Brady? I'll admit I kind of tuned out on some of their conversation.
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