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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. Agreed, especially the sentence in bold. If I don't want to be around someone, I don't want to be around the person - I'm not going to be "hurt" that I'm not invited to something I wouldn't want to go to anyway. Jacqueline is a NUT, and has to GET OFF TWITTER. Even if this is true (which it may be), this doesn't make it all Dina's fault either.
  2. Yeah, sorry but Joe and Melissa's "love" for the Juicys seems a bit pointless now, you know? I mean they dragged on that feud for way too long, now they are over it and are the Juicys' biggest fans? OK...
  3. All good points - like I said, I am not "Team" anyone because they are all effed up.
  4. I actually think that Dina meant that in a nice way, but that's just me. But I will say that I am NOT "Team" anyone in this fight, they are all effed up in the head. But I do know that Dina meant "kids who understand" to mean the older kids, it's in one of those articles that was posted on this thread, I think. :) OMG, I could not change that channel quickly enough - Mazo'd with Children, no thanks! lol
  5. So Dina was hurt at not being invited to Lauren's engagement party? I'm sorry, but if certain people do not invite me to something, I'm just glad that I don't have to RSVP about not going, lol. The kids that understand remark meant that the older kids understand, it had nothing to do with Nicolas's autism.
  6. I agree that Jacqueline is a nut. I used to like her but after she attacked Juicy at that one reunion (she demanded he tell her how she and Chris met, and he was like who cares but when he answered her she screamed "you're a liar!", which is so stupid because he did not even want to answer the question anyway!), it was clear how unhinged she is. No, I am not a Juicy fan, lol. I have a different view regarding family gatherings, though, I do not think that people have to be together at family gatherings if they are not getting along, in fact I think it's kind of dumb to be together at certain events if you are not really getting along. JMO. But yeah, I agree with what a lot of people on this thread are saying about Dina, that she doesn't make 100% sense in this either. They're all effed up in the head, lol.
  7. Yeah, you know a lot of supporters of the Juicys try to say that what they did is not so bad because they only defrauded banks and of course as we all know banks are evil. I disagree bc fraud is fraud, it doesn't make it less fraudulent bc it's not someone poor - and again, the people who defend the Juicys, how would they like it if it were their money?
  8. First of all, I hope this is actually true, that she actually will discuss it, and it won't be a repeat of just a bunch of vague references, which Bravo is famous for doing on RHONJ. "But that’s not all… our insider also confirms Jacqueline will return to the show full-time next season." Oh please, why?? Why do we need to see her?
  9. Unfortunately, though I hate to judge, this is also the impression I get as well. Why is it always about Nicholas saying "I love you" to Jacqueline, or reading "I love daddy"? I mean, not telling his parents "I love you" is going to hurt Nicholas how, in fact? Because it just didn't seem to go with the TH of Jacqueline crying abut how she hates to see him suffer.
  10. Holy crap, an understatement. Thanks for this.
  11. I agree with this. Everyone talks about everyone else IRL. Not everything you say about another person is to be considered gossip. JMO.
  12. With all due respect, I do not think that her singing is that great. LOL. Other than that, I agree with this. :) That was the original reason but didn't everyone have his or her own reason for wanting to go anyway? I don't fault Amber on this.
  13. I agree with this. I'm not a fan of the Juicys - no hate, just no "love" either - but this theme of blaming everything on Teresa is beyond tired. Andy Cohen must be so pissed that they are going to prison bc what other storyline does this show have since Danielle the nut left??? Anyway, Teresa did nothing wrong, IMO. The twins are assholes. It's too bad bc they are both so cute with killer bodies, esp for their age, too bad they are so petty and classless.
  14. LOL - I wish the twins were going to jail instead of Teresa. I don't even like the Juicys.
  15. Sunday's episode was filmed a long time ago, plus Jim was obviously drunk. Not making excuses, just sayin.
  16. You know, they ALL wear WAY too much makeup, though Amber may be the worst thus far. I was even thinking that Dina might be the most "natural" looking but that is certainly not saying much. I guess the only one au naturel was really Caroline, lol.
  17. I also do not get why the twins seem to blame EVERYONE for these "rumors". AFAIC, they have themselves to blame. First of all, who gives a shit about what Amber said to Melissa, why did they react so immaturely at the first responders party? And THEN, Nicole expected Amber to apologize to her - what the...? Seriously? (No, I am not a Marchese fan, just sayin'.) Um, how about Nicole apologizing to Amber?? You never assault someone EVER, and since they did, well...not surprizing then that Jim would get them back the way he did. Not condoning it, but can't feel sorry for them either. And now they are so "hurt" - really??? OT: The one thing I do have to give the twns is that I do love the way they dress. Ok, anyway, back to this episode, not only did Amber seem like she was ON something in the bedroom, but the way Jim acted - when obviously drunk - almost makes me think that he has some sort of chemical imbalance? Not being funny, but he certainly got very obnoxious and wierd all of a sudden. I know it was last week's episode but it was kinda funny when Melissa goes "this guy's fcked up". LOL. I turned the damn tv the second the Manzos came on. No thanks.
  18. I could not agree more. A lot of people on Facebook are going on about how they feel so sorry for Tre and Juicy. I don't. I feel sorry for us honest, hard-working citizens who barely get by and who would NEVER do the things that they have done. I am not even angry or being overly judgmental, that's just kind of a matter-of-fact attitude.
  19. I guess I see it differently than that. Again, IMO, Teresa owes Melissa nothing. Do you think that my husband's sister would vehemently defend me if she overheard a "rumor"? LOL, doubtful
  20. In the one preview scene for next week's episode, Amber looks really off, almost drunk or something. It is really strange, like something snapped in her brain. If I were Amber, I wouldn't feel much of anything for Nicole anyway. Nicole never had a proper apology for Amber about the whole first responders party. Amber did apologize about "gossiping" to Melissa. Seriously, she should not have said it but OTOH so what? Getting that mad and making a scene is just so high school. I know guys who live in that area, and let me just say that I am SO grateful they picked better, more classy wives, than those twins. LOL.
  21. I agree with you, sunflowers, she's not an alcoholic, IMO.
  22. In the first season, Jacqueline seemed the way Andy described her, as having a big heart. She started to get weird in the second season, even though Danielle was/is a nut some things from Jacqueline's side don't make sense either. Then the next 2 seasons it became all about everyone being anti-Teresa, and Jacqueline really started to lose it. I mean the stupidity of demanding from Joe Giudice (at the last reunion) how she and Chris met, Juicy gave a half-ass answer which he really didn't even care to discuss, and Jac went all loco, screaming "you're a liar!". I mean, who really cares anyway? Juicy certainly didn't, lol
  23. I think he was just drunk. I also think that was stupid of Dina to have to be accusatory of Amber, what did it really have to do with Amber anyway???
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