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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. "but organ failure while facedown in the coke-dusted butt cleavage of an undocumented Eastern Bloc hooker surely qualifies as rock bottom, for the love of GOD. I mean, if any of this is real at all, whatever. Lamar's recent appearance at Kanye's NY Fashion Week debacle renews my suspicion that his medical crisis was pure invention." I couldn't be in agreement more with what you said. When I saw Lamar that night I had a huge 'WTF?!' moment. Were we all duped AGAIN with the dire and close to death moments were were fed through the Kardashian mouths? Were they just trying to get our sympathy when they said 'Lamar will have a very long journey ahead'. Hell, that was only 3 months ago. My mother suffered a small stroke and she was paralyzed on one side until the day she died, 8 years after the stroke. It was reported that Lamar had several strokes, his organs were failing, he needed dialysis and a ventilator and blah blah blah. It improved for a short week or two then he 'took a turn for the worse' having pneumonia. I thought I heard angel singing and white doves flying overhead when Lamar appeared coming out of limo with Khloe. Another 'WTF?!' moment and I started feeling deceived, used, fooled and stupid for caring. I've given away my last fuck for Lamar and foul-mouthed, rude Khloe.
  2. Of course they can, but then how would they get recognition? Isn't that the sole purpose of paying to retain a publicist? The Jenners and Kardashians are so high profile and the press realizes that if Kendall is walking for Victoria's Secret that Caitlyn would most likely be there and they'd have their radar out for her. Even if Caitlyn put on a disguise with full beard and trench coat, they'd find her. Attention seeking and camera hogging seems to be alright when they're trying to outshine others but now it's a huge problem because they're all trying to outshine each other.
  3. Kendall was in tears because Caitlyn wanted to be there and Kendall emphatically did not want Caitlyn to be there because the press would all be about her. This was Kendall's 'dream' all her life to walk for Victoria's Secret and did not want Caitlyn stealing her moment. In the end, both Catilyn and Kris did attend the show. It makes me wonder what goes on in the mind of Caitlyn Jenner when she's reproached by her own daughter because of the attention she'd be stealing from her. “Hi dad. I’m very mad at you about something. Did you publicly… did you have your publicist announce that you were going (to the Victoria’s Secret show)?” She added, “Because I don’t know how everyone knows and now it’s a huge story and now I’m actually really pissed at you. You’re going to take the biggest night of my life and take it away from me? No you can’t!” I thought that Khloe must be drunk to purposely derail Kris's speech at the end. Kris loves the limelight as much, or more than any one of them. It seemed to be an intentional act on Khloe's part to humiliate Kris that way. It was an uncomfortable moment to watch even though I can't stand Kris. For a family that continually professes 'family matters above everything else' they sure don't act like it. They are beginning to come off as a family that has some deep issues with each other because they all have an overwhelming need for admiration and attention. Situations like this, where they're all maneuvering for the attention are going to get nasty in the future. It's going to divide that family of narcissists because 'all' of the the attention can never be on one of them at 'all' times. That's going to be a problem for them. *postscript....I think Kylie is a spoiled little shit
  4. The thing is, Kanye created such a disturbance by threatening to walk out, which would leave SNL with only Melissa McCarthy holding the show together. Their skits are planned out and rehearsed, the writers had written all that they had planned for that one night. If Kanye really carried out his threat and left, his career would really be in the dumpster. Nobody in show business would want to touch him with a ten-foot pole. I think as it stands now, there isn't a producer or director in their right minds in television that wants to deal with a steam pipe ready to explode at any minute.He may have shot himself in the foot with this one, and right now he needs to be mending fences and not tearing them down.
  5. My favorite things on the Dondo chart are, 'Alternative Energy Resources',.....'Nuclaer Power' and also under 'Trademarks & Patents'..... 'Emoticon Auto Correct'. (I really need that, don't you?) and he's right on target with his plan for 'Wellness',....'Healthy Fast Food'.
  6. Well, 'West' Minister marble is much more desirable than East Minister.
  7. "Irritable Bowelhausen" But then he might say 'hand over the private jet keys, you and your gay-boys are grounded!' A owned woman knows when she's owned. She gets to play and he gets to pay. She's not going to lose that fun just to stand up to the boss.
  8. I think that in addition to many other personality traits, they can all be seen as histrionic personalities. There's a vote online about 'who wore it better'. Was the dress worn better by Lily Aldridge in shocking red, or by Bella Hadid in black? I voted for Lilly because, well....um, I kinda think Bella has a camel face, but it's only my opinion. The polls do show Lily leading though.
  9. Kanye's mother, Danda West died in 2008, just one day following a 5 1/2 hour surgery for breast reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuction. The report said she suffered a heart attack. I sort of understand how Kanye can blame himself for being at least partially responsible for her death, he most likely paid for the surgery and I'm sure was supportive of her to having it. Kanye was her only child and carrying the burden of feeling responsible in some way must be overwhelming for one person to bear. Donda West took as many as 20 pain-killing Vicodins in less than 24 hours — and wound up choking on her own vomit because she was allow to lie flat on her back in bed
  10. Kanye is getting a lot of Twitter reactions to his tweet about God's 'thrown'. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kanye-west-spells-throne-as-thrown-twitter-reacts-w164672 Update: Someone went to his account and changed the spelling to the correct 'throne'
  11. Kanye attended both the American Academy of Art and Chicago State University for brief periods, but left at 20 years old to pursue music. Some four years later, of course, he’d release 'The College Dropout'. In 2015, Kanye received an 'honorary' doctoral degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Lisa Wainwright, dean of faculty and vice president of academic administration at SAIC, said the university was compelled to give Kanye an honorary degree after he mentioned a desire to have attended. “I read it and thought, ‘Wow, this is a fantastic moment,’ Wainwright told the Chicago Tribune. “Here is this major figure in the cultural landscape promoting art school, this guy from Chicago saying art school is cool. So we thought, ‘This man deserves an honorary doctorate from us!’ He should have gone here.” Kanye received his honorary degree for 'shoulding have gone here'
  12. This is Kanye's most recent Tweet.... KANYE WEST ‏@kanyewest 41m41 minutes ago My number one enemy has been my ego… there is only one thrown and that’s God's … (um Kanye, that might be 'throne' and not 'thrown')
  13. I have to disagree about most people associating the two mental disorders. Munchausen by Proxy is really a form of child abuse in which a parent or guardian will actually cause or fabricate symptoms of a child in their care because they themselves need attention. Yolanda will instantly turn into a pit viper defending her young at the mere suggestion of her causing any harm to her precious children. If Yolanda was logical and the took time to enlighten herself correctly she would have researched the definition of Munchausen instead of doing a half-assed job and googling the wrong mental illness. I think Yolanda would still have reacted with anger at the gossip that she has Munchausen's but I think that believing that the gossip was about her harming her own children or using them for focus on herself really sent her out of control.
  14. Lisa has stated that Harry had a problem with 'addictions' due to the fact that two of his brothers committed suicide because of addictions. Here's Lisa arriving in New York this week in her full length mink coat. She better hope someone from PETA doesn't sneak up behind her and spray paint it red.
  15. We watched the same shows, I taped the housewives too. How could I even consider watching the housewives over dogs anyway? I think I'm going to have to watch this episode of RHoBH a couple of times because there was so much packed into it. Now I know why Lisa Rinna had a meltdown over the 'why don't you have a piece of bread' comment made by Kim last season. Her comment came just before Kim alluded to Harry's cheating. (you can call my husband a womanizer bitch, but don't imply I'm anorexic!) They all believe Lisa has an eating disorder. I really don't care if she does or not because the majority of rich Beverly Hills women have an eating disorder or some other dysfunctional body self-image. Yolanda is considering legally changing her name back to Yolanda Hadid, that condition could have been in the pre-nup with David. Although Yolanda was like a pitbull with Lisa Rinna, she deserved it. Lisa likes to create trouble then fall into her safety net "I feel so guilty being part of that conversation". It's a way of saying, "I'll pass on the rumor about Yolanda having Munchausen but I'll get away from the guilt of it by saying it came from someone else and I feel bad even mentioning it." I get so annoyed every time Yolanda says Munchausen but pronounces it "housen-mousen' or, whatever it is". Come ON! Yolanda is 52 years old and comes from the Netherlands and the Dutch language and German are very similar. It's hard to believe that in 52 years she never heard of Munchausen's Syndrome, it was named after a fictional German baron. When Yolanda started to read what she thought was the Wiki definition of Munchausen's, she was actually reading the definition of Munchausen's by Proxy, where children are involved. Oh well, close.....right? Not right. But shut up Yolanda too. You Instagram photos of yourself in a cryo-chamber, with intravenous running into your arm, living in a bathrobe and appearing for all sake and purposes to be a total invalid. Then you post photos of yourself in B.C. having fun kayaking, hiking and having a of fun doing physical activities. WHICH IS IT?? MAKE UP YOUR DAMNED MIND! Are you dying, or are you not? Make it clear so these Beverly Hills bitches can make a choice. Now it's more clear to me how the relationship between Erika and Tom Girardi works. At first I thought they might have a relationship where she controls 'daddy warbucks' just a little bit, you know.... the old codger wrapped around the finger of the hot sexy woman. But watching how he put Erika in her place at dinner with Ken and Lisa. Oops, shut up Erika or sugar daddy will ground the private plane. And Eileen, Hells girl, I want those boobs! She looked amazing in that black two-piece outfit she wore to Erika's gay-for-all backyard circus carnival thingy. When she was in the limo on her way to Erika's 'whatever it was' party, I wanted to leap into the TV and grab those puppies, they looked so damned good. I felt I had instantly turned lesbianish. LOL!
  16. 'Sir' Paul McCartney turned away from Tyga's after show party. Paul who? http://www.tmz.com/2016/02/16/paul-mccartney-denied-beck-taylor-hawkins-video/
  17. She should never cry either. So, she can't smile or cry, what's left.
  18. The Kardashian's never learned the difference between pleasure and happiness. Pleasure is easy when you're rich, but real happiness can't be bought. Pleasure is a momentary feeling that comes from something external, like a Rolls Royce or a $100k designer dress. Pleasurable experiences have given them momentary feelings of happiness, but their happiness doesn't last long because it is dependent upon external events and experiences. The Kardashians have to keep on having the good experiences, more jewelry, more cars, more trips, more sex, more money, more 'things' in order to feel pleasure. They're all addicted to these external experiences, needing more and more to feel a short-lived feeling of happiness. Deep and abiding happiness and joy are the natural result of operating from the spiritual values of caring, compassion and kindness, not dependent on material things to feel that momentary 'happiness'.
  19. The braids.... they all wear the braids more and more because it tightens and lifts the facial skin making it look younger, Truly, try it yourself, it works. Why else would they wear that stupid ugly hairstyle? The most glaring and telling thing about those photos to me......she looks very unhappy, total joy missing from her face.
  20. If I didn't know who they were, I'd assume they were La Cage aux Folles cast members and that they were all in need of Celexa or Zoloft for depression.
  21. Don't be ashamed. I used to be embarrassed when my husband or son would catch me and say "How can you watch that stupid show and those stupid people?" I just didn't have any answer to give them that would justify it. It embarrassed me. Now, I don't make excuses, why should I? I'm a grownup and can watch whatever I want to watch. I just tell them that I'm not forcing them to watch, so go away. I will sit silently biting my tongue through 'Alaska The Last Frontier', 'Pawn Stars', 'Ax-men' and 'Wicked Tuna' and won't say a word about those brainless, redneck shows. My husband knows better now than to anything about me watching Kardashians (when I get caught that is).
  22. I think that Kocktails With Khloe will be as successful as Kris Jenner's cancelled talk show. FOX Network not only cancelled it pretty fast but one of their executives added insult to injury by saying about Kris; "I think she was pretty uninteresting. When the camera was on she looked not just like a deer in the headlights, but like a deer that already got hit.” If any Kardashian believes that any one of them can easily cash in on the Kardashian name with a successful spin-off of their own, they'd better think again. Khloe's show is going to be dumped in the same trash can along with Kris's. And GOOD RIDDANCE! "YOU SAID WHAT?"
  23. You made a good point and it's a question that many of us don't have the answer for, yet we watch. It reminds me of an old Seinfeld episode where George was trying to pitch the idea of a new show to Jerry, the show was about nothing, absolutely nothing at all. Keeping Up With The Kardashians is scripted and edited and we're all aware of that. There's nothing real except for Scott's recent meltdown (which I enjoyed). Do we watch because it's a similar curiosity to what we see on a highway after an accident? People are rubbernecking to catch a glimpse of the horror. Do we watch because they're so obnoxious that we want to see them fail at something in life or have some awful things happen to them in order to prove to us they're only human like we are? Personally, I got a little satisfaction when Kris and Kim went to Vienna to attend the grand Vienna Ball and they were insulted not once, but twice. I'm not saying that what happened was right or even moral, I'm only saying that deep down I enjoyed seeing the fake smiles wiped off the faces of Kim and Kris. I disagree with those who say people watch them because for the most part we admire them and want to be them. At least I know for sure that I'm not one of those. Watching the Kardashians is a phenomenon that really can't be explained easily. I know that I only began watching their old shows that are replayed during the day and I'm pretty hooked. I used to quickly change the channel on the television if someone was coming because I was embarrassed to be discovered watching them, but now I don't care. It all comes down to a choice and our choice, nobody elses as to watch or not. I don't like any of them, but I watch. I'm the reason they're wildly rich beyond words but I'll also be there when and if their worlds start to shatter and fall apart. https://youtu.be/EQnaRtNMGMI
  24. The thing that's the most striking to me seeing that photograph of all of them together is that not one of them looks happy. They're there for a celebration and wearing a couple hundred thousand dollars in glamorous one of a kind clothes. Isn't someone supposed to look just a tiny bit happy? Not only do they not look happy at all, they actually all look totally miserable.
  25. I saw this article a few minutes ago and now I'm convinced that Kanye is spiraling into a real mental breakdown. He may have been bluffing just to prove how important he thinks he is, but it was unprofessional of him to threaten to walk out leaving SNL in the lurch. I don't feel sorry a bit for Kim, she knew what she was getting. She thought it would be worth it, but I think their better days together are in the past. This type of behavior will surely get him dis-invited from appearances. Nobody wants to deal with a high-strung performer that threatens an entire show.
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