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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I missed the first 30 minutes and have to watch it again from the beginning so all I'll say is that Kyle is a horrible person. She keeps saying 'this is awkward' but she knew damned well that inviting Faye Resnick and Kathryn to her 'barbecue' was going to stir up giant heaps of old feelings and animosities. But, she did it purposely because she doesn't have Kim anymore to bring attention to herself.
  2. I think all the indignation coming from Kylie and Khloe stems from the fact that they really believe that only the Kardashian women have a license to go out and date or have sex with whomever they choose to no matter who they hurt. So far, the influence that Blac Chyna has had on Rob is all positive. He's losing weight and getting in shape and getting his diabetes under control. What's the problem with that? Would they prefer he stay depressed, keep drinking and doing drugs that will ultimately lead to his death just so they can shame and punish him for not addressing his issues? Everyone needs someone close that they can rely on and trust that they have their well being in mind for no other purpose or reason other than they love them.
  3. Shoplifting any item which exceeds $300 is a Class C felony in Hawaii, The store he lifted them from was a specialty store and priced over $300.
  4. Jax didn't walk out of the store with sunglasses without paying because he got really drunk, Jax walked out because he has Borderline Personality Disorder. As he explained to Brittany, "I got really drunk, went into a store, picked up the sunglasses and said I'm taking these, and walked out". Jax seemed genuine when he said that he was embarrassed and that's not who he is. I'm sure that part was sincere because Jax really can't control impulses the way that normal people can. Impulse control is only one of the many manifestations of BPD. Jax has always demonstrated that he lacks the ability to regulate his emotions. Some of Jax's impulsive behaviors such as alcohol or drug use, and risky sex functions are his coping mechanisms. These behaviors of his are ways in which he tries to cope with his intense and difficult emotions. His behaviors are dysfunctional because while his behavior may make him feel relieved and better in the moment, it ultimately has harmful long-term consequences and not only to him, but to everyone in his life. He's intensely self-destructive.
  5. I think Kylie is wise in that department and getting knocked up is something nobody would ever hear about.
  6. You make a good point and there's definitely a connection between the males (or in Caitlyn's case 'almost male') leaving the show and the boring trend it's on. Bruce, Scott, Rob and Lamar are all out of the picture and they've left behind nothing but the bitchy, egotistical, attention whores. They're trying to push Corey Gamble more and more into the series to take up the dead air left behind by the exiting men. The most interesting thing about the show are the brief glimpses of Kourtney's kids. On the whole, the women are boring and we're tired of their antics. If for nothing else other than her children, Kourtney may be the sacrificial lamb and take Scott back just for the sake of the series.
  7. I want to see the next family 'va-cay' where everyone is allowed to bring their own guest(s) Rob would bring Blac Chyna, she would bring her friend Amber Rose and Kylie would bring Tyga. Wouldn't that be an interesting family va-cay? I'd pay E! to be one of the cameramen for that gig.
  8. Blac Chyna looks like a combination of Nicki Minaj and a blonde Kiley Jenner.
  9. And Kanye used to date Amber Rose who is best friend to Blac Chyna, AND they all have the K-ass. Bible! Can you imagine Snow White trying to get her head around all this mess?
  10. Aren't there other women in the world that Rob can date other than a Kardassian lookalike? She and Kylie could be sisters they look so alike. And being Tyga's baby moma and besties with Amber Rose makes it all so very much more creepy. I know why he's attracted....'dat ass'. This boy has some serious psychological issues.
  11. It would appear that Kim and Kanye have an absolute passion for marble. For their wedding, they commissioned last-minute nude marble statues Just four days before the ceremony, Kim and Kanye apparently ordered 30 life-sized nudes to be carved from black Carrara marble. Artisans worked non-stop to carve the statues, 10 of which fell apart during the carving. Another 10 broke in transit to the venue, and of the 10 that survived, “four were missing their heads.” The nudes complemented the custom-built marble piano played by John Legend, as well as marble tables carved with the names of the guests in lieu of place cards. I wonder what happened to all that stuff after the ceremony? Was it donated to Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity? (joking of course)
  12. I saw my brother's penis once and was scarred for life. Of course he was an infant and I was five years old. How could Rob not be an emotional and physical basket case? How could any child who idolized his father be unaffected by divorce of his parents, a step-dad who dresses up in women's clothes, sisters that he's seen either naked or half-naked that only talk about their selfies, photo-shoots, vaginas, anal waxing, penises, breasts and botox, and a mother who has been seen on National television spreading her legs while naked with an American flag covering her crotch? Holy crap, I'm traumatized from even thinking about them doing that in public for cameras. Take a look sometime at one of the older episodes when things get raunchy and Rob's eyes are popping out of his head. This poor man needs a shrink if he doesn't have one yet which he probably does. That's enough eye-carnage that can never be unseen but maybe he can work his head around it with years of intense therapy. His health will improve once his mind is at peace and he can move forward.
  13. I have a Toto toilet, We put it in because it preserves water usage. But ours doesn't squirt, heat, or play music. The function is narrowed down to doing one thing only, to flush crap effectively in one flush. About Khloe's book, 'Strong Looks Better Naked', The Amazon description of her book reads; "Khloé Kardashian shares her secrets for finding strength of body, mind, and heart with revelatory stories of her own struggles with weight, relationships, and her self-image'. If I didn't know who Khloe Kardashian was, I'd probably think 'wow' that sounds like an inspiring book, I must read it. I almost have no words, but I'll try. There's been many best selling autobiographies written by some pretty well known people such as Helen Keller, Nelson Mandella, Winston Churchill and Barack Obama. Truly, they've had unquestioning substantive lives and people bought their books to read about their life struggles and battles and how they persevered under dire circumstances.. What could possibly go between the cover and the last page in Khloe's book? How much do we need to know about Chinese salad, steamed veggies and Greek yogurt? Yes Khloe, I'll put your book right up there on my bookshelf next to Helen Keller who was born totally blind and deaf and overcame those obstacles in her life to became an author, political activist, and the first deaf and blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree from Radcliffe.. I will be sure to put a piece of black tape over the eyes of Helen Keller on her cover so she can't see you standing next to her. On second thought I can skip the tape, she was blind anyway. Perfect choice then to sit next to any Kardashian on my bookshelf.
  14. When Kris made a big deal out of giving the 'slaves' outside a box of Krispy Kreme donuts I thought WTF? First of all, the most that Kylie, Khloe or Kourtney might do with a a Krispy Kreme doughnut is smell it and maybe lick the frosting then go rinse their mouths out after. But these workers that are sweating away making Kylie's pool and yard impeccable need more nourishment than a doughnut. How about bringing a few man-size pizzas and a case of cold beer or maybe a big bucket of KFC? Kris is really starting to show some age in her face. It's time for a 'tune up' with her favorite plastic surgeon/geneticist Dr. Paul Nassif. The threads in her facial thread-lift are beginning to become obvious across her cheeks. And the bags under her eyes... well! I won't even mention those! (snark-snark)
  15. I'm going to sound just like an echo of posts before mine that said this episode was boring. How many times are we going to be subjected to forced 'spontaneous' hijinks by Khloe? I understand that SOMETHING has to happen in every episode. We really aren't going to sit for an hour watching a show about nothing. Khloe and Kourtney take the lead and try to make what is an uneventful, boring episode into something watchable by throwing sour cream and guacamole all over Kylie's new kitchen furniture? Does it matter to any of them that they're exposing themselves as nothing more than egotistical, spoiled, rich people that have no respect for other peoples space? The best thing in that rumpus was the way Corey cowered against the wall, far from any involvement or blame. I have to mention that I have really started liking Corey over the past couple of episodes. Last night when Kourtney and Penelope came in, he hugged both of them very tenderly, as if he really had honest feelings for them both. I thought that was super sweet. He seems like a really nice guy, way too nice and even innocent for someone like vampire Kris who will eventually suck the life blood out of his soul. Here's what interests me enough to watch an episode of the Kardashians. I like watching those rare and brief moments that are actually unrehearsed and planned. Like when Scott comes over with his tail between his legs and sheds some tears which evokes some sympathy for him by the K's. I have absolutely no sympathy for Scott Disick at all, anything that's happened to his relationship with Kourtney he earned and he deserves to man-up to his actions and accept the consequences his addictions brought on him. Truthfully a crying Scott on the phone threatening suicide makes me think that there really is nothing more anyone can do for this guy. He's had the advantages that most addicts don't. He's been given the most expensive treatment options, support of all the K's and friends, and still he threw all that aside. He wants to be a father to his kids, but he can't beat his addiction for them. I also like seeing any glimpses into the lives of the Kardashian and Jenner's that makes them more human. Khloe's book and her new show 'Kocktails With Khloe' are a carbon-copy of Keeping Up With the Kardashinans. It brought to mind an episode of Seinfeld called 'The Nothing Pitch' in which Jerry and George discuss the format for a new sitcom television show. Basically, the concept is that their new show will be about absolutely nothing, no plot, no show. That's the Kardashian's in a nutshell, it's a show about nothing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQnaRtNMGMI
  16. I just can't stand Kyle anymore since I watched this last episode. Kyle Richards knew very well that her friend Faye Resnick wrote a book about an 'alleged' affair between the then-husband of Kathryn Edwards, Marcus Allen. What motivation could Kyle possibly have to bring that up with all the others there at a table having a casual cocktail together? I can guess at the reason. It's because Kyle is insensitive and hurtful. Wasn't it just last year that she was furious with Lisa for bringing up rumors of Mauricio cheating allegations because it "hurt her feelings" and brought attention to something she doesn't want out there on camera? Maybe she's just jealous of Kathryn and wants to embarrass her publicly. "Obviously we have this odd connection which is lingering, so I'm curious." I call bullshit on that Kyle, it's more than curiosity, it's bitchy evilness on your part. Is Kyle having fun rubbing it in Kathryn's face that her husband at the time, Marcus Allen was accused of having an affair with Nicole Simpson while he was married to her? Be careful girlfriend, the pendulum will sometimes swing in your direction and kick you in the ass. I can't wait to see the upcoming episode where Faye Resnick is right there with them at a table, and again Kyle starts to stir up the pot again. Faye Resnick is a piece of trash in my book. She wrote a book about the Simpson murders for profit, but how could she even remember anything during that time since she was a drug addict and usually stoned most of the time on pills and cocaine.
  17. I think it's not merely that they want to look like the better looking sister, but that they want to look much better. Sort of like a 'newer and more improved version' of the former attention title holder.
  18. 'Kocktails With Khloe', ka-ka show
  19. This episode proved to me that Bravo is reaching deep into their pocket of desperation by introducing Kathryn Edwards into the group. This will rehash some horrible things that a lot of people would rather forget. Faye Resnick is always the catalyst for some serious shit-stirring. Faye enjoys stirring the pot as much as any of them, she loves creating drama as they all do. I thought at one time that she would be introduced as one of the new housewives. Faye has made quite a few appearances on the show over the past few years, she can thank Kyle for that. Faye Resnick was an admitted cocaine addict who was also a good friend to Nicole Brown Simpson and Kris Jenner. Faye's drug problem was serious enough to require an intervention from her family. After the intervention, she agreed to enter treatment. Prior to entering rehab, she stayed with Nicole in her condo for several days. Four days later, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered at Nicole's condo. Faye Resnick was served papers by O.J. Simpson's lawyers to testify in the trial. Coincidentally when the process servers for the papers found Faye, she was at a Los Angeles park with her daughter Francesca who was playing softball with her friend Khloe Kardashian. Faye Resnick, Nicole and O.J.. Simpson, Kris and Bruce Jenner and Robert Kardashian were all a part of a very exclusive circle of friends. In 1994, Faye Resnick wrote a book called "Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted," In the book she contends that Nicole had a very passionate affair with Marcus Allen while he was married to Kathryn Edwards. (Allen was Kathryn's first husband) Marcus was best friends with O.J. Simpson at the time and also a NFL football player. Marcus Allen has always denied this affair. Faye Resnick suggested that it was this affair that 'set off' O.J. Simpson and enraged him enough to murder Nichole and Ron Goldman. I think that Kyle Richards is a total witch for bringing up Faye Resnick's name to Kathryn Edwards with everyone else present at the table. Kyle knows the history as reported by Faye Resnick and she's very aware she's doing nothing more than stirring the pot in a very evil way. For anyone in this forum that is old enough to recall the days of the O.J. trial, you will as I do have a sinking feeling of 'oh no, not this again'. Of course it was the trial of the century and people followed every day on live television from the courtroom where Kris and Bruce were usually seated in the gallery. I happened to be vacationing in California the week the trial ended and the not guilty verdict was announced as we drove through L.A. and past the courthouse. Helicopters and press were everywhere. Truthfully it was a sickening, long, dark trial that didn't end with any justice for the two people murdered. Simpson was acquitted of the murders in that trial but was later found liable for Goldman's death in a civil trial. For Bravo to bring this all up again after these things are ancient history is sort of disgusting to me. Intertwining the alleged affair between Marcus Allen and Nichole Simpson while introducing Kathryn Edwards as a new cast member is cheap and unnecessary. It's very interesting since there's a correlation to all this becoming a story-line right about the time the OJ miniseries airs.
  20. I think that if nothing else, Yolanda has created a lot of confusion and erroneous information regarding Lyme Disease. If she claims that both Bella and Anwar have Lyme disease she's only being 'technically' correct. People that have been infected with Lyme disease are treated with antibiotics and recover from the active stage. But, they will always have positive Lyme disease readings in subsequent blood tests because the antibodies remain in the blood forever. Anwar and Bella may have residual symptoms of Lyme disease which Yolanda refers to as 'chronic Lyme Disease' but doctors refer to it as 'post treatment Lyme disease symptoms'. where some people still have a cluster of symptoms such as fatigue, trouble concentrating, and muscle and joint aches after treatment. The CDC says approximately 10 to 20% of Lyme disease patients will have lingering symptoms like these. I've had Lyme disease and do have some indications that I have post treatment Lyme symptoms, but it's not debilitating, it's doesn't interfere with my life in any way but it's more of an annoyance to be very fatigued most of the time and experience periods of 'brain fog'.
  21. That was extremely insightful okerry and I agree. The full blown attempts David makes at thrusting himself towards Ashley is possibly the reason she's so put off by it. I think I would probably respond the same. I don't like overly aggressiveness from any man. I just don't think David knows any other approach. I do think that Ashley would feel a little more comfortable if she didn't feel the pressure to connect so intensely. Maybe if David had hung back a little and waited patiently for Ashley to step out of her comfort zone a little more without being pulled out of it, it might be a different Ashley we'd see.
  22. The moods of Vanessa when she becomes silent and non-communicative with Tres makes me wonder which comes first in a relationship, particularly those depicted in these scenarios. It's sort of a which came first, the chicken or the egg question. What comes first, true acceptance of each others shortcomings that evolve into feelings of love, or feelings of love that eventually develop into acceptance of shortcomings?
  23. Vanessa and Tres share commonality in the fact that both suffered parental losses at a young age. Vanessa was a teenager when her parents divorced and her father left her life. Tres lost both his mother and father at around the age of 3 and was raised by his paternal grandmother and aunt. They've both had some stigmas growing up without a parent(s) so they've probably found it a bit easier to open up and relate to each other because they have shared the same type of traumas. But they're 29 and 27 respectively and Vanessa is mature enough to be able to put her big girl pants on and place her trust in someone. Either she does or she blows the chance to be a life partner with probably the best man she'll ever meet. Even if the very worse thing imaginable happens, there's life after breakups too. If Vanessa doesn't realize that Tres is possibly the most serious, stable, centered man she'll ever meet, then she's making a big mistake. Not only that, but he's a cutie-patootie to boot. What's so bad about that? He's the total package.
  24. I think you've struck a genuine chord of truth here regarding David and Ashley and all the shade that's being thrown at Ashley for not being a full participant. If anyone in the world who didn't know about this show saw this photo of the two of them smiling and happy, they'd most likely think 'what a beautiful couple'. They actually look very well matched physically. I don't think anyone has really seen what Ashley would look like if she was upbeat, smiling and laughing together with David. All we see is her grumpy mood after her tests, her POV talking about how she's uncomfortable with him and doesn't find him attractive at all. It's her shutting down totally and not even trying to make an effort that's bugging everyone. If they had met in a bar and went out on a date, I think his personality would be the same as it is, but I think hers would be a lot different. I think she would be more amicable and open, but in this 'experiment' she chose to shut him down solidly.
  25. I never thought Ashley was 'physically ugly', and as a matter of fact she can look pretty gorgeous when she smiles genuinely, which is rare. She has a great figure and amazing teeth. The problem with Ashley is that she knows it and she doesn't feel that David is her equal. It's this particular quality of Ashleys', that she's just too attractive for David, that bugs me about Ashley. No, she's not perfect, but who is. But she doesn't seem to realize that yet. She gives a side-eye to David and she's easy to read that she doesn't find him on a par in attractiveness as some of her ex's.
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