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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I just watched this episode and couldn't focus on whatever high-jinx were going on between the crew, all I could think of was Danny. He appears to be serious ill yet nobody is really paying much attention to him. After two days of temperatures above 102 degrees and reaching 103.6, Captain Mark thinks he might need some medication?! Ben is worried so he brings him a cold compress to bring his fever down. I was getting agitated watching and knowing that this guy is SICK, not sick.....but SICK. Whether it was his appendix or a virus or any other type of infection, he needed medical care immediately! Other than Captain Mark FINALLY bringing him a couple of Tylenol to control his body temperature, and the cold compress brought by Ben, nobody did shit for Danny. Any adult with a body temperature over 101 degrees is in a very dangerous condition. A fever is not a disease, condition or illness, it's a symptom of illness which could potentially be life threatening. Danny should have been given Tylenol every four hours, and cool (not cold) compresses applied to his skin. He should have been given a lot of fluids, just being dehydrated can cause a fever to go high. I'm just disappointed in the Captain and particularly with the women on the ship. If nothing else, women are usually caregivers and worry about others that show signs of illness. Ben is the only one that cared enough to get cold compresses. Shame on all of them. I'm glad Danny didn't die because of their negligence.
  2. Posting on Instagram and mentioning a particular brand of product is very very VERY lucrative for people like Kylie and Kim. But particularly for Kylie who has set a record for Instagram followers. Last February, Kylie reached a new Instagram record for followers with 50 million. Imagine that? That really blows my mind. But, all those numbers aren't merely numbers to Kylie and other celebrities that seek a high number of followers. Bottom line is that it pays. Yes, they get paid from a brand to promote it on social media. A sponsored Instagram post with a top fashion blogger can cost a brand anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000 — nearly five times the going rates just a year and a half ago. And that’s relatively small potatoes for brands that reportedly shell out $100,000 to $300,000 for a single sponsored Instagram post from Kylie Jenner. Has there ever, in the history of civilization, been a simpler, easier way to make money? Kylie is 18 years old and already a multimillionaire and her fortune is expanding exponentially through social media. Truly, I am somewhat jealous that money can come so easily to someone like Kylie Jenner when all she had to do was be born into the Kris and Bruce Jenner family. Personally, I'm one of those 'others' who actually had to learn a skill, go to school and get an education and sweat my way through life trying to earn enough money to raise a family and be free of debt. Look at what this country has become. We are to blame, not Kylie because if it wasn't for people obsessed with the wealth and fame of others they wouldn't be wealthy and famous for no reason at all in the first place.
  3. This family doesn't deserve credit for doing the right thing. They only do things that serve their purposes. They want to remain looking like the shining example of acceptance and good will when in fact it's all for their own benefit and they know that. If for example, they all totally exploded in anger and hate talk then what would their fans think of them? Their bread and butter with this show depends on them all smiling and looking like forgiving and accepting of BC and Rob. They aren't. They're doing this to save face so they can continue raking in the money for their show, the products they're pushing and for future money in their bank accounts. They're fake, disingenuous and totally phony because they HAVE to be.
  4. "Today I felt my baby move" http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/khloe-kardashian-left-devastated-after-8342709
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if Khloe and Rob had an incestuous relationship at one time which also included Lamar. Having Khloe and Rob even joke about having sex with each other was nauseating. What normal people even joke about having sex with their brother or sister?
  6. Lamar just relocated his eyebrows to the perimeter of his chin. Scott pointed out something that made me giggle, he said "If Blac Chyna takes Rob's last name, she'll be Blac Kardashian!". Khloe struggled hard to say 'congratulations' to Rob. (wah-wah-wah and boo-hoo-hoo on you Khloe). I don't think Khloe is upset because of Blac Chyna specifically, I think she's bummed because she won't be the one controlling Rob anymore. She's acted like a wicked stepmother to Rob since their filming began. She's like that mythical llama in Dr. Doolittle, 'Push Me-Pull You'. It had two heads and two sets of front legs. When one half wanted to move forward, the other half would have to move backward. This caused a lot of confusion and disharmony. Most of the time, the animal just stood still. The Push Me-Pull You Syndrome existed in Khloe in the way she treated Rob all his life. She wanted to control him by being his mother-wife-sister. A very small example of this behavior was when she was on him about his weight gain and how he needs to take control and do something about it, but baked him a dish of something fattening, loaded with calories and carbs. Khloe has been a self-appointed voice of reason but she doesn't practice what she preaches to others. She lectured him to lose weight, get a job, be independent and be a better (fill in the blanks). Then, she tempted him with calorie-ridden foods, told him his business ideas wouldn't fly, and basically told him he's not as smart as his sisters. They all have issues, but Khloe more than any of them has something dark inside of her, almost sinister.
  7. She said it on the tour of her apartment, the link provided by 'biakbiak' below 7 hours ago, biakbiak said: There is a door to their "large"by Manhattan standards outdoor space but she never said it happened at home. You can see it in the Tour of her house, it's right off the dining area. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/videos/go-inside-jules-wainsteins-nyc-apartment
  8. I just watched parts of this episode all over again, only the parts with Jules. I had already commented on the weird pizza making behavior of Jules but this time around I noticed some very strange dialog that she had with Dorinda in Jules' apartment. This part doesn't matter but when she said "try a fish stick, we baked them just now, me and Maria my new nanny". I looked at the sheet pan that she picked up a few from and initially had thought they were store made macaroon cookies, they didn't look anything like fish sticks. I thought it was strange that she would serve Dorinda fish sticks with wine in the afternoon and not macaroons. LOL! Okay I know that sounds so crazy so I'll continue with what I was originally going to comment about in this segment. I noticed that Jules rambled and talked hyper fast. Dorinda describing her ED as 'an eating thing' was a little naive on Dorinda's part. I don't think Dorinda knows how serious an ED can be.. Jules rambled on so fast that I had to back up and listen a few times to get all she said. She sobbed as she said "I always have a happy face and make people feel good, and....nobody takes care of me". She went on and on complaining about Michael not giving the kids a bath and the nanny quitting, etc. etc. "Nobody takes care of me". "I was so happy in the hospital, I asked for late checkout". "I just wanted someone to take care of me". She said that twice. For a woman that claims she sees two different doctors two times a week, a shrink and a therapist, she's certainly not getting the help she needs. Jules is in total denial no matter what she claims. Even when she's weighed at the doctor, she turns backwards on the scale so she can't see the number and she doesn't want to know the number. Her eating disorder is just one of her issues. I don't think that Jules will ever recover from her eating disorder unless she resolves her underlying issues first. There's a reason why a person has a overwhelming need to be seen and recognized in the ways that Jules does.
  9. I watched the video and saw that there's a door leading outside to a large deck. I would think she would go outside there to smoke if she wanted to and not have the need to straddle over a broken glass window sill. But the thing that made me shudder just a little is when she mentioned there's a glass floor looking down into Michael's office underneath the glass where she sometimes will wear a dress with no underpants and sit on it, "if he's a good boy". Who does that? What if he had a client or someone else in his office out of view and suddenly there's Jules ass in view up on the ceiling? This is a strange and kinky couple. The vaginal contusions and/or lacerations mystery continues.
  10. Between Jules applying lidocaine on her vajay lacerations and Bethenny bleeding in her car, I don't think I'd put one speck of food in my mouth that either of them had touched with their hands. There's many things I like on pizza, female drippings isn't one of them.
  11. It's clear that Jules has an addictive personality and if she's seeing legitimate therapists they should see that pretty easily. Jules isn't just suffering from an eating disorder, there's a whole lot more going on there. I'm just going to say it, I think Jules Wainstein is a drug addict and Percocet is her drug right now. The entire story about the injury to her vagina doesn't sound true or even close to the real story about her injury. In your mind right now, try to imagine what type of physical thing you could have been doing to cause severe lacerations of your vagina. Can you even think of a time in your entire life that you would have come even close to that sort of injury? The explanation of straddling a window and getting cut doesn't make sense at all. Her apartment is on an upper floor that has an elevator so what was she supposedly doing straddling a window? No person with a sound mind puts a fork, knife and stainless steel cup inside a Calzone to bake. That makes no sense at all. What was she expecting if she was thinking with a sound mind? Was she thinking they'd all laugh and think it was funny? It was just way too bizarre to be funny, it was scary because a mind that's all fucked up would do that. She was actually going to put Lidocaine, Adderall and Percocet inside that Calzone. For what purpose, a joke? That wouldn't be even close to being funny. We've only been given some insight into an affair that Michael is having. We haven't heard Michael's side yet and I think we will eventually and when it does come out I think there's going to be a very dark side of Jules that's exposed.
  12. It must have been obvious to those at Bravo, that were responsible for vetting potential new housewives, to recognize the fact that Jules obviously had some issues. Her behavior is erratic, she's obviously anorexic, possibly addicted to several different prescriptions drugs and who knows what else. If that was the case, why was she selected? I hate to think that Bravo could be so devious as to enlist a person like Jules with even an inkling that she had some deep issues in the hope that it would serve their purpose of bringing drama and interest to this particular franchise. They used the Brooks' cancer and Yolanda's Lyme disease to the fullest extent for ratings. Would they knowingly use Jules as well? Sadly, I'm leaning towards that direction since none of their cast is really immune from emotional abuse, and if nothing else Jules is certainly heading in that direction for this entire season. She's more fragile than some of the others that were used to some extent by Bravo for ratings. Jules may not survive more than one season. I just think that if Bravo has taken advance of Jules situations for ratings, then they must be the most despicable network around.
  13. Check out Jules face when the pizza come and she almost cringes taking a piece. Jules taking Adderall is a surprise because I don't know what doctor in their right mind would give her Adderall. It's for ADHD in kids usually but it's also one of the most widely abused drugs. It does increase dopamine levels and can trigger euphoria which I can see in Jules. She does have some major issues and it's not only anorexia. Carole is also right that some people take it specifically to lose weight because it kills a person's appetite.
  14. I guess they had the camera on that baby's face as he was waking up from a nap. He was a little cutie too, not like the rubber prop babies I've seen in other scenes. But this was just a closeup shot of a real baby, he wasn't in an entire scene. I don't think dragons need a lot of rest or food. Their wings are huge so it doesn't seem like they're expending too much energy.
  15. In the last episode of Season 5, Jaime comes to get Myrcella and they set sail together to King's Landing. At the harbor, Myrcella says her farewells to Prince Doran and Ellaria before departing for King's Landing. Ellaria, taking her vengeance, kisses her after coating a fatal poison on her lips, thus sealing the young girl's fate. On board the boat, Myrcella reveals to Jaime that she has always known of his and Cersei's incestuous relationship, and that he is her true father. The two of them share a tender moment, before the effects of the poison become apparent. Jaime holds Myrcella as she falls, blood running from her nose In the first episode of Season 6, Myrcella's body is returned to King's Landing with Jaime. Cersei waits at the port and immediatelyJaime and Tommen view Myrcella's remains realizes from Jaime's sullen expression that they were too late to save Myrcella from the Martells. Jaime and Cersei are aware that Doran Martell had nothing to do with the murder, correctly guessing Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes were the ones behind it.
  16. Thanks for this link, it helped sort out some complexities that haven't been clear for me. I repeated the link in another post. There's some good information here. I've spent too much time over-thinking this episode and I think my head is about to explode, so I'll end it for tonight. Thanks again.
  17. I don't like to stray further than what I've seen and what I think I've seen in the scene with Ned and Lyanna. It was only for a pause that Ned Stark made as he made his way to Lyanna's bedside, the camera focused on him placing his sword at the food of the bed, upright on the floor. The camera lingered on the sword as if there was some significance to it. 'Lightbringer' is a sword of legend, forged and wielded by Azor Ahai, chosen by the Lord of Light to fight the darkness. The sword was said to glow and radiate heat, burning whoever touches it. As in the TV series, Melisandre enchants Stannis's sword and dubs it Lightbringer, as she believes him to be Azor Ahai reborn. However, Melisandre is apparently unable to get the sword to radiate heat, and it only gives off bright light. Thus there is a discrepancy between the "Lightbringer" of legend, and Stannis's sword "Lightbringer", named after the original. In A Storm of Swords, Maester Aemon asks Stannis to see the sword. Stannis cannot understand how a blind man can see his sword, but shows it to him. Sam describes the sword in details to Aemon: "It glows as if it were on fire. There are no flames, but the steel is yellow and red and orange, all flashing and glimmering, like sunshine on water, but prettier. I wish you could see it, Maester". While they walk away, Aemon seems to be deep in thought. He asks Sam whether he felt any heat from the sword. Sam admits he saw lights, but did not feel any heat. Aemon does not reveal the purpose of his question (perhaps it is ironic that a blind man noticed what others with eyesight did not). It is possible that he felt it was not the real Lightbringer, and Stannis was not Azor Ahai, and the real Lightbringer is supposed to radiate heat. In the taunting letter that Ramsay sends Jon, he claims that he destroyed Stannis and his host, and has possession of his magic sword. It is unknown if Ramsay indeed has Lightbringer, since there are reasons to believe the letter contents are false. Whether the sword that Ned Stark laid at the foot of Lyanna's bed is 'Lightbringer' brings in a whole host of other questions like how did he get this sword, where did it go eventually, who has it now? I'm editing because I think I've found an article that answers all my questions about Lightbringer. http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/game-of-thrones/feature/a799029/game-of-thrones-azor-ahai-lord-of-light-rhllor-prince-that-was-promised/
  18. There is no real reason at this point to either reveal or conceal Jon Snow's lineage. This has nothing to do with Robert, Catelyn or Ned Stark. It has to do with the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. If it can be shown that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targareyn, he would indeed be the heir to the throne. Robert's hatred for the Targaryen was way beyond reason; if he knew, he would certainly have killed Jon, and maybe even Ned too. But Jon would still be a bastard, just the bastard of Rhaegar Targareyn and the patronage of a child supersedes the mother. Jon would be Targareyn first, Stark second.
  19. Updated character map. Red dot above their name - dead Blue dot above their name - brought back from the dead
  20. 'Septa Unella' (what a 'shame', I'll miss her) Actress Hannah Waddingham
  21. There were two witnesses at the birth and the camera did sort of linger on one of them. Perhaps in next season one will reappear to validate the fact that Lyanna was raped and impregnated by Rhaegar Targaryen.
  22. This is for the many people on the forum that commented on the musical score of this episode. Ramin Djawadi is the composer. This piece is simple and unadorned, yet haunting and moving. Enjoy again. About the composer; Ramin Djawadi (Persian: رامین جوادی‎‎; born July 19, 1974) is a German-Iranian composer. Djawadi is best known for his Grammy-nominated, guitar-heavy score for the 2008 Marvel film Iron Man and for the oft-covered theme to HBO's popular television series Game of Thrones. He is also known for his works on movies such as Pacific Rim and Warcraft or television series as Prison Break and Person of Interest. And....he's not bad to look at either.
  23. okay, I didn't know they were under the Great Sept. Next question for next year....will the Kingslayer also be the Queenslayer?
  24. I thought that too for about 3 seconds. After retrieving his body, Cersei had no wish to have a proper funeral in the castle for Tommen, she had no wish to give him a crypt in the family entombment. She wanted him burned and his ashes buried under what remained of the exploded and destroyed Great Sept. This isn't a mother who cared about her son enough to give him a decent funeral and burial. This was the act of an evil mind who wanted Tommen out of the way so she could take the throne. It's what she wanted all along. Once Tommen 'went to the other side' with the new holy alliance between the Faith of the Seven and the Iron Throne, he was no good to Cersei anymore. Tommen knew instantly when he saw the explosive destruction of the Great Sept that he lost Margary and it was at the hands of his own mother. Everything he cared for was destroyed in that blast and he had no desire to live under his mother's rule.
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