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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. That photo triggers some hair-raising questions. Tony Schwartz, the man who spent 14 months with Trump writing his book 'The Art of the Deal' which Trump took credit for, has said in an interview that Donald never got the love he needed as a child. Matter of fact, I'll post an interesting interview with Tony Schwartz from a day ago. He knows Donald Trump better than anyone and he describes a deeply flawed man. Tony Schwartz interview http://www.msnbc.com/am-joy/watch/donald-trump-s-ghostwriter-speaks-out-791859267813
  2. If I was married to Shannon I'd probably slap her across the head at least once a day and be happy to be confined to prison and away from her screeching voice for a few years. Just kidding of course, but my brain doesn't like her voice at all especially in Ireland when she insisted on trying to speak with an Irish accent which wasn't even close to an Irish accent but she felt if she said it louder each time it might work. 'top of the MORNIN!' Her angry voice just reaches decibels that only certain dogs can hear.
  3. I have to say that I never liked David there was just something cold about him, almost robotic. He speaks like he's a Stepford husband. And, IMO if a man does something violent enough to warrant a call made to 911 from the wife then there's potential for danger there. Any amount of downplaying it doesn't cut it for me. I just don't like the guy and the crazy look on his face. I think that Shannon is a little touched in the head as well, she's just not all there. The obsession about colonics, natural wool, natural cotton, natural this that and the other thing makes me feel she's got too many phobias about everything.
  4. I thought I was hearing things when I heard something about Vicki spreading the rumor that Eddie is gay. So I looked it up online and in regard to the accusation made by Vicki that Eddie is gay, I had read this article from a couple of years ago. http://realhousewivessleuth.blogspot.com/2012/05/eddie-judge-lawyer.htm It was written by Eddie's 12-year-younger sister. She's Mexican also and doesn't speak English so there's some areas of the translation of her statement that may seem erroneous because of it. Eddie, who according to Vicki, was born Eduardo Torres and changed his name to Eddie Judge because at age 12 he was taken under the wing of James Judge, an attorney who has a small law firm. Then there was this also, http://odssf.com/biography/eddie-judge "There were some rumors of Eddie and his foster father to be in gay relationship. His sister has accused him of turning his back to family at the time of the need. They have one more brother who came to live with Eddie. His sister told once that Eddie used to be verbally abusive with his brother. His sister asked him for some financial help for her daughter who is suffering from Pader-Will Syndrome for which Eddie denied completely. They have been raised by their grandmother. His sister also accused of not taking care of medical needs of their grandmother when she needed it. His grandmother now lives with a fixed income. Eddie has also worked on the show named as Merge as a construction worker."
  5. Brianna also said that if someone does something to Vicki, she'll come back at you harder and she'll even make up stuff to get back at you with. But, that's Vicki. "My mom is a very dirty fighter. If you make fun of her or if you try to tear her down, she's going to do it worse even if none of it is true." This all sounds like one of our current political candidates. Is this behavior trending in America? I think that Meghan has become the adult in the group because she's pregnant. It seems like she's trying not to engage in the hatred and restraining herself to prevent it from crossing the maternal-fetal barrier and affect her baby. Kelly is an insane person, they know that and want to provoke her. Why would they want to do this? Easy, to make her look crazier than they are and to create an even larger 'anti-Kelly' fan base. These women are all so nasty and evil. I don't remember a season that was quite as hateful as this one and there's been some pretty evil seasons in the past. For some reason this season seems to have descended into the nether-land of evils. I'm not enjoying it at all, it's just to hateful and dark. This shit is real. I see more than enough fighting, name calling, finger-pointing and disgusting things said every day on CNN and Fox and I would rather spend my off-time from politics watching something more fun and uplifting. In the bus, when Tamra got two inches from Vicki's face and opened up her mouth as though she would devour Vicki's face and shouted "FUCK YOU!!!!!" .....I thought, okay I'm done with this and especially done with Tamra Judge. The 3/4's of this episode was owned by Tamra and her body building contest. Really, seven contestants in an auditorium smaller than my high school auditorium was a nothing but a huge "look at Tamra Judge and her great ass" episode. Yes Tamra, you have a great ass, and yes it's much better than my ass ever was, and yes I am envious of your amazing ass. I think I've seen enough of your ass to last a lifetime, thank you though. Tamra must have given someone at Bravo a blowjob to get that much airtime. I don't like her, I don't respect her even more that I don't respect the others. I don't think she's a good person (born-again Christian much?) and I get a better idea every week as to why her daughter doesn't want anything to do with her. Funniest moment before the break. Kelly to Michael "Heather is the puppet .....and everyone's the master". I saw a 'thought-bubble' over Michael's head it said "duh".
  6. A documentary premiered tonight, produced by Univision's Jorge Ramos. He is the Hispanic reporter that Trump kicked out of his press conference last year. It's on Fusion Network, called 'Hate Rising'. It's a study into the racism and bigotry in American and it's stunning and not in a good way. It's stunning to see how deeply hatred lies in some people. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/what-jorge-ramos-found-after-talking-to-hate-groups-in-the-age-of-trump_us_580ad634e4b000d0b156e8f4
  7. About the surrogates. There's been quite a few, but why are most of them blonde? Anyway there is a token brunette in the batch, Katrina Pierson. I will certainly not miss Kayleigh McEnany, Kristina Pierson, Scottie Nells Hughes, Kellyanne Conway, Amy Kremer, Betsy McCaughey, Gina Loudon, or Corey Lewandowski. Watching Jake Trapper on CNN this morning with Kellyanne Conway, he talked about the claim that this election is rigged and also brought up her words against Trump when she was on Ted Cruz's payroll. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/kellyanne-conway-rigged_us_580ce5d2e4b02444efa3ec81 Katrina Pierson took some criticism for her defense of Donald Trump and the allegation that he molested Jessica Leeds on an airplane 30 years ago. I think it's a little funny that Katrina Pierson seems to believe that emphasizing specific words in her sentences makes them more believable.
  8. Have you ever imagined two trucks, one going up a mountain curve at night, and one coming down the mountain reaching that same curve and both truck drivers are drunk? Well imagine that for a moment. You can clearly see a disaster in the works, right? For me, that's Rob and Blac Chyna's reality show.
  9. I try not to put much stock in poll numbers, they just can't be trusted to be correct with any accuracy. Even if it looks like the race is decided the outcome on election day is the only sure way to know who will win. Polls will say that Hillary or Donald is in the lead but people shouldn't trust this because it was this same trust that was the same mindset that led the major pollsters 68 years ago to stop polling several weeks before the 1948 election. Tom Dewey’s lead was so firm and consistent that there was no way Harry Truman would be able to win. But in contrast to the polls taken two weeks before the election, the man from Missouri did win. Newspapers had already gone to press proclaiming Dewey the winner. No matter how much one candidate leads in the polls over the other, polling will not be suspended two weeks in advance of election day as it was in 1948. There's just nothing that proves that polls will be right in the end. In 2012, on the night before election day, Mitt Romney was projected to be the winner according to polling numbers. A day later Obama won the election by nearly 4 percentage points.
  10. I can only imagine Kellyanne Conway talking to Donald Trump like a music teacher would talk to her piano student, "we're just going to stay here and keep doing it over until you get it right! (dammit)" I think that every time there has been a debate, he's been warned against going off script or replying impulsively as he has many times. I truly believe that if Kellyanne Conway is requesting a fourth debate that she's hoping that at least one time, he'll pay attention and follow the script she writes.
  11. How about a crybaby cake with sour cream frosting?
  12. I couldn't agree more with your opinion on limitations for lobbyists. This is probably one of the only opinions of Donald Trump that I actually agree with, but my agreement comes with a footnote. Regarding lobbyist campaign contributions, Donald Trump said; "A lobbyist, a person, very good person, came to me, offered $5 million, ‘please, I want to give you $5 million for the campaign.’ I said I have no interest in taking that. In fact, it’s the first time I think he’s ever been turned down. He’ll be coming to me and he’ll be saying in two years, in one year, in four years, he’ll be representing a country, maybe a company or maybe a person—I’m not doing anything for him." Personally, I think lobbyist that are currently allowed to enter Congress, should be banned entirely but their right to lobby is guaranteed by the First Amendment so we can't touch that. But there's no reasons at all that we can't put limits on the amounts of money they throw at Congressmen in order to benefit whomever they're representing whether it be a pharmaceutical company, an oil corporation or a political candidate. In the most simplified term it's outright legal bribery. They have no limits imposed so they have the resources to extend egregious amounts of money to sway votes in their behalf. More than just about anything else in politics, that fuels anti-government cynicism. Everything we see says that government is gridlocked and is bought and paid for by big donors and special interests, and politicians rig the system for what just might be the most irresponsible companies. The footnote is that if Donald Trump didn't happen to be a billionaire, I'm sure his opinion about lobbyists would be very different because he wouldn't be able to run a campaign without the money from lobbyists and special interests. Trust me, that really hurt to admit to agreeing with Donald Trump about anything.
  13. If nothing else, Donald Trump has managed to light a fire under the asses of people that are ordinarily indifferent as to what's happening politically. He has been instrumental in bringing awareness of many issues like the TPP, NAFTA, women and gay rights, gun control, terrorism and important international news of Aleppo and Mosul. Nobody really gave much thought to particular issues and now we do. Donald Trump's candidacy also reminded us of how fragile not only the Republican party but how vulnerable our entire democracy can become. If it only takes one bombastic man doing a diatribe on how crooked, dishonest, rigged and unfair our democratic system is to bring out the haters from their dark worlds and into the light. It reminds us that despite interference from foreign governments, our democracy will overshadow the darkness they strive to lead us into. According to the famous quote by Alexander Fraser, a Scottish lawyer in 1854, this is the sequence that has ended every democracy in history after 200 years. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage. Our democracy has survived beyond the Fraser expiration date, 227 years because although we became a country independent of Britain since 1776, our first constitution wasn't created until 1787, so we're a true democracy for 227 years. I think we're all very prepared to vehemently protect our democracy for just a bit longer and out-vote a man that wishes to create an authoritarian government and is intent at destroying our democratic way of life.
  14. Just read her biography and substitute the word 'she' for 'he' in it and you just might see a different person. There were three bills that have her name on it that were uncontroversial but have her name on it. In addition to those three bills, there are other ways that Senators can influence legislation even if they don’t end up as the sponsor of the final version. There were 74 bills that became law that Clinton co-sponsored. She put forward amendments that influenced laws sponsored by others. She sponsored three amendments on a bill for security and disaster funding. The amendments passed in 2007 and the bill passed in 2008. We have to look look at the three sponsored bills and the 74 co-sponsored ones that passed. Also, congressional experts warn that legislative influence goes beyond having your name as a sponsor or co-sponsor. Senators weigh in with amendments, debate and negotiations.
  15. Perhaps you can tell us what Barack Obama's experiences in politics were prior to launching his first campaign for political office in 1996? I voted for Barack Obama both terms and have been generally satisfied with how he has handled this country's foreign affairs. All I'm saying is that Hillary Clinton had at least 30 years of experience in public service prior to becoming a U.S. Senator.
  16. I think that the overwhelmingly disgusting behavior of Trump's 'deplorables', including those that threaten physical threats and anarchy make some people feel threatened and afraid that this is actually going to happen. That is their point after-all isn't it? It makes better sense to remind ourselves that they are in the minority of Republican voters. Those people are rabid followers who have been given a license by Donald Trump to unleash the hatred they've always had inside themselves, it's not new just because Donald Trump brought out the dark psyche of the American alt-right. The election will end up exactly as it should, with Hillary Clinton as the first woman President and one that will work to unite the parties once again. The haters will go back into the closet and serve up their special brand of hate upon their neighbors and spouses. The majority of this country can recognize that this man is a threat to this country (trust me, we're largely smart people) and they will not vote for him. This election, despite whatever the polls, the surrogates, the pundits or Fox news reports, will finish in a landslide win for Hillary Clinton.
  17. "The Wall" and why it's a pipe-dream These are some logical reasons that this harebrained idea will never and should never come to fruition because even if the wall could be built, it would be a monument to the isolationism and nativism Donald Trump espouses, and it would never justify the expense, it is not a solution to our nation’s immigration problems. The border runs 1,989 miles, and every year, no fewer than 350 million people cross it, legally! There are 35 border cities, with 45 crossing points and 330 ports of entry. Logistically speaking, building a wall is essentially impossible since the border runs through four American states: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The border is a highly diverse terrain, from ocean waters (the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico) to urban areas dominated by arid deserts. Two major rivers, the Colorado and Rio Grande, cross the border from the U.S. to Mexico that also have farmlands, deltas and rugged mountain areas. Designing and building a “beautiful and massive” wall on this complex terrain would be a major engineering challenge. Trump says his wall will have “a big, beautiful door” so the “good ones” can come back in, but how will that door handle the 350 million people who cross the border each year, many doing it daily? There are already 670 miles of high steel fencing Republicans spent $2.4 billion on to keep illegal immigrants out of the U.S. Even more difficult would be acquiring the necessary privately owned real estate (with widely unpopular eminent domain proceedings requiring years of litigation). Much of the border runs through the public lands held by national parks, yet with 84 percent of Democrats opposed to a wall, it is not likely Congress would approve this ecological, environmental and political disruption of prime American wilderness, the home to countless endangered and protected species. Trump, of course, brushes aside all these "trivial problems", and he resists being pinned down with specifics. The estimated the cost would be more like $25 billion. And if all that was even possible, any person that wishes to enter the US illegally could do so by flying over it with the fleet of airplanes the drug lords have at their disposal, by tunneling under the wall as it has been done many times along our borders, or simply by crossing directly through one of our border crossings with the assistance of border guards that have been bought.
  18. One talking point which I haven't seen mentioned here, maybe because it is such a personal and sensitive topic is the position that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have on abortion. I am a Catholic and believe in the right to life except when the mother's life is in jeopardy. But, I am also cognizant of the fact that we don't all have the same beliefs and I respect the fact that women are entitled to make their own decisions. At the third and final debate, Donald Trump made a statement that for his supporters was gasp-worthy, inflammatory and totally untrue. "If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb..." No, this is a lie. Late-term abortions don't 'rip' babies out of wombs. There is no such thing as a ninth month abortion. Those who seek late-term abortions are seeking them before a pregnancy reaches full term but often and unfortunately after they have discovered in the second or third trimester some problem with the fetus or danger to the mother. He appears not to realize that the term for that, and it’s done considerably less violently, is a Cesarean section, a common, safe procedure by which about a third of women deliver their babies every year. In other words, Trump described how more than a million women every year give birth. It’s quite legal, and generally a cause for celebration. Despite public misconception, abortions performed after 20 weeks only make up about 1% of total abortions (the vast majority are within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, also called the first trimester) .Late term abortions are not “used as birth control,” despite this illogical cultural myth that they are. Many late term abortions occur for WANTED pregnancies and performed due to either fetal anomalies or risks to the health of the patient. El Salvador is a country where 51% of the population are Roman Catholics, and 33% are Protestant. It is a place where 9-year-old girls impregnated by rape are forced to bear children, where women have no choice but to continue potentially deadly ectopic pregnancies, where women who have miscarriages are routinely accused of trying to abort their fetuses and imprisoned for murder if found guilty. This is what happens when religion trumps women's choices, women's health and women's lives — in El Salvador, in Ireland and increasingly in the United States, thanks to a Supreme Court that puts an employer's religious beliefs above a female employee's right to contraception, and relentless state efforts to roll back abortion rights You wonder if what has happened in El Salvador and Ireland could happen here? In some ways, it already has and if Donald Trump gets his way and overturns Roe v Wade, we will return to the way we were before women had any say at all about their own bodies. I am all in favor of organized religion, whatever that religion may be, but there is a clear separation of church and state clause in our Constitution.
  19. What people don't understand is that no wall would stop illegal immigration and/or drugs crossing through the US-Mexico border. I would like someone to be honest enough to do an expose' about the corruption that exists along the US/Mexico border. Reporters Melissa del Bosque and Patrick Michels of the Texas Observer chronicled various instances of misbehavior by agents at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including purchasing weapons for criminal groups, abusing confidential informants, and taking bribes to allow human smugglers and drug traffickers to cross the US-Mexico border. The problems with drugs entering quite freely into the US are simply not entirely the fault of smugglers passing illegally through soft borders, they are in fact being aided and assisted by one of the US's largest enforcement agency, the US Customs and Border Protection. http://www.insightcrime.org/news-analysis/mexico-cartels-us-border-patrol-corruption
  20. If someone held a gun to my head and I had to choose one Republican candidate to run, I'd have to say either John Kasich or Rand Paul. They are probably the only two that refused to engage in the dirty tactics that Trump instigated among the others. Regarding Abraham Lincoln, I can't even name the two men together in one sentence. I have been a student of Civil War history for most of my life. I have been to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania just to be able to stand on the same ground where Lincoln gave one of the greatest speeches every given in American history. To have Donald Trump evoke the name of Lincoln as a comparison to himself is incomprehensible and in my opinion, unforgivable.
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